The Oppression Pyramid – A Lesson In Critical Race Theory


As a graduate in Critical Race Theory from Portland Community College, I often forget that the average person lacks even a basic grasp of oppression dynamics. This gap in understanding is the cause of much frustration and triggering for progressives trying to reason with people on the right about topics like racism, sexism, privilege and a variety of other social justice issues. I firmly believe that this is a subject far too important to leave to CRT scholars, as it relates to so many current affairs and political discussions that one is truly lost without it. I have therefore attempted to break down this highly complex subject for the layman, allowing anyone to roughly judge a person’s victim status in society.

In essence, CRT theory assigns each individual an Oppression Score, based on the attributes that this person possesses. Some attributes, such as being black or trans, are awarded oppression points, whereas others, such as being white or straight, result in a subtraction of oppression points. If the person’s overall score is positive, xe is classified as “oppressed”, and conversely if the score is negative, xe is classified as “privileged”. The score can then be used to look up a person’s overall oppression/privilege level by comparing it to the Victim Pyramid.

The following table breaks down the number of oppression points awarded or subtracted for each personal attribute. The exact number of oppression points that each attribute garners is still disputed by top CRT professors, but the following is a rough guideline:

Attribute Oppression Points
Jewish +1500
Native American +800
Black +600
Hispanic +100
Arab +100
White -1000
Cis-male -200
Cis-female +10
Trans-male +50
Trans-female +70
Muslim +100
Christian -200
Heterosexual -50
Bicurious +10
Bisexual +40
Homosexual +100
From the City +20
From the Country -30
From the West Coast or North East +50
From the South -100

The following chart demonstrates the Victim Pyramid, which allows you to calculate a person’s official victim status:


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I encourage everyone to calculate their oppression score, and see where they fit on the oppression pyramid. A lot of people are surprised at their scores, and are shocked to discover that they are more oppressed than they thought they were, or that they are highly privileged when they thought they were victims. It’s especially important for white people to calculate their scores, as most have no idea how privileged they are.

Let me know if you have any questions. I’ve studied this in depth, so it’s easy for me to ramble on and get too far into the theory.


Question: Are there any white people in heaven?


I’m not particularly religious, but I tried Islam for a while. I’d have to refer you to a spiritual advisor for such matters – I suspect it depends on whether they have paid for their sins or not.

That was a close one!!!!!
That was a close one!!!!!

I’m a white male, cisgendered, from the county and not the least bi-curious. I expected to be assessed as an accredited, privileged piece of shit. Thankfully, my peeps descend from the line of Solomon, giving me a score of +170 making me “Highly Fucking Oppressed!!!” Thanks MDB, I can keep my shekels! !!

P.S. Do lose any points for owning firearms and gold, while not being a zionist or moneychanger????


at last a convenient handbook to compute this.

I think though, that you have underestimated the Jewish coefficient. It should be OVER 9000!!!!


As I say, the exact numbers are still hotly debated by CRT experts, but this is a rough guideline. Every CRT expert agrees however that Jews receive the most Oppression Points.


It would create a false impression of unfairness, like if someone wins an election with 500% of the vote.
But look at the other side: Lowest possible score for a Jew: 1500-200 (Cis-male)-50 (Hetero)-30 (From the Country)-100 (from the South)=1120
Highest possible Black score:600+70 (Trans-female)+100 (homosexual)+20 (from the city)+50 (From the West Coast or North East)=840
So it is won in a chivalrous way, the untouchable can show his generosity.
My sole problem is this loophole, Trans-female lesbian Native From the West Coast, untouchale. It borders insolence.


Unfortunately no. White males are the apex of oppression in Critical Race Theory – that is an unbreakable rule, and the foundation of this entire branch of science. If this axiom were to be broken, nothing in CRT would make sense anymore.


You could do that – or you could just accept your guilt and start working to pay reparations to the world’s most oppressed victim groups. Every white person needs to do their part. The good old days are over for white people – now it’s time to PAY.

This is Life
This is Life

I am a black Transgender with a male partner from Kazakhstan, and to celebrate our diversity and show solidarity we (my boyfriend and I) hacked off my foreskin with a dull butcher knife. Will this help me on the scale any?


Sorry, you are not allowed to culturally appropriate Jews – that’s not permitted for any individual, regardless of race or sexual preference.

This is Life
This is Life

I told Alibek that it probably wouldn’t do any good but he was so caught up in the moment that we went through with it anyway. I sure do miss that little nubbin now tho.

Special Snowflake
Special Snowflake

It is really hard to control the smugness of scoring a few hundred points below -1000, but I will try.


If you’re white, you won’t make it into any victim group, but you might be able to make it out of the Highly Privileged group and into the Privileged Group with a few extra points from being female, trans or homosexual for example.

Special Snowflake
Special Snowflake

Guess it is time to move to the city and get an operation! If I change to gender female and maintain my sexual preference, then I will be lesbian for a few more victim points.

I could also dye my hair and become a feminist. Don’t they get any victim points?


Yes, you get victim points for your political views too. There are more detailed versions of the pyramid in advanced CRT textbooks.


