Thinking The Unthinkable: Did Putin Order A Genocide Of Non Whites?


(Red Square, Moscow, Accredited Times) 

(Update: this article was up on the site for precisely 7 hours before Russian hackers took it down. It was clear that this article threatened someone highly placed with Russia. I was struggling to get it back and reveal the truth to the world when there was a knock on the door…Cut a long story short, I underwent a particularly nasty and humiliating ordeal at the hands of Russian agents. Due to promises made to anonymous US intelligence sources, I can say nothing about the 24 hours I spent in Lubyanka before they obtained my release. It was a nightmare I hope never to relive. I can only add that Russian womyn are utterly depraved.)

So often in history, the greatest journalistic scoops came when the reporter was covering an entirely different story. In my case, I came to Moscow, Russia, to report on the continued interference of Russia in American politics.  Like Trump, Russia is a topic the accredited media never gets bored of covering, as we find the most tenuous links between adverse events (hurricanes, climate change, market turbulence, flatulance of dairy cows) and the cause (Putin, always Putin).

What I did not expect was to discover something so horrific and barbaric in its implications that we may need to expand the definition of the word “evil”.  If our story is true, it will surely see Putin utterly condemned by history alongside Hitler, Mussolini, and Nigel Farage who infamously caused Brexit and befriended Trump.

Here’s what is bat shit crazy: I didn’t spot the problem at first, not until a full 24 hours had passed; it was literally hidden in plain sight. A bit like walking past Auschwitz, oblivious to the holocoaster.

Let me use an analogy to describe my realisation. Imagine going to bed while it is still light, you look outside and admire the brilliant sunlight shining on everything in your neighborhood, creating a plethora of subtle colors as it reflects on trees, houses, newly-manicured suburban lawns, and graffiti-laden walls. This is as the world should be, multicolored and culturally enriched. Now imagine waking up the next morning, opening the curtains and being shocked to see the world washed in a pure white due to a heavy overnight snowfall. All you can see is a monotomy  of oppresive whiteness.

What happened to the colors of the evening before you might very well ask yourself. Where are the brown hues, the blacks, the coloreds, the mixed-race etc etc?

Its a rhetorical question: the answer is that, today, less than 1% of Russia’s population is black. Don’t believe us, however, because this is also reported by the BBC.  Although not explicitly reported by the BBC, it is actually a crime to be non-caucasian in Russia, with miscreants subject to a five-year sentence at the minimum.  We have no evidence to support our accusation, but this doesn’t make it any less true.

In Putin’s Russia, there is only one acceptable colour: white. Unknown until now, but as exclusively revealed by the Accredited Times, Ex KGB Putin is now using former Soviet technologies to eliminate “racially impure” people. An example:

This ordinary looking “shopping street” is illuminated by apparently innocuous lights which actually project high doses of radiation into shoppers of colour so as to cause them painful deaths with 72 hours. White caucasians are immune to this treatment due to Soviet-era technology.  THIS is how Putin keeps Moscow “ethnically pure”k

What Putin is trying to suppress is knowledge of ‘how things used to be’ in Soviet Russia and the golden age before that.  These were the days of old when multicultural Russia introduced so much that is good to the world, including lightbulbs, the elecrical grid and twerking Eastern European style. We know from historian Mary Beard (of BBC fame), for example, that the people of Europe have Muslims and people of color to thank for all the privileges they take for granted. We also know that Muslims put the “great” into Great Britain. Based on this, we would naturally expect the Muslim/ poc population in Russia to account for at least 50%. And yet the true percentage is only around 1%.

The near total lack of diversity has taken a huge toll on the Russian economy. Once enjoying being the centre of the mighty Soviet Union, Russia is now a shadow of itself. As I trudged around it’s pot-holed streets, I witnessed long queues outside almost every food shop. I asked some poor old womyn what they were hoping to find when they got to the front of the queue. “We have no hope” all of them answered, but perhaps there will be a scrap of bread, a potatoe. In short, this is a country crying out for diversity to bring back the good times.

We struggled at first to understand why Russia is quite as white as it is. Before solving this conundrum, we noticed that many other parts of Eastern Europe, erstwhile part of the former Soviet Union, also suffer from a lack of diversity. Let us name the shameful countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Georgia et al.

At this point, we became ‘forensic’ in our approach, trying to contrast Russia with healthy multicultural countries like Britain and Sweden. We asked:

– do these countries have a problem with “knife crime” and “ethnic gangs”. Answer no.

– do these countries have a sizeable number of ‘lone wolves’ whose motivations for “incidents” cannot ever be discerned because it is always “too early” to do so. Answer: no

– do these countries employ disgruntled  immigrant bus drivers who try to set light to their buses despite the fact, or rather because 51 Italian school kids are trapped inside as happened late this week?

