The UK Labour Party’s Spectacular Lineup of Leadership Candidates


The UK’s recent election was one of the most devastating defeats for the UK’s left-wing Labour Party ever, and many have surmised that Labour will remain unelectable for a considerable amount of time from here on out. Some of us however, see this as only a temporary setback and believe that if Labour use it as a wake up call to re-invigorate their party with fresh new leadership and an original new message, that this could be a new beginning for the party and the start of something great.

Luckily, the Labour Party has an undeniably stunning set of candidates for leadership, each with their own unique set of qualities and middle class values. The following candidates are among the smartest and most able people that the United Kingdom has to offer, and any of them would undoubtedly fill patriotic Britons and Anglos around the world with pride, confidence and optimism for the future. So without further ado, here are the amazing candidates that Labour has put forward to lead the party to victory in Britain’s next general election.

Rebecca Long-Bailey

Like all of the candidates vying to lead the Labour Party, Rebecca Long-Bailey embodies middle class values, such as virtue signalling, do-gooderism, globalism and extreme individualism. This is despite fact that her party’s traditional voter base are working class white people, with completely different values to the middle class, many of them unaccredited, such as patriotism, nationalism, strength, war, industry and protectionism. One of Rebecca’s primary concerns is the climate emergency, and she has dedicated a considerable amount of time to talking about this, and why Britain needs to shut down huge swathes if its economy, rather than appealing to traditional working class concerns by vying to protect Britain’s industries.

Emily Thornberry

Emily is yet another middle class womyn, who cares deeply about the climate emergency, sexism and racism, and has disdain for closed-minded working class Brits who oppose open borders and support nationalist initiatives like Brexit.

Lisa Nandy

Lisa Nandy is my favorite candidate by far. In addition to espousing a variety of common sense values that probably need no mention since you’ve already herd them on the accredited media 24/7, she is also one of the most charismatic and enthusiastic candidates, and fills crowds with vigor, energy and excitement for the future.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer, as the only male, and a white male at that, is my least favorite candidate, but is unfortunately the favorite among party members. Clearly the utterly sexist shadow leadership within the Labour Party doesn’t believe that any of the incredible female candidates above are good enough, and maybe even feels embarrassed by the prospect of one of them leading their party. Keir Starmer is however a staunch remainer who believes that the U.K. is better off being a vassal state of the EU than the once powerful nation it used to be, prior to Winston Churchill sacrificing the empire in order to protect the Soviet Union from the evil Germans.

Unfortunately, it’s likely that Starmer will be the leader, but I’m still rooting for Lisa Nandy. If it’s Starmer though, I think the Labour Party still has a bright future, as despite the Labour Party losing precisely because their pro-EU stance was at odds with the party’s white working class voter base, many of whom are patriotic and voted for Brexit, having another pro-EU leader still makes sense, as when it becomes clear that Brexit was and is a mistake, people will undoubtedly rally around the Labour Party once again as they demand to re-join the EU. It looks like worst is almost certainly over for Labour, and the only way to go now is is up. Labour just needs to stick to its guns and keep doing what it’s been doing – keep talking about racism, keep talking about sexism, keep supporting globalism and open borders, and keep talking about climate change. These are all winning policies and continuing to talk about them will eventually pay off big time – it’s simply inevitable. Labour may be in a bad spot now but the future is undoubtedly bright and I’m holding my head high and envisioning a very progressive Britain 10 years from now.

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Internet Boomer

Wow Lisa Nandy is such an inspiring leader. Her voice rings with conviction as she denounces Trump’s war crimes against austere religious scholar Qasem Soleimani. She is right though. The pro gay marriage protests in Iran were picking up steam right up until the point Trump ordered the infamous airstrike that killed Soleimani and galvanized Iranians to support the Islamo-Fascist regime in Tehran. Nandy is also right to give a nod to our greatest ally Israel by pointing out that the Tories have not been supportive of multilateral efforts to preserve stability in the region. We NEED true leadership in the West if we are to preserve our liberal democratic institutions. I’m with Nandy.


You like her lisp. Come clean, Commie.


I am dubious about your lineup photograph.
The gals look too matronly to me but Internet Boomer might find them more attractive than xis current bed mate.


Mizz Nandy is the most pleasing to my eye of the bunch.
If GB would go back to making stuff such as the Lotus Elite of the 1960s I would buy one to help them out of their slump.


That Curr guy looks like a poster from Hitler Youth. Is he trying to be Britain’s next Werner vonBraun?


There is no edit feature to fix my spelling boo-boo. For the record it is spelt Keir.


Face it Britain, you sealed your fate of doom when you allowed Meghan to be dumped.


Internet boomer probably is in favour of the witty Emily as the biggest of the bunch. I just hope that when you take her home to your luxurious hose paid for on the backs of Millenials that she sags out your mattress and it costs you plenty to replace and recycle.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Wow! they have a token male.


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Science proved that White is a combination of all colors, while Black is the absence of color, so having White candidates covers all the color bases, while having Blacks covers none of the bases.


The key reason the Labour Party lost this last election is because they weren’t radical enough, didn’t have enough policies in their manifesto, and needed to provide more things for free than they were proposing. They need to be brave and go further to the left than Corbyn, McDonnell, and Abbot were willing to do.

I don’t really care which of these contenders becomes leader as long as it’s a womyn. It’s a disgrace that Starmer dares to stand.


I’m sick and tired of parliamentary systems. They’ve turned all of Europe to crap with their big government schemes, hatched by cozy coalitions of cretins. We got the F’kin French marching in perpetuity for more government, better hammocks, & higher debt, for cryin’ out loud. To hell with ‘em.

UK has no conservatives. Good that Nigel, Boris, Raab, etc. got their fingers in the dikes. Ooops. Not where I’d recommend.


“I’m sick and tired of parliamentary systems.”

This statement says everything. Hitler would agree with you 100%. Presumably you would like to invade Poland and impose a Final Solution for people you Don’t like?



Hitler liked his Großdeutscher Reichstag. It was a Parliament, last time I checked,

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

BLM, u alright fam?

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

I feel ya. I’ve been so distraught over the Kobe tragedy. When he passed, it’s like a piece of me died too. I took a punch in the gut like a brother died. So tragic.

I can only imagine what certified members of the black community are going through.

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

Omg I cannot even rn it sucks I can’t believe he’s gone


Labor Party needs a good strong Nazbol Candidate again to lead them back to Downing Street. Our man Corbyn did his noble best.
