Oppression Dynamics 101 – Cultural Appropriation


As we’ve covered many times at the Accredited Times, cultural appropriation is a heated and contentious topic, which often raises some interesting dilemmas. For those without a background in oppression dynamics, many of the disputes around cultural appropriation do’s and don’ts seem baffling, and those skilled in the art of small talk and never talking about anything important, are wise enough to avoid the topic altogether. But for those of you who are bold enough to step up to the plate and draw your own conclusions about what constitutes cultural appropriation and what is and isn’t allowed, the Accredited Times has put together the following short course in oppression dynamics to help you do so.

The thing to remember when considering moral disputes involving people of different oppression scores, is that the oppression pyramid forms the basis of all moral conclusions. For example, in a previous article we covered how the bulk of legal cases are settled according to the following formula:

We also covered how standards of proof are very laid back for people with high oppression scores making claims about how they’re historically oppressed, whereas people with high oppression scores are always ignored no matter how much proof they may have about their relative innocence. Using the above formula, all legal matters can be handled with relative ease, without needing to pay too much attention to the “facts” of the matter or the “evidence”. The above formula mainly takes into account what the victim is accusing the perpetrator of, or what the victim is demanding from the perpetrator, and the facts aren’t going to alter the result of the formula very much, if at all.

When it comes to cultural appropriation, the morality of the situation can be settled by a similar formula:

Acceptability scores of less than one indicate that the imitator is guilty of inappropriate cultural appropriation, and scores above one indicate that the situation can be glazed over and ignored. For scores less than one, prosecutors can then revert to the legal formula to decide how severe the punishment should be, using 1 / the acceptability score as the input for the severity of the crime.

Now for some examples. Consider a white male imitating a Native American, who’s exclusive claim to America over the Solutreans is concluded by a separate formula for historical revisionism to be covered in a later article. Referring back to the oppression pyramid, the white male has an oppression score of -1000 – 200 = -1200, where as a Native American has an oppression score of +800. As with the legal formula, we first need to convert the white male’s negative oppression score into a small positive oppression score, so his score is converted to 1 / ABS(-1200) = 1 / 1200 = 0.000833. Finally, we can now apply the cultural appropriation formula to yield an acceptability score of 0.000833 / 800 = 0.00000104125, definitely not acceptable at all! So how severe should his punishment be? Well, the white male’s very low acceptability score converts to a severity of crime score of 1 / 0.00000104125 = 960384.154. Using the legal formula, this should result in a severity of punishment of 960384.154 * (800 / 0.000833) = 922,337,722,929! Holy cow! That’s a punishment score of 922 billion! It’s hard to imagine what punishment would suffice for such a huge severity score, but drawing and quartering followed by public execution would be an absolute minimum.

Now let’s take a more benign example. An African American wearing a suit and tie and driving a car, all items supposedly (well technically actually, but white males have a low oppression score) invented by white males. Calculating it all in one go this time, we reach an acceptability score of 600 / 0.000833 = 720288, very acceptable indeed, and no punishment necessary.

I hope this clears up any confusion around issues of cultural appropriation. If you have an questions, please paste them in the comments section below.

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I thought math is raciss????

Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

It’s only racist if white people are involved. That’s when the power dynamics shift and people of color become victims, like when a white male math teacher is teaching in the inner city and expects students of color to conform to the system.

Burger Breath

In this particular case the maffs are not racist because the results of the calculations can be easily communicated as “big number bad” or “small number bad”.

“See that thar big number for that cracker’s punishment score? That means alotta punishment for his white ass!”

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Math is needed to get correct change

A refusal to learn math means a willingness to get short changed when purchasing the White Mans inventions

like Fried Chicken and Ice Cream!

Burger Breath
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Many Blacks have never risen to the mental level required to understand “purchasing”

Some Whites as well.

Burger Breath

Not necessary to learn “purchasing” for food. Food is a human right and should be free anyways.

Same principle holds for housing and clothing like Air Jordans.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

The math is difficult for me, I needed to consult an accredited academic friend / boyfriend / lover to help translate.

Basically he says death penalty for straight white Christian cis males that commits a crime against anyone else. Sounds good to me!

Burger Breath

MDB, you never cease to amaze me with your extensive knowledge! Have you ever considered running an accredited college for oppression studies?


