Russia Hacks OPCW!!!!!11


In Findings just released, straight outta Da Hague, we see further evidence of Russian takeovers and puppet-mastery of international organizations.

For those who won’t read the entire report, what it says, in essence, is that NO NERVE AGENTS whatsoever were used in Douma. It also cannot find a single trace of any chemical that implicated the CWC.

What this CLEARLY indicates is that Vladimir Putin has taken over the OPCW via use of Russian hackers and part-time student/dopeheads who work for a restaurant owner out of a barn somewhere. There is no other explanation. The alternative to this OBVIOUS result is that the USA, UK, and France probably fabricated evidence of WMD in order to justify military action and WE KNOW that this does not happen, EVER! It’s never happened, and it never will. Our 27 Intelligence Agencies are UNANIMOUS, per distilled reports written by anonymous authors of press releases on behalf of none-to-many of those agencies, that there WERE chemical weapons used. Otherwise, the USA proceeded to the brink of WW3 based upon lies!

The media steadfastly reported use of chemical weapons by ANIMAL ASSAD as 100% true and proven, conclusively, because of press releases from the media and comments by military and civilian intelligence leadership. This is good enough for me.

But not for the OPCW, who would rather defend PUTIN and ANIMAL ASSAD who gasses his own people! Rather than tell the truth that Assad is a brutal tyrant who gasses his people for sport while being protected by the most evil man since Hitler, Vladimir Putin, they have gone and used “facts” and “evidence” to assert that the entire western media/intel/gov narrative about a chemical weapons attack was absolute bullshit!

This CANNOT be allowed to stand! The US cannot sit idly while Putin takes over the OPCW to have it produce conclusions that are unfavorable to the war narrative! The OPCW needs to be abolished right now in order to prevent these types of things from happening in the future. When the CIA and Government are saying that chemical weapons and other WMD are used or a threat, we do not need to have “independent” organizations doing research, investigation, and analysis to produce results that are embarrassing or unfavorable to us especially AFTER we already bombed the nation in question. This is some kind of Orwellian nightmare we are living in now where people are being led to trust impartial 3rd party organizations instead of their own governments! And all because of PUTIN. And the same hackers who hacked the 2016 election while conspiring with Trump to piss on Russian hookers!

In the future, I do not want to be told anything other than the OFFICIAL government position, because that is the only one we can trust. Despite the fact that the government is led by a Putin puppet itself and he ordered the bombing. Putin bad.

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The Colonel
The Colonel

Top-hole article, Trav. I agree with you 200%. Chemical weapons are far too dangerous to entrust to impartial third party organizations like OPCW. I know this from personal experience. My outfit provides additional security for UK military in the UK, and apart from a couple minor incidents recently at the chemical weapons research facility at Porton Down, we have a clean bill of health.


Good to hear you have a clean bill of health Colonel, but how do you feel about wearing a gas mask in this heatwave?

The Colonel
The Colonel

I don’t.


You don’t what? You don’t feel, or don’t wear a gas mask?

Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

This is insane. The Russians hacked the elections, hacked the World Cup, and now THIS!?!?!?!?! We need to hold a foreign policy symposium at CATO to discuss small footprint response options and drone/special operations “budget friendly” options to send a message that the Liberal Western Order is standing by its commitments to world peace.


They even hacked the Vermont electrical grid just to ruin Christmas for thousands of ordinary Americans!


Obama must be nominated for another Peace Prize. He drew red lines, and failed to enforce them: not because he was right that it was better to equivocate, but because he was wrong that the red lines were crossed. The man is abnormal.


I agree with nominating Obama for the second Peace Prize, because his foreign policy was very peaceful.

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

You such a softie, Abu!


I think Robert Mugabe deserves one first for liberating his country from white supremacy. Then Obama should get another one just for being Obama.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Can we turn him into a Peace Prize?

and then split it into 3 parts to be given to Libya, Syria and the Ukraine?

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

Thanks for taking me back down memory lane, Trav. That picture of Putin popping popcorn is so iconic, it used to hold pride of place above my bed, before I fell for a younger man!


