Why a Vaccine is the ONLY Solution to Covid-19


After months of quarantining and countless messages reminding people to wash their hands, Covid-19 still shows little sign of slowing down, with global confirmed cases continuing to rocket past 3 million and deaths climbing to over 200 million. With savings running dry, and job losses soaring, it’s more imperative than ever that we find a permanent solution to this pandemic that will allow us all to get back to work and start rebuilding our economy.

Hopes that the toxic anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, combined with zinc and z-pack might be a way of reducing the death rate, have been utterly shattered, as accredited study after accredited study have proves it to be both ineffective and dangerous. For example, one study conducted in China and touted by numerous accredited doctors, tested hydroxychloroquine on it’s own, without zinc or z-pack, and concluded that the drug had little to no effect on the disease. Despite not using zinc, which is purportedly the mechanism of the drug, as hydroxychloroquine simply works by letting zinc into the cells, this study was double-blind and controlled, and therefore far more valid and scientific than the studies that did use zinc and z-pack, that supposedly achieved better results. In addition, the FDA has now officially warned people not to take the drug, as new fears emerge that it could cause heart problems. Technically, we’ve known about this side effect for decades, and so far not one patient has died from hydroxychloroquine-induced heart problems despite millions of people receiving the drug, but regardless of what you think, this is just one more negative piece of news about the drug, and simply confirms what accredited health professionals have been saying from the start – this drug won’t work and might even kill you.

Other alternative health wackos have been suggesting that intravenous vitamin C, intravenous ozone, and nebulized hydrogen peroxide solution might kill the virus. But this is as crazy as injecting ourselves with Lysol, as Trump foolishly suggested.

The only reasonable solution at this stage appears to be a vaccine, preferably one with an RFID chip that allows us to see who has one and who doesn’t, and track their whereabouts, and also preferably with a mercury-based preservative that keeps it intact. Luckily, Bill Gates appears to be funding research into just this by providing grants to research groups at accredited universities like Harvard, Imperial College and Cambridge. Scientists at these universities are trialing vaccines as we speak, which may be ready very soon – which is remarkable given that this epidemic started just months ago. What’s also remarkable is that Covid-19 mutates more quickly than the flu, for which we still don’t have a permanent vaccine, and yet a Covid-19 permanent vaccine seems to be just around the corner. The World Health Organization, headed by Maoist and big supporter of China, Tedros Adhanom, also agrees that a vaccine is the only way to go. So if you’re worried about your finances or your accredited long-only equities 401k, you too should be crying out for a vaccine. Because only when we’ve all been vaccinated, will we finally be able to start the economy again.

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This is sage advice- the ONLY way forward for this disease is to LISTEN to the accredited mainstream sources and authorities!

For example, Twitter has decided, FINALLY, to remove ANY and ALL tweets that contradict the WHO, which has been utterly truthful, forthcoming, and correct on every proclamation about Sars-CoV2 since day one! When they said it had no human to human transmission, it didn’t- it must have mutated since that precise moment when Tedros said that.

Many people say Tedros is a useless post turtle affirmative action nigger, but those people are just RACISTS who cannot stand a black man getting his. Many also point out that the WHO was “carrying water” for the CCP but these people are anti-china xenophobes!

NYC found via random testing that 20% of the city had the virus. This means the death rate would be like .1% or something. Or .2…very low, like a regular flu. Iceland did random testing and found 50% of positives had no symptoms. California found similar results- that the virus was far more widespread than imagined. Even on Diamond Princess with an average age of 69, 65% of positives had no symptoms. And they had only 12 deaths.

These results must be rejected or discounted or ignored because they detract from JUST HOW DEADLY this virus is!!!!!11 Listen, this is a DEADLY virus that will KILL YOU DEAD, so DO NOT look at “evidence” that shows otherwise! We must shut the ENTIRE ECONOMY OF THE WORLD down to save the climate…errr…I mean to stop the DEADLY VIRUS’S DEADLY EFFECTS.


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Which WHO positions are you taking about?

For instance the WHO stated that there are no indications of human to human transmission, that travel bans are not a good idea and that China was transparent on the issue at the same time as it was rounding up Chinese doctors and making them confess that there were no strange cases in Wuhan hospitals.


Is Darious checking your maff???

“…confirmed cases continuing to rocket past 3 million and deaths soar to over 200 million”

Maybe you thought you could slip Mara Gay & Brian Williams maff past your readers?? Math is hard, I know.



Friends, it’s getting worst for me. Yesterday morning, after a sleeplessness night, I was sweating and I even cough once, I said here it is, it’s over for me.
I took my digital thermometer to take my temperature, but this damn thing was broken and gave me only 37.4 celcius, normal. Fortunately I found an online
temperature calculator which suggested me that I had a strong fever, so I jump in my car and went to a drive thru clinic, got my result on my cell
phone half an hour later, they failed to detect the virus! I had to go back to the queue in order to be re-tested, same result! It’s only after a third attempt
that I finally had a positive test, so I drove back home with tears rolling down my face. Ten days, I said I have 10 days to live…but I was wrong. This morning, when I
searched online for the WHO repertory for the newly deceased people in my array, I realized that I was listed among the victims! I probably passed away last
night. MDB, you have been nice to me, you can come to my mom’s basement anytime and grab my remaining toilet paper rolls, disinfect them with
a flame thrower however.


Your LaDarius is showing. Nothing else explains your maff. Are you stupider than Mara Gay?


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

This is an example of the Black man’s math!

I expect nothing beyond counting One, Two, Three, Many! and sometimes even that is hard to get.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Have you learned to count to Three Yet?

Last time you only managed

One, Two, Many!

POC Logger
POC Logger

One, Two, Too Many is better.

Free was not a word we learn on the plantation!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

How about

One too many?


Some of my best friends are emergency ward doctors, tearing their hair out trying to save patients choking to death from Covid19-induced panic attacks.

Is their an accredited vaccine available for these panic attacks?


Herd immunity is free (ask Pbier.) Why spend money on vaccines, except if you want all the weak links to survive, and protect the stoopid?

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Since the virus doesn’t seem to be dangerous to the very young, how about corona virus parties where they all get infected, get a mild flu and then skip school for a few days?

A few days off from school would make the kids all go for it. They would get to miss a few lectures on misogyny and why women are superior so nothing of value is lost.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Groundbreaking Chinese technique to reduce calories in food

just add water.

Other methods include plastic rice and blue glowing pork. If only Fat Kim had adopted these ground breaking techniques, he might not have goten so fat!


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Mohammad thought the same

We came to a pond in which there was the carcass of a donkey, so we refrained from using the water until the Messenger of Allah came to us and said: ‘Water is not made impure by anything.’ Then we drank from it and gave it to our animals to drink, and we carried some with us.

Sunan Ibn E Majah 4: Chapter 200, Hadith 520


Nuts OWN the capitalists by defacing Austin, TX Politburo.

Austin City Hall.jpg

It’s not defacement, when you spray paint the Austin city Hammer & Sickle.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

I would like to point out that the plain meaning of “International worker” is someone working in a foreign country.

Currently there are fewer of those than in many many many years.

Disclaimer “many many many” is more than 3.


Praise Allah: Our Science President, Mr. Donald J. Trump, has invoked the Defense Production Act to keep our Pork Plants open.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

A wise wise move!

Bacon is life itself!


Ice-cream girl got that matching bib to catch the spittle. Or is it to postpone that neck-skin tuck? Either way, she prefers dressing like a queen or tyrant.


Grandpa Magic, the switch hitter with Roman hands and Russian fingers.