We need to look closer at each invention in order to properly attribute its source.

I must differ on your “benign example.” Each of “suit / car / tie” can be traced to an origin in Africa, whereby whiteys can hardly claim their invention.

Everyone knows that Africans invented clothing and a suit is cultural appropriation of clothing.

Africans invented the wheeled axle and then the chariot. A car is cultural appropriation of this African invention. Whiteys added a combustion motor to the “chariot”, which is an impressive(*) invention in itself; however, we must NEVER FORGET that this invention came during the Colonial Era and was only possible due to the abusive exploitation which non-white races endured during this period.

(*) Although! The combustion motor has high CO2 outputs! Whitey’s invention is the root of one of our biggest current problems! But I digress …

Africans also invented the necklace making neckties yet another cultural appropriation.


Example African Necklace:
comment image

John Smith
John Smith

nice picture. where is the zoo located

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

As a White I would like for the other races to stop wearing White Man’s clothing and go back to wearing leaves and animal hide.

Mud and/or Dirt is also acceptable

Burger Breath

“Everyone knows that Africans invented clothing and any [white fashion] is cultural appropriation of clothing.”

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The knowledge of

One, Two, Three, Many, Many Many, Many Many Many

is insufficient when purchasing Fried Chicken and Ice Cream!

Burger Breath

You lost me at “purchasing”.

Burger Breath

Yeah, hot and spicy! But I doubt she shares.

And you will certainly have to share whatever you are able to acquire with her.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Some people take Fried Chicken VERY VERY Seriously

Man killed for grabbing last piece of chicken, cops say

HOUSTON — One man is dead and another is accused of fatally stabbing him — all over a piece of chicken.

Reinaldo Cardoso Rivera, 38, of Houston was charged late last week with murder in connection with the Friday death of Darwin Perez Gonzalez, 34, of Houston.


…she’s wide as a door.

Burger Breath

wider* than* a door, but with a high flow level.

She flows through any doorway.

She can flow around my ears!


Girl would bounce your azalea off the ceiling.



Burger Breath

Nice choice of words. You are improving as a fake Texan.


Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone



What would really be handy is an app that not only calculates oppression offenses, but also show everyone’s current oppression pyramid score so you would know who to listen to. May be we could also get this incorporated into the Green New Deal so people higher on the pyramid will get their reparations through getting the free stuff they deserve by flashing their current score or tapping their phone… Can the AT staff do this or would it be better suited for Apple?

Da Bolshevik
Da Bolshevik

learning is not your thang

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The most oppressed should be sent to Africa

Where they can be with their own kind.

Da Bolshevik
Da Bolshevik

Whatta hell is goin on? Like i am outraged over here. The coal miners are wearin blackface like every freakin day. Where is SPLC you know BLM or smth you know what i’m sayin

Burger Breath

The SPLC is pretty busy lately with the recent upturn in racism in Chicago. They had barely completed dealing with MAGA children when racists started attacking innocent Chicagoans.

The Shui Mu Tsing Hua (SMTH) BB-System is daily increasing its diversity and capabilities for monitoring and tracking accredited users.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Hire Blacks to be coal miners

If they collapse the mine, they can feel real oppression!


Burger Breath

I wonder if Muslims could get jobs as coal miners?


Not under the Green New Deal

John Smith
John Smith

Hello i am white trailer trash and most important i am racist. i am spending all day watchin Empire


Burger Breath

Hi John, welcome to AT. Why are you racist?


‘cuz he’s white, dummy!

Burger Breath


fakke newz
fakke newz

breitbart are no-report on ex jeff sessions spox bitch joining cnn.

alex “the sad clown” marlow was hillaryously obsessed with sessions when he was fired by orange monster to the point where marlow literally clashed with the patriot channel audience. he was so outraged that couldn’t help himself bringing sessions on and on


A Trump lover with impeckerable eye for the ladies!!!

D0BpAJTWwAI6lvk.jpg large.jpg
Burger Breath

Lizard Neck. Three big wrinkles in her neck.

I think he wrings her neck.


Waiting on news Mr. Softee aka Koch, has arrest warrant in Jupiter.


[…] Oppression Dynamics 101 – Cultural Appropriation […]
