White Hispanic, Nikolas Cruz, Kills 17 in Florida School Shooting


Another day in right-wing, gun-obsessed America, and yet another school shooting. The Accredited Times has long warned about the dangers of firearms and written about the need for strict gun control laws, and ultimately a complete and total gun ban. The latest victims of America’s gun violence epidemic were in a progressive gun-free zone, but sadly this wasn’t enough to protect them, and somehow the shooter either didn’t know the rules, or astonishingly thought he could simply violate them, and take a gun into school anyway. Progressives are shocked that once again, a gun-free zone was somehow made temporarily non-gun-free, leading to the deaths of at least 17 innocent people. It’s perplexing that this seems to happen time and time again, which just underscores the need for stricter gun-free zones in more places. Trump supporters would argue that if just a couple of students or teachers had been armed, they could have killed or disabled the shooter long before 17 people died, but this is insanity. You don’t solve a gun problem with more guns – you solve it by getting rid of the guns that are causing these problems.

The shooter has been identified as Nikolas Cruz, a white Hispanic just like George Zimmerman, who’s disturbing social media profile shows arsenals full of weapons, including knives and guns. It’s true that there are millions of social media profiles full of guns out there owned by people who never commit any crimes, so this is about as statistically relevant as posting selfies, but to the trained progressive eye, the connection is obvious. He posted about guns, and he engaged in a school shooting, therefore people who post about guns or have guns are all at higher risk of engaging in school shootings.

Also, far from being an Islamic terrorist, Cruz was in fact Islamophobic, referring to Muslims as “Sand Durkas”. Cruz also appears to be a Trump supporter, posting this sickening selfie of himself in a Make America Great Again hat:

This proves that all Trump supporters. white people, right-wingers and gun-lovers are potential domestic terrorists, and should be monitored closely. This is unlike the lone wolf Islamic attacks, which do not warrant racial and religious profiling of Arab or Somali Muslims, as this crime was clearly motivated by right wing political ideologies.

The gun Cruz chose to use was an AR-15, just like in the Sandy Hook shooting, which many conspiracy theorists desperate to keep their semi-automatics still question to this day. This proves that semi-automatics are in fact used by school shooters, at least in this case, despite being used in a very tiny percentage of crime nationally. This individual tragic shooting however, is far more compelling and real than mere numbers and statistics. At least 17 people died because Americans are allowed to own dangerous semi-automatic weapons! It’s time to ban semi-automatics once and for all, severely limit ammunition and disband all white militias who might try to resist peaceful martial law or an onslaught of anti-white hate crimes like the ones occurring in South Africa right now. White people need to give up their guns, and they need to do it now.

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You are right BLM. We need gun control. Many lives have been taken through guns violence. How can we make weapons and destroy our lives? I believe we can live in this world peacefully without killing ourselves with guns.


You welcome BLM. Because there’s military, there will be guns. And anybody can get access to it because it is so much available.

Lil’ Butchie
Lil’ Butchie

I’m glad the FBI is doing the good work of trying to bring down Trump instead of investigating people like this Cruz guy!

Saving these 17 victims? Or saving an entire nation from Trump’s Russian connections? Thankfully FBI made the right choice!


it would have been racist for them to investigate him when he was just a hispanic. Now that he has shifted into being a white hispanic because of doing something horrible, we can properly condemn all white people.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

I am so faux outraged over this disgusting shooting.

America’s gun culture is, at least partially, to blame.
We need common sense gun laws.
The Republicans, bought and paid for by the NRA, continue to be complicit in senseless gun violence in America.



Let us pretend that this man was actually a 19 year old student who was the victim of deportation would we still call him a “white” Hispanic or just a “Hispanic?” Could it be that we frame the race of Hispanics around circumstance rather than biology because it underscores our biases?



NO. Whenever someone does something good, we emphasize their coloredness. Whenever they do something wrong, we emphasize their whiteness. This technique was pioneered by the jews with their “My fellow white people…” introduction when condemning whites.


What the hell does “tricknology” mean LMAO. This website is great! I love avatar in the corner of my comment!


Welcome to the fastest growing accredited news site on the web, TruthPrevail.

This is a safe space for progressives.

Watch out for the odd brony.



Tricknology means that you are trying to trick progressives into something they do not believe by using white person’s logic (e.i., I was too stupid to understand what the hell you are talking about).


