New Age YouTube Star Leo Gura of “”, Finally Actualizes


Many of you who are familiar with the law of attraction may also be familiar with YouTube star and well-adjusted self-help guru, Leo Gura, with the very popular YouTube channel, Over the years, his channel has covered all aspects of new age philosophy, such as how thinking about what you want intensely enough will make it materialize automatically, and the phenomenon of “oneness”, which postulates that everyone and everything is connected, and really the same thing, without actually explaining how this is the case, using for example the aether, or some other evidence-based theory. What every new age philosopher dreams of however, is achieving the state that Leo’s channel is named after: “actualization”. Actualization is the act of making your dreams a reality, and more specifically, “self-actualization” is the state of reaching your full-potential. New age psychologist, Abraham Maslow, coined the term self-actualization in the early 1940’s, defining it as follows:

“The desire for self-fulfillment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”

Wow. That sounds like something that pretty much all of us would like to do. The question then becomes, what can we become? Just how much potential do we have within ourselves that can be actualized? Well, in Leo’s case, the answer to this question turned out to be “a lot”, as in “a lot“. Here’s a recent video that Leo posted, in which he appears to be high on some kind of psychedelic drug, most likely mushrooms, and self-actualizes in REAL-TIME for us all to witness. Just a warning – this video contains some mind-blowing information that could have your head spinning and could really turn your world upside down, so I’d suggest sitting down with a soy latte or green smoothie and getting comfortable before playing it.

Now that’s what I call actualization. Leo realized that not only is he the same as you and me, who probably aren’t actualized, but he’s also God. This means that God is both actualized and unactualized. Leo also explains in this video that he is both everything and nothing at the same time. In addition, no particular thing matters more than any other thing, and yet despite this, Leo took that time to speak a very specific sequence of words to us to convey a very specific message to us, even though barking like a dog or speaking those words in reverse would have been equally valuable.

Seeing Leo actualize in real-time really made me think about what my potential might be as an accredited journalist. It made me wonder whether I too might one day rise to the ranks of Brian Stelter, Jim Acosta or Max Boot? Maybe this is my calling, or maybe my calling is greater than that? Maybe what the world has been trying to tell me all along is that I am, in fact, God. Yes, that’s it. I am God. I am speaking to you as God, and you are receiving my Godly wisdom, as mere mortals. But despite this, we are all the same. Just because I am God, doesn’t mean you can’t one day be great as well – one day you might realize this and transcend your human or animal forms, but until then, enjoy being mere mortals, while I continue to enjoy being God with infinite wisdom, and total omnipotence. Hahahahahaha!

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Pitchers and catchers are reporting for baseball’s spring training. Without asking which one this guy is, may I ask if he’s been tested for AIDS recently?

Tactical Boomer
Tactical Boomer

Right on brother! That soyboy looked like a straight fudgepacking DEM-O-CRAP! MAGA

Tactical Boomer
Tactical Boomer

Yeah that guy is a total fruit! He must be a DEM-O-CRAP like Shifty Adam SchiT and Jerry Nadless. MAGA

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

New Age Chinese Pinko Commie trash collection


Biden Supporter
Biden Supporter

What I do not understand is,
why do they leave the house still standing?

Tactical Boomer
Tactical Boomer

How about you self actualize into the TRUMP TRAIN! MAGA


Deepstate Chopra
Deepstate Chopra

Hello good sir, I am enjoying very much this spiritual article. As I say to my disciples, the web of Life co creates positive experiences. Also, since the ego required irrational actions, the unpredictable belongs to universal self-knowledge.

Freedom alleviates total bliss.

I explain this is more detail with monthly course subscription fee $50 only.


The poor guy must have AIDS to be so bald and have such skeletal fingers. Likely xe has a second job of guiding the boat across the Styx. Perhaps if xe had a competent doctor take hair plugs out of xhis upper lip and implanted in xhis forehead xe could be more photogenic.
I am certified as an Uncritical and just want to help.


MDB, this article is likely your deepest dive into modern philosophy and I will say that you just raised the Titanic. I am not a brown-noser but I did shout, “Bravo” accompanied by applause from my large hands.


How you like it, commies?

“ NASA plans to probe deeper into Uranus in the 2030s.”


This ain’t the welfare line, commies.

Biden Supporter
Biden Supporter

… like a cult.


Most of the coffin flies from Yang’s carcass and maggots from Biden’s sores are moving over to Klobitchar. Bon Appétit.

Biden Supporter
Biden Supporter

It’s her turn.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The mental capacity of someone spouting off about global warming in the middle of a blizzard is best not described.

We don’t want to scare the children do we?

14.20 on the video

and I am not with her on Climate Change. I like it HOT!!!!


Someone with a HAARP caused it to snow on her parade.


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

How about Space Aliens dropping wax flakes



“Space Aliens” is an oxymoron.
These Aliens live among us.

Coulda been “them”. She is not “their” Chosen candidate.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Space Aliens are Aliens from another planet

Plain old Aliens come from another country on this planet….like Mexico!


What I alluded to is-
“they” have been among us for so many thousands of years,
that “they” are no longer from space.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

A different take on why Whites are superior. Whites are Human/Alien crossbreeds.

Personally I find Whites are genetically engineered super soldiers created by the Black super scientist Jakub through a method called “grafting” as more likely.

but even so, what about Aliens from a parallel Earth, Aliens from the past that survived using suspended animation, or even Aliens from the future fleeing the END of the universe, through time travel? all crossbreeding with the White to create a superior human?

What about THOSE theories?

Should we bury them in the dustbins of history?

and what about the many many fictions that use those tropes?

Do we relegate A Yankee in King’s Arthur’s Court to the cities waste management department?

I think NOT!!!


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Yakub created a superior human in order to conquer and control Blacks.

or so the story goes.


I object to the use of the word Alien. It suggests that these individuals are different to us and we should use simpler and more inclusive language.

Extraterrestrial-Americans would do well I think. The hyphen is so important.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

A person exactly like me would be sitting in the same chair as me.

Kinda crowded.
