Celebration – Jeremy Corbyn Plans to Extend free Movement and Voting Rights to the Entire World!


As a no-deal Brexit potentially just three weeks away, despite heroic progressives trying everything in the book to stop it, from judges on Tony Blair’s Supreme Court giving themselves the power to block the Prime Minister and Queen from doing routine things, on the grounds that they are “unlawful”, without actually stating which law was broken, to accredited MP’s trying to push through legislation that forces the Prime Minister to accept any extension offered to them by the EU, no matter what the terms. Alas, none of these bold and heroic moves seem to have made much difference, as Boris Johnson prorogues parliament after all, and convinces Hungary and potentially other European countries to veto any extension offered by the EU. But there is nonetheless hope on the horizon. Despite the likely outcome that Europeans, including new hyphenated Europeans will no longer be able to live and work in the UK indefinitely and vote for UK MEP’s as part of the EU’s free movement of peoples policy, Jeremy Corbyn has backed new legislation that will extend free movement to not only the EU, but the entire world! In addition, the Labour Party has backed legislation to allow all foreigners living in the UK to vote in Britain’s general elections and allow immigrants to access Britain’s free national health service!

One of the champions of this new legislation, Jewish hyphenated Brit, Ana Oppenheim, a member of the “Labour Campaign for Free Movement” had this to say about Labour’s bold new open borders policy:

“This is a transformational policy – it sends a clear, unequivocal message of solidarity, that we are the party of all workers, regardless of where they were born.

In 2017, it was a source of shame for many activists that our manifesto included ending free movement. Now we can move forward not only committed to defending free movement, but to giving migrants to vote. If we win, the next election will be the last election in which people like me are shut out of the democratic process.”

The Labour Campaign for Free Movement’s official statement is brave and visionary, describing their vision for a totally open Britain, which offers free services, voting rights and jobs to the entire world:

“The UK is at a crossroads in its relationship to the rest of the world, and so is our party. Immigrants and free movement are being scapegoated by a political and economic elite that is subjecting ordinary people to cuts and austerity. During the greatest refugee crisis in recent years, the Tories have responded with brutality and detention centres.

A system of free movement is the best way to protect and advance the interests of all workers, by giving everyone the right to work legally, join a union and stand up to their boss without fear of deportation or destitution. Curtailing those rights, or limiting migrants’ access to public services and benefits, will make it easier for unscrupulous employers to hyper-exploit migrant labour, which in turn undermines the rights and conditions of all workers.

Free movement enhances everyone’s rights. There are more than a million UK citizens living in the EU, and millions more who may enjoy the right to do so. UK workers in the EU have access to benefits, healthcare and other public services. Tens of thousands of UK students study abroad each year under ERASMUS schemes. UK and European citizens have the automatic right to family reunion.

Labour must build a society for the many, not the few. We need well-paid, secure jobs for all, with guaranteed hours, collective bargaining and stronger, freer trade unions. We need a policy of massive investment in council housing, public services and infrastructure. And we need to tell the truth about who and what is to blame for the crisis: an unaccountable elite who have run the economy in their own narrow interests. Ending free movement would be counterproductive to achieving all of this.”

This is very exciting news, and despite Jeremy Corbyn’s dwindling popularity, makes campaigning for the Labour Party more worthwhile than ever. The Labour Party’s new open borders, voting rights for the whole world and free healthcare for the whole world policy is sure to be a winner with disenfranchised working class white males living in post-industrial wastelands with opioid epidemics. This will give them the confidence that Labour is finally willing to do what it takes to invigorate the UK’s economy with millions of smart, hard-working and entrepreneurial migrants from around the world, including Syrian economic refugees from countries like the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Pakistan and Somalia. This is extremely good news for progressives, and makes our dream of a supernational, communist world government ever more possible. I just wish the Democrats in the US were as bold as the UK’s Labour Party, and had the guts to put forward such revolutionary legislation.

It’s time for progressive politicians in the US to grow a pair, and start proposing bold legislation that really makes a difference and is truly “transformational” as Ana puts it (as in truly transforms the US into a different country). This is the kind of legislation that we need more than ever, in our interconnected, diverse, global, progressive, vibrant and modern world. Why should it be “illegal” to simply “move” from one part of the world to another? The world belongs to everybody, no matter where we’re from or who we are – except whites of course, who don’t belong anywhere. So it’s time to make the world truly accessible to everybody, so that we can all take advantage of the wealth and opportunity in countries that may be better than the ones, if any, that our own people created.

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Jeremy Corbyn should climb back up into his tree with the other primates, where he’ll be ideally pitted against his poop-throwing peers.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

All those ignorant but with two brain cells are. Those that have learned something about Islam have graduated to IslamoHATRED.

It comes from the Muslim desire to imitate a murdering, raping, slaving, child molesting desert bandit into lying, extortion and backstabbing.


Primates making a difference about climate change….



pay your damn student debt, chumpettes.

Burger Breath



It would seem extreme bouncing of breasts puts these girls at risk of premature sag. I feel oddly compelled to say they must be grateful I’m paying my Obamacare so it will be there for their breast reduction surgery.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The EU wants the UK to feel as much pain as possible during the exit, because if the UK exit is easy peasy then half the remaining of the countries in the EU will be tempted to leave, spelling the DOOM of the EU.



I want to congratulate Mr. October on the third anniversary of his debating grand slam:

Burger Breath

Trump has been good entertainment.
Even after he has died in prison, we will still remember his jokes.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

Please don’t misgender Madam Clinton.