Move over Maslow! There’s a new hierarchic high-priest in town: MillionDolllarBonus.

Sadly, janus scored a -1580 on the MDB-oppression-scale…but it could’ve been worse — much worse — in that MDB was very kind and generous in limiting the demerits for Southern & rural. Truth be told, Southern should be a -500 and rural at least as much. Even so, I gratefully accept the easing of the ignominy. So incited with indignation against my person, and seeking some way to mitigate the oppression by munchausen I’ve inflicted on humanity, I just ordered a fresh shipment of gay Somalian Jews from Amazon.

These poor waifs and misfits were shockingly denied ‘right of return’ to the holy land of God’s chosen people, so i was able to snap them up at a steep discount…some kind of mix-up with their y-chromosome — seems it wasn’t sufficiently oppressed for a certain Sephardic sect. Oh well, Israel’s loss is janus’ gain! I can’t wait to start showing off my new trophies of inclusion. janus will surely be the talk of the town when he sashays through hip-ville flanked by a splendid troupe of flamboyantly gay, obviously indigent and sinister looking ragamuffins of sub-sahara.

jealous much, MDB?

{btw, i know it’s not encouraged to break character; but, my brother, this piece is solid-gold satirical genius. I mean everything…the motif, the chart, the structure… I salute you…had me laughing out loud by the end of the first sentence}



I was generous with the scores for Rural Southerners, as I don’t wan’t to penalize the many undocumented Hispanic Americans and African Americans living in these areas. Some CRT professors would apply a more complex methodology that scores people differently for other attributes based on their race.


tsk-tsk…looks like your scaling matrices could use a bit more nuance in weighting the relevant factors. Such omissions could lead to catastrophic miscalculations of oppression, leaving the oppressed both confused and ignorant of the degree to which they’ve suffered.

Moreover, your attitude in this matter seems inadequately vigilant…where is your anger? Are you not as disappointed with yourself as are those you oppress? Have you no shame!?! It’s a good thing janus isn’t sitting on your dissertational’s almost as if you don’t get the whole point of CRT…again, tsk-tsk!!! Don’t take this as an insult; it is instead constructive incentive to improve.


Criticism taken. As I say, this is a rough guideline for the layman. More advanced models exist, and CRT scholars are still teasing out the finer details.


Reparations should start with funing a special vacation for all those repressed people. This vacation would send the RP to any country of their choice and pay for a three night stay.


Why don’t you go back to Europe? America belongs to the Native Americans and other people of color!


Europe, however, belongs to muslims and people of color also. They have a right to be there and come in unlimited numbers and have free stuff.

white people do not have a home nor an identity nor are allowed to have “white” interests.

This is because whiteness IS oppression, the very essence of whiteness is this.

For example, I talk to black lives all the time…a black person living in Ireland…they are Irish. However, a white south African even if their ancestors have been there since the Boers, is NEVER an African.

there is nothing to white countries other than arbitrary lines on the map. This is why white countries should not have borders.


Borders around white countries are only there to oppress people of color and prevent them from enjoying the privileged lifestyles that whites enjoy. Borders need to be eliminated for white countries. Millions of undocumented immigrants and people of color around the world demand it.


Of course the ticket would be one way.


Oh and maybe they could be sterilized like Pbier suggested.

I like the idea of a requirement of anyone on SNAPs or other welfare programs to be sterilized.


Why don’t we sterilize whites? They are after all responsible for the oppression and injustice in this world.


so, a black person from the south would be more privileged than a black person from anywhere else? How does that make any sense? The blacks in the south are still living near the plantations that owned their ancestors.

We can throw all of this garbage out.

Oh yeah – I get all of the negatives. 100% of them, and still have rough times every now and then. I just don’t bitch about it.


Once straight white males vanish, according to CRT, oppression will vanish too. Because oppression and bigotry and these things are a function of “whiteness.”

It requires a white man and white woman to make white children. So once all straight white males have vanished, consequently so will the white race. And all the evil things that this race came up with over the millennia…there are many who look at the history of scientific progress and ascribe it ENTIRELY to straight white males. And that’s true…BUT.

This is ONLY true because they have stolen all the ideas from the brains of people of color. They have PREVENTED the great minds of the world of color from inventing anything, even before colonialism and even when not present. This is “whiteness” in effect. Whiteness made Africans be basically eating each other when the Portuguese landed, and whiteness was why the white man oppressed Africans with roads, bridges, electricity, and the written word. Africans had no need of those things before whiteness as they had advanced magic and knowledge of the earth.

Once whiteness has been eliminated, people of color will return to their natural state of having flying mind controlled pyramids, being able to levitate, and being able to strike each other with lightning as they are reputed to have been doing in afrocentrist history books, prior to their destruction by The Violence created by whiteness.

The reason we aren’t on Mars is there are simply too many white men PREVENTING the people of color and black lives from inventing the teleporter.


Yes, I learned in CRT that white males are responsible for not some, but ALL oppression. CRT doesn’t criticize any other group other than white males for anything, because it’s impossible to do wrong if you’ve been victimized by white males for centuries.


