Why Diversity Is Strength

The military spends billions on important diversity initiatives, including training womyn for combat and funding transgender sex change operations.

We on the progressive left know instinctively that diversity is strength. The phrase ‘diversity is strength’ is absolutely not some meaningless platitude, an Orwellian quote from our dystopian future (or, arguably, present), or a mere political slogan intended to ‘re-assure’ a sometimes sceptical ‘native’ population. The truism instead finds its foundations in both critical race theory and empirical science. In other words, the science is settled, which implies it’s not up for discussion by dissident Republicans.

But, how exactly does one go about explain to a sceptic exactly why it is that importing millions of low-skilled, benefits-seeking, English language-challenged, military aged men from North Africa, Middle East etc. makes us stronger and our society more cohesive? Also, is our military really a more formidable force by having trans-snipers, womyn and polytranspecies curious soldiers fighting on the front line? Is diversity really strength?

These are questions you will rarely, if ever, see asked on the Accredited media. We are fearless reporters, however, only interested in the Accredited truth, and therefore are happy investigate further. To be fair, we can’t expect the Guardian to report on every single issue, especially when there are topics such as period emojis to cover.

The best way to explain something which may seem counterintuitive, paradoxical even, is through the use of analogy.

Diversity in society works exactly like alloys. An alloy is a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements which, when combined, are stronger than the individual metals in isolation. An example of an alloy is steel,made by combining iron and carbon. On their own, iron and carbon are certainly strong, but they are much stronger when combined. How exactly this happens is the stuff of hard science. Know only that the science is settled.

In other words:

– an army consisting of 100% cis gendered white males with family to return to will easily be defeated by an opposing army with 10% trans soldiers, 15% Muslim feminist lesbians and 10% non-binaries in it

– an army without polytranspecies curious soldiers will be routed

Introducing gay men into the army makes our fighting forces stronger, because alloys.

Let us then apply this analogy to countries such as Sweden or Germany which were simply too weak to exist in isolation and needed a good old fashioned infusion of Eritrean-Syrians and Guinean-Syians. Both Sweden and Germany have now become permanently culturally enriched and their populations much happier and integrated as a result of integration. Their economies are also far more robust. Before recent immigration, Sweden was largely a minor white nation with nothing much going for it. Thanks to an influx of ‘new Swedes’, Sweden can compete on the world stage and in years to come will benefit from high natality of migrants.

It should now be clear why strength is ensure by having as much diversity as possible. As for the special forces regiments of our armed forces, it is quite clear that having sufficient representation from all LGBTQIAMA+ Community members is the only way to defeat Russia.

Please support Pbier on Patreon
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

In terms of the military, diversity is NOT strength

The average IQ of US Blacks is 85

The cutoff to get into a grunt level position in the US military is 84, making half of US Blacks too stupid to know in which direction to point a gun.

Thus the need to use directional pointers – like “Front Toward Enemy”

Dishuaweantuane Jamies
Dishuaweantuane Jamies

measurin black IQ is racist. especially when you can’t do no sports no hip-hop even can’t smoke pot


Exactly – why isn’t the 100 meter dash one of the metrics? You’ve got verbal IQ, numerical IQ, spacial IQ, but no sports IQ! That’s racist!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

If you want to run after an antelope for food, more power to you.

As a White person I prefer farming pigs

and the resulting delicious All American BLT’s


Dishuaweantuane Jamies
Dishuaweantuane Jamies

how did he get into? right from kenya


Exactly! And how did Michelle Obama get into Princeton!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

He knew someone

It certainly wasn’t his ability

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Go to Africa!

Spread the Gospel!

Rahim Al Mehmud (Saud)
Rahim Al Mehmud (Saud)

look at dis beauty!
first one is for MDB and second one is for BLM. so sweet!


Thanks but no thanks. I’m non-binary and asexual, and I’m not interested in polluting the environment by having kids, any more than my ancestors already have.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

For once I agree

Sloppy 666ths is not the way to go.


Let’s hope mighty Sweden doesn’t attack U.S.


You make some really good points Pbier. When Sweden was a little white nation, it was totally ignored by the world, but now that they have millions of exciting and vibrant new Syrian refugees from Morocco and Nigeria, Sweden is constantly featuring in many global news stories. Similarly, London and Paris are now frequently featured in news stories about acid attacks, bombs going off and knife attacks, all of which were unheard of before. Before these cities had diversity, no-one paid much attention to them at all. Diversity is great publicity.


How many metallurgists have graduated to the asylum?


those fruitlloops hung like gerbils

Celebrity Screenshots
Celebrity Screenshots

you have always wondered what is MillionDollarBonus look like
okay that’s him

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

I can only assume he dyes his hair

Usually eyebrows have the same color as the rest of a persons hair.

Smith Doe
Smith Doe

user experience

Dr Rabi Epstein
Dr Rabi Epstein

please talk Black Lives Matter out of doing penis enlargement surgery that’s proven to be dangerous

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

I love giving the US Government an interest free loan every year, so I was expecting a big fat refund check.

But I forgot to send in an estimated tax payment for the capital gains I earned from selling old stuff during my garage sale last fall, so I actually owe the government even more money this year.

When my diverse accredited tax advisor informed me of this I was elated to give more money to our public servants.

Happy Tax Season everyone!


Did you pay tax on $20 bill you found in the mattress?