– do these countries promote evil policies of growing the ‘native’ population and incentivising those who do, to the exclusion of diversity. answer: yes

As we dug deeper, the clearer the links between all these events seemed. We noted in particular:

  • all these countries used to be part of the former Soviet Union, previously a force for good
  • Putin is the leader of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Under Putin’s leadership, the population of POC and Muslims has shrunk from around 50% (see above) to less than 1%
  • Only genocide can account for such a shocking reduction in this population.

The conclusion is unavoidable: Putin must have wiped out around half the Russian population in the interests of “ethnic cleansing”.  No other conclusion is possible without re-examining altogether what Western liberal society holds to be true.

Putin is a mass-murderer and that is all there is to it.

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Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

To ask the question is to answer it.


Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

I know right? Guess they’ll have to do without peanut butter or super soakers, stupid idiots!!


You can’t blame Putin for Obama’s racism.



Make my votes count
Make my votes count

Worst of all, I would guess that about 50% of this white population is WHITE MALES.
This horrible fact can’t be ignored as all white males must be exterminated.


“And yet the true percentage is only around 1%”
В плане “свободных границ” пути-пут даст фору любому упоротому американскому либералу. Жителям пост-советских республик вообще не требуется виза для въезда в россию. эти люди попадают в категорию “people of color”. таджики, узбеки, киргизы свободно въезжают сюда последние 25 лет и уже вся провинция набита ими больше, чем полностью. здесь уже даже ходят граждане сирии. пути-пут должен быть истинным героем либералов США

Burger Breath

Forward Soviet!


hey hey comarade, communism is coming. you are first in long line of the enemies of the people to be executed


Приезжай к нам, придурок. Будешь жить в сугробе, есть желтый снег

Burger Breath

donT eat the yellow snow!

Burger Breath

This racism is really bad news. But it gets worse: Trump will get a second term. 🙁

Kim Clement already prophesied it:


But the good part: Turkey, Russia and Syria are Gog and Magog and will attack Israel soon and lose big time.

The coming of the Messiah is near!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Depends on how you read the verses

It could just mean the Return of Christianity to the Middle East

and the extermination of Islam!

Happy Days!

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

Pbier, I am delighted to see that you are safe and sound!

You are one brave fish, buddy! Totally deserving of the Jamal Khashoggi Courage in Journalism Award!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The forced deportation of all Chechnians has my full support

The could be sent to Somalia, or even Yemen.

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

It’s a shame that Mueller’s report is coming out at 5 PM on a Friday during March Madness. I’m sure it would shed some more light on the issue.


Birdbrain havin bad day?

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

It’s just frustrating that he worked so hard for so long and is just being ignored 😭 I can really relate working late hours as a beverage engineer at Starbucks and not even getting $15 an hour.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

On Why Mohammad was a Spawn of Satan, per his own teachings

According to Mohammad, unless you pray for protection from Allah, when having sex Satan will wrap himself around the males Ding a Ling and impregnate the women, resulting in a Spawn of Satan

Neither of Mohammad’s parents were Muslim so it kinda follows that they did not pray to Allah for protection, and Satan wrapped himself around that there Ding a Ling

and a Spawn of Satan was born!


…more exploitation of Putin to pad AT’s profits. I’ll bet you government loving capitalists are now losing less $$$, and plowing those sm@ller losses back into operations. Bwaaaaaaa, haaaaaaa, haaaaaaa!!


When are you bastards gonna do a 180 on Mueller?


Stephen Moore says fire the whole Fed Reserve Board if they raise rates. Yeah, but only during Trump’s two terms.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

For the Record

I support impalement for Federal Reserve Banksters


This is really scary Pbier. I hope you’re not too shaken after your terrible ordeal with the Russians – the Accredited Times is willing to cover any therapy costs you may need, as it’s out fault for sending you to Russia in the first place to cover the Russian collusion scandal.

I’m also surprised to see how organized and efficient Russia seems to be, and that they’re able to invent state of the art hypersonic nukes without the inventiveness of Muslims, Africans and Indians, who, judging by their frequent appointment to important positions in white countries and white companies, are the real powerhouse of economic growth and innovation. Otherwise you’d have to believe that some nefarious group who hates whites is using their disproportionate power attained through styles of politics that run contrary to white peoples’ innate values, to deliberately replace whites in their own countries, but no particular group has the power or motivation to do that, so this obviously isn’t true. The original Russians were obviously Muslim and black, and Putin has clearly genocided them – this is the only possible explanation for what you observed Pbier.


Can we be sure Pbier wasn’t turned into a double agent by the Russians?


Why can’t you ever take anything on face value, Logger? You’re such a callous conspiracy theorist, it’s unbelievable! Can’t you see, Pbier is traumatized. Give the poor man a break, for Allah’s sake.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Arm or Leg?