White men have been defining what’s “good” and “evil” for millennia, so I think it’s obvious these words can’t be used to describe the actions of people of colour, wimmin, animals and plantlife. I mean, how could a squirrel or small rocky outcrop be described as “evil”??? That’s just SILLY, but that’s what happens if a person doesn’t understand Critical Race Theory!!!

PS: is there an App for the Victim Pyramid? It could also include a checklist that enabled the quick calculation of oppression points a person has, allowing us to almost instantaneously determine if they had the right to express their opinion.

Syrian Refugee #9469
Syrian Refugee #9469

Can you help me calculate my oppression score? they do not teach us the math in Syria. They mostly just taught us men how how to suicide bomb Americans and did not focus on the math so much.

They put me in a place called Logan County, North Dakota. it looks just like Syria but with white skins people.

Now that I am an United State citizen I want to see the real America not a Syria look alike. can you help fund some vacation trips for me? GoFundme does not accept Syria bank accounts so I could not set up a funds page on theres. I may also try asking for some federal assistance from President Hussein Obama.

I want to see the following places next year:
San Francisco
Napa Valley
Washington DC

Thanks you and Allah bless.


Oh yes the job they gave me is Director of Accounting at the local city hall. It is difficult without knowing the math but my boss said I am progressing nicely. I get 48 weeks per year of vacation and a modest salary of $160,000 which I am told is pretty good.

I don’t know what bisexual is, but maybe I am that one?

Muhammed Abd al Alim Hindawi
Director of Accounting
Napoleon, ND


You just outed yourself, troll.

Accredited Times = Fake News. Fake Comments.


Zerohedge was proven to be a fake news site you fool! By an accredited PHD! Go back to where you came from, this is a safe space for progressives!


I don’t know enough of your details to calculate your exact score, but it’s safe to say that you are oppressed. Are they treating you well in North Dakota? You must know that there are laws against hate speech in America – if anyone mistreats you or does not accept you as a true American, you must call the authorities immediately and report them, and they will be dealt with severely. Welcome to America Muhammed!

JJ Luther
JJ Luther

Wow. Just wow. This is heady stuff. And nauseating when you find out your score like I did. I won’t even name how privileged I am, but suffice it to say that I am appropriately crushed by the weight of the entire pyramid. Yet as heavy and disorienting as this whole experience has been, I am nevertheless grateful to move out of my reckless ignorance. Now, as I bungle my way through town, I can finally understand that all these people flipping me off are just victims on the trail of destruction I have unwittingly left behind.


You’ve taken the first step and checked your privilege. Now comes the hard work – it’s time to pay for the sins of your ancestors.


Pay for the sins of your ancestors…. let’s focus on reality and not ancestor worship hodu.

This is Life
This is Life

I know in the past I might have dissed your degree and accused you of maybe not walking the true progressive walk etc., but let me, for the record just say this is such an amazing article that I will be telling all my peeps to get their butts down to the Portland Community College and enroll into this wonderful program. My boyfriend and I completely agree, MDB, you and your writings and charts etc the complete package is simply fabulous.


Would there be extra points for an MBA and work in the oil and gas business?


last week at my job in atlantic city i had some sweet angelic black children throw things at me , including a math text book from a passing bus while screaming “fuck trump” i am white male so i already assumed i deserved it …. but my question is how much of my weekly pay check should i chuck back into the bus for the children?


All of it.


Wow – I’ve really hit the jackpot +1540 – but is there even more?

What about my civil union status (with transgender male to female pre-op)?

Anything for gluten free vegan?

Jonathan Zelk
Jonathan Zelk

I have decided the best way, as a privileged white male, to help realize a more progressive future full of opportunity is to kill myself. But before I take the ultimate repentant act I hope to help stop oppressing others with my tax dollars. Not only do these dollars fund atrocities in the middle East and bail out too big to fail banks but more importantly they continue the cycle of oppression by enabling folks who don’t want to work to purchase GMO foods and phones made by companies with suicide nets and sneakers made in sweatshops. I can’t in good conscience contribute to the destruction of my victims like this any longer!!!

We oppressors need to stop!!! We need to stop making products and providing services that simply continue a cycle of addiction to unnatural things. A world of oppressors and victims is unnatural. And the only way we can attain a natural, oppression-free world is to rout ourselves of the white male but also to eliminate of all the trappings of a white male dominated society.

Electricity, plumbing, modern transportation, pharmaceuticals and medicine, etc… Don’t even get me started on the airplane – an invention of white males whose name rhymes with white!!!??? The wright brothers. More like the wrong brothers or, better yet, the oppression brothers.

Not only must the white male be eliminated all the reminders of his oppressive nature must be destroyed. Only then can we do away with the extremely helpful chart above.

I can only hope someday the grandchildren of my friends of color will be able to play with sticks and eat naturally nutritious grubs they’ve picked themselves without ever having to know what is like to be oppressed by white people much less having to ever even come into contact with white folks except in the history books.


If white males are fone who will support the lazy……………….?
