White Male Christian Terrorists Arrested in New Mexico!!!!


In stunning News, apparently 5 white male christian extremists were arrested in New Mexico and charged with a range of serious offenses, including training CHILDREN, possibly the Syrian refugee children that are everywhere, to commit school shootings! However, the smart among us know that ONLY white males commit school shootings, so I suspect that Fox is covering up the actual evidence on this. When there is a shooting at a black school, it is not a “school shooting,” just like when a black person kills (which of course they never do) a bunch of people in serial, that does not make them a “serial killer,” as “we all know” that only white males are serial killers.

The compound was composed of refuse and discarded tires but there were AR-15s involved which should drive fear and stridency to hysterical levels because these are military weapons whose only purpose is to mow down millions, or even 6 billion people, in a short period of time!

Apparently, one of the main perpetrators wanted to perform an “exorcism” on his son who was suffering from seizures. Those wacky white male Christians with their medieval practices, almost like they are doing voodoo except voodoo is black and therefore real.

What this story shows us is that we need 24×7 surveillance of the population and that white males and christians and AR15s are evil!!

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Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

There were AR-15’s involved, so obviously, it had to have been white males. I’m sure the SPLC will soon release information linking said white males to the Oath Keepers or some other 3%er group. Domestic white Christian terrorism is the true threat we face.


Yes – at the moment Russia is doing the most terrorism with Novichok and cyberattacks, and they’re white males.


Guerrilla gorillas.


Gorilla guerilla….


Make my votes count
Make my votes count

That article links to a fake news site named Zero Hedge. Those are the same people who tricked many uneducated investors to exchange their valuable fiat for worthless silver. They need to be Alex Jonesed.
As proof it is fake the last image on the article has a no trespassing sign clearly posted.
How could authorities enter the property to arrest them when the sign forbids it?No guns allowed signs work as well as no trespassing signs.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Why are the men pictured kinda Black?

Do they lack the the multitude of colors inherent in WHITENESS?


Our accredited authorities, who started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and want to start nuclear World War III with Russia, clearly care about SAVING INNOCENT LIVES, and THAT’S why they want to take guns and ammunition away from white males. Their motives are clearly pure, as we know our politicians, the media and their handlers are.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness



It doesn’t matter because they’re not having kids. They’re all going to DIE HAHAHAHAHAHA! In fact, whites already don’t even exist. What IS white anyway? Are Persians white? Are light-skinned Japanese or Indians white? “White” doesn’t even exist.


Regressive racists like you must be blind or lack a brain by getting their news from this fake news website. Look at the pictures, these are extremist BLACK Islamists, not white or Christian. They’re throwing a lie right in your face and you can’t even see that because you’re so blinded by racism and hatred. While Christians are risking their lives helping innocent families and children get out of North Korea, when’s the last time YOU risked your life for another person you didn’t know? This is the difference between Christians and people like you.


I didn’t know The Onion had another website!

This article is a joke, isn’t it?



This article is a joke, isn’t it?


WTF!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that people think the Accredited Times (fastest growing accredited news site on the web)is a joke? Please tell me “Gerold” what you find remotely funny about white Christian male terrorists attacking the good people of this country. People like you are SICK!


How much pot did you smoke, bruda?
