Do White People Really Exist?

In 2010, philosopher and philanthropist Barbara Spectre famously stated that in order to survive, Europe would have to become multicultural, and learn to absorb...

Nigel Farage: The Face Of Fascism

"History never repeats itself but it rhymes" - Lewis LatimeR As Britain prepares to vote tomorrow in the European Elections - arguably the most important...

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants: Pol Pot And The Khmer Rouge

If billionaire philanthropists (Soros, Gates et al) are agreed on anything, it is this: not only is the world is suffering from chronic over-population,...

Accredited Times Halloween Special – The Top 10 Scariest People In History

Tonight is Halloween, when children and the minor-attracted will be out trick-or-treating dressed as ghosts and skeletons, and accredited TV channels will be airing...

A World-Wide Travel Ban For White Males: The Key to Lasting Peace

Dig a little into statistics and the hard data shows that many peoples' association today of Islam with 'terrorism' is based almost exclusively on...

It’s Fine that Right Wingers Keep Bringing Up Orwell

I’ve noticed an interesting obfuscation on the far right: the use of the term “Orwellian” to describe everything deemed overbearing on the Left. This...

The Death Of The John Birch Society

Progressives have come along way in the last five decades - many of our lifestyle objectives have already been widely accepted by society and...

Sun City – The Story of the Real Wakanda

As depicted in the recent Hollywood blockbuster, Black Panther, legend has it that an illustrious and peaceful civilization lies hidden in the depths...

Why The Scotch Are Descendants Of The Lost Tribes Of Israel

The Scotch have long suffered under the tyranny of the English colonists. Their hopes of ending their oppression by gaining independence were recently dealt...

Did Ancient Africans Have Space Travel?

Eurocentric history books are chock full of stories about so-called "white" inventions, from electricity to telecommunications to video cameras to modern textiles. But the...