Tricknology is a white male’s ruse of making a comment using tricknology, having his comment FLAGGED as tricknology and then having the audacity, born from a patriarchal sense of entitlement, to ask what tricknology is.



So you are inventing a codification so as to deflect empirical rationalism. That sounds EXACTLY like Tricknology. Can I flag your post as such; or is that excluded to the self-aggrandizement of an invisible moderator? Well now you’re oppressing on both sides of the coin, reproducing the very same tools of exploitation that you aim to condemn. Esteban Santiago = White Hispanic. Vicki Soto = Latina. Look these people up, that should not be too hard for you to do.


Vicki Soto is a bad example. There is no proof that she actually ever even existed.


You sound like a white man pretending to be a black man so as to overthrow the white man.


Good day. Actually, I eat tacos for dinner, burritos for breakfast, and siestas for lunch; so I know a thing or two about Hispanics.

I know not much about blacks other than in the West don’t you dare question or insult black entertainers or there will be hell to pay from their followers in the form of extraordinary verbal backlash and sometimes riots. And in sub-Saharan Africa not to question their political leaders or there will be death to pay.

As for whites, I know they got it pretty good just about everywhere; a real spoiled and oppressive bunch.

So I claim not to be either black or white, but I am most grateful for not being a White Hispanic.


You, young person (am I assuming), just earned a thumbs up.


Pbier’s post definitely deserves a flag, and is flagged accordingly.

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

If I had my way, I would flag the lot of you!


That is only something that an entitled white person acculturated in a society that rewards whites for the merits of their whiteness alone would say.


I heard Pbier picked his own post as an #accredited-times-pick. I also heard that he brushes his teeth with his own poop.



Yes, you caught me red-handed, fair and square. Pay no attention to drb6’s post saying ‘Pbier’s post definitely deserves a flag, and is flagged accordingly.’

I somehow managed to uptick my own post 6 times as well!

By the way…I apologise for implying you are a (white) male in a previous post. I now see that I am wrong.


I am actually a white squirrel from Nova Scotia.


We welcome transpecies individuals here. The Accredited Times runs the likes of The Guardian close for way out there articles, and we’re proud to deal with transpecies issues some media outlets are afraid to cover. Check out some of our previous articles on the subject.

How Hello Kitty Divides The Progressive World

Explaining Polytranspeciesism Through The Lens Of Pantheism


thank you for your thorough response and articles.


The moderator of this website is a despotic tyrant! Plebeians unite!





Careful. Despotic tyrants have rights, too*, including use of this safe-space.

* we don’t include Putin in this. He’s pure evil unlike Stalin and Lenin who had the common peoples’ interests at heart


Putin did not contribute sufficient funds to foundation of one ex-president’s spouse. Hence, he is evil beyond any doubt.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

This guy was a white supremacist. Nikolas de Jesus Cruz was accepted and recognized as a member of the white supremacist group Republic of Florida.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

Umdoubtedly related to the white supremacist Ted Cruz and his presidential assassin father Rafael Cruz.


I heard that Rafael Cruz is the real father of John Kerry.


unfortunately, right wing terrorists at 4chan trolled the media with that. It wasn’t true.


MDB, I think you should remove “Hispanic” in the title and refer to him only once as “white Hispanic” somewhere in the article. This would be the best combination of journalistic integrity with not offending Hispanic people. Just make sure to refer to him as :white Hispanic” only once, and then about 50 times as “white male”


Also, I have a solid proof of Trump colluding with Russians which calls for an article. He bombed Russians in Syria killing 200-600 of them showing that he is in bed with Putin.

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

Disarm Chicago Blacks first.



would it not be easier to ban blacks?


Make my votes count
Make my votes count

Yet another example of why we need Congress to elimate one of our constitutional rights.
When our founders wrote the enshrining document there is no way they could have imagined today.
The 1st amendment says people can peacefully assemble but who knew a single school could hold thousands. This is too much temptation for a heavily medicated sociopath.
Gatherings should be limited to no more than 5 or 6 people. This will greatly reduce the impact when guns, knives, machetes, pressure cookers or rental trucks fall into the wrong hands.


Are hispanics considered white now?

Gun man
Gun man

Wow, you are all a bunch of racist idiots.



That’s right BLM we need to ban guns so that only police officers who you say are racist and shoot blacks have guns.


A real group of IDIOTS commenting here….
