We Live in a Judgeocracy Now – And This is a Good Thing


Everyone knows that judges are among the smartest, most objective and most morally incorruptible people on earth. With decades of legal practice under their belts, mega hours spent studying legal textbooks and good relationships with the power-brokers within our legal system, judges possess the unique blend of qualities necessary to lead a country, block legislation and even overrule presidents, prime ministers and royalty. Judges are the gatekeepers of the law, and possess the power to reinterpret it and set new precedents whenever they judge that it is in the country’s best interests.

For example, in the USA, the 9th circuit judges blocked Trump’s decision to put a hold on immigration from a list of Muslim countries with a high risk of terrorism, compiled by Obama. Although Obama was obviously right to put together this list, which was dead accurate at the time, it was obviously not ok for Trump to suspend immigration from these countries, due to America being a nation of immigrants, diversity being our strength and criticism of Muslims being racist, Islamophobic and white supremacist. Hence, despite the US constitution clearly stating that the president can suspend immigration for whatever reason he chooses, the judges nonetheless decided not to let Trump enact the Muslim ban and delayed the implementation of this legislation for many months. So even though the law states that judges don’t have anything to do with this decision and that it’s the decision of the president alone, judges still got involved and overruled the president because it was the right thing to do.

Now consider the recent case of Boris Johnson attempting to shut down Democracy by “proroguing” parliament, something that happens every year before the Queen makes her speech and re-opens parliament. This decision is technically the decision of the Queen alone, and legally cannot be overruled by anybody. However, despite this, the brave judges on Britain’s Supreme Court decided to step in and declare that the prorogation this year was “unlawful”, without stating which actual law Boris Johnson broke. In doing so, the judges not only overruled the Prime Minister, but also overruled the Queen, who has already agreed to prorogue parliament. So judges are so important that they can even overrule royalty! That’s some serious power!

It’s now becoming clear that judges are where the buck stops, even when the law states otherwise. The accredited media, and therefore the public, have no problem with this, because judges are obviously authorities on the law, so whatever they say about what is and isn’t legal, must be true. Hence whatever they say goes – because if they’re saying it, then by definition it’s the law, because they are the ultimate experts on the law.

Living in a Judgeocracy is far better than living in a democracy or constitutional republic, because you can rest assured that the judges will always place checks and balances on you, your constitution and the leaders who represent you. Just because something is “legal” doesn’t mean that it’s “lawful”, as we saw with the prorogation. Judges determine first whether an action is legal, and secondly whether it’s legal but unlawful, and then put a stop to it if it shouldn’t be allowed. Using their supreme intellect, judgement and wisdom, judges keep us safe from tyrannical leaders trying to do things that we know deep down not to be right, even if we can’t always explain why. Judges are the bedrock of a civilized society, and we should be thankful that they’re always there to protect us from our elected leaders.

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The recent judicial verdicts have restored my sense of faith in justice. We all knew that proroguing parliament was somehow wrong, but it took 11 learned Supreme Court judges to tell us unanimously why.

For those bitter losers now asking ‘Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?’, I would have thought the answer is obvious. Soros is the ultimate gatekeeper and beholden to noone, thus making him truly independent and a source of all our freedoms.


Reason is a social construct.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The Trial by Jury is designed to STRIP power from Judges, some of whom have been trying to take it back.

Yet another reason for




Trial by jury is a legal anachronism, essentially it panders to populist opinion.

Do you think that former leader of the far right EDL, Stephen Yaxley-Lenon AKA Robinson would have been sentenced to a year in jail for journalism by a panel of his peers?!. Or the Scotsman who trained his dog to obey Hitler and gas the most oppressed people on the planet found guilty of comedy and fined?.

If democracy and justice are to flourish we must ditch this outdated populist institution once and for all. Remember, Hitler was voted into power, and we all know how that ended.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

YOU need to kneel down and lick the toenail fungus of Trial by Jury

The rest of us will just exchange fist bumps.


I am sorry, but that sounds disgusting, why should I lick the toenails of ignorant plebian scum?.
Now, if it were the delicately manicured toe nails of the fragrant Lady Hale, the supreme court judge, I might consider it. She spoke with such cutting sarcastic wit about stopping that clown Boris Johnson’s coup at that reunion supper the other night!.
Common law is just so 16th century.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Fragrant is a polite term for smelly unwashed.



When can I expect a story on the Debt Clock? Or just a brief expression of gratitude for this month’s NFP report’s across-the-Board good news?


Please self-flagellate a few days, and get back to me after you’ve stopped smokin’ wacky tobaccy.


Ted, you are clearly not an accredited economist.
Debt is money, no debt=no money=no economy. Pretty sure MDB has spelled this out in many previous AT articles. Rapidly expanding national debt is great!.

The more debt the better off everyone is: the systemically important banks, the people with huge loans on their nano apartments, the people importing manufactured stuff from Mexico or China, and the people borrowing the money to buy the stuff.

Ted, if people (or the government) couldnt borrow money, how could they buy anything?. Government debt is best of all, because (as BLM states) we owe it to ourselves, and because it is wisely invested in their programs.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Loan your money to Zimbabwe.


Of course I would, but the money would be far more wisely invested via government foreign aid programs, so I will leave it to them. This will enable Sophie and Marcus to drive about on their gap year in the aid fund donated range rover, distributing solar powered doodaas to deserving Zimbabwean POC whilst taking selfies of themselves doing good.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Then donate your money to the government.


It makes far more sense for the government to borrow it on our behalf, rather than borrow it myself to give to the government. Actually in some countries the government gets paid negative interest to borrow money, Great idea! why dont we do that too?.

Of course it is the inequitable distribution of wealth across societies that motivates the Hungarian Philanthropist behind the AT . By chance he repeatedly witnessed the expropriation of wealth at the hands of a socialist regime when a youth, and has since developed a PTSD/phobia for taxation of his own personal fortune. No doubt he would agree that he should pay far more tax (as would the sage of Omaha) if only the tax rates were higher. (At least on the portion of his wealth that is not in tax free foundations or had been quickly moved off shore).


Where can I get a money-spitting gun like Snoop? I need it for my next US Senate filibuster.