Putin is a white male Missy, who would probably mistreat you.

Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

I think we should get involved in a land war with Russia before we do that. We would reap demand-side benefits from the jolt to demand weapons and other implements of war would cause. Barring that, I think you’re right, but only after we’ve made sure to also employ our many bright Beltway intellectuals in some sort of lengthy and ultimately pointless discussion of cost-benefit analysis and “diplomatic” options.


You’re old enough to have voted the Gus Hall/Angela Davis ticket but I doubt you had the conviction. I’m sure you know he was fond of USSR, but in different way than Trump relations with Russia.


Scout Pip Stone
Scout Pip Stone

Presumptuous as ever CRUZ!! I did vote that ticket because Angela Davis is an inspiring womyn of color. I think that she would be a fine mentor to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, incidentally. You just worry about what you’re going to do when we take back our Propositional Nationâ„¢ from the Alt-Right Putin collaborators in office.


Angela Davis is an inspiration to ALL womyn, whatever color of the rainbow we are. I want her to sponsor my new range of sensible sand sandals. Womyn are much stronger than men in so many ways, so the advertising slogan must be focused and hard-hitting, something like “putting the boot in”, only for sandals. Any ideas?


We need the think tanks to think about this, and then to conclude that whatever the establishment already wants is the right thing to do.


Being a soft butch Democratic Socialist Anarchist proto-feminist, I should be calling out Putin as being the next Hitler…

…but I find myself strangely attracted to him with this oddly provocative ‘popcorn photo’!

I promised myself that I would never go back to being a ‘pretty, Christian, bio-male-attracted woman (no ‘y’)’…but…I almost…can’t…help…myself…!

(*quickly looks up AT articles featuring womyn athletes, transgender couples, and Maxine Waters to distract from the magnetic, but toxic, Putin Masculinity*)

Martha My Dear
Martha My Dear

I’m trying, but the popcorn looks tasty and I keep thinking about him shirtless on a horse…

Luckily my partner Big Ethel just got home from the anti-ICE rally in Louisville. Ready to calm me with xer rough hands and scratchy facial hair.

Maybe she’ll make me some Organic unsalted gluten free flax meal porridge. And I can forget about Putin…and his popcorn…I bet it’s buttered!

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

If you want my advice, the best way to counter unclean thoughts is to count sheep. If that doesn’t work, bite hard on the bed sheets!


I know you having a hard time with the sheep during the heat wave. Did you lose another one?

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

I lost Baa Baa, the one that reminds me of you, Sis. I had to cry myself to sleep. I’m getting too old for hill ranching. I may have to sell the farm.


In breaking news in the Trump Russia scandal, seventeen intelligence agencies confirm that Russia most likely DID intervene in the 2016 presidential elections.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Gumming a bed is bad!


Since I became an entrepreneur and started my own business, I have precious little time for reading AT articles, so I speed read. What I like about this article is it’s short and all summed up in the last sentence. Putin Bad


I’ve also been pretty busy with some new activism. I like to use the “listen to article” feature. I don’t read books, and only watch Hollywood movies and Netflix series in my spare time, so my reading isn’t that up to scratch.

Make my votes count
Make my votes count

Is anyone else starting to think that Putin has also hacked Mueller?
Why has Mueller not stepped up and arrested Trump and appointed Hillary as our new president.
It had been over a year. Bad Putin has gotten to him or he would rescued us by now. All of accredited media have promised us Mueller was our savior. Now I’m starting to wonder.


According to CNN, this Russia scandal is only getting started. There’s breaking news on it, every day.


This is disgusting. All my work colleagues and acquaintances know that Animal Assad kills his people with chemicals for fun. They also know that putin is guilty as charged (whatever the charge is). Noone in their right mind will believe both men are innocent!


Assad just gets a sick pleasure from launching all-out assaults against schools and hospitals for no reason! He’s a complete psychopath!!


Wow, is there anything that Putin hasn’t hacked? It’s amazing that a country with an economy the size of Italy can dominate absolutely everything! The Russians have total world domination and they’re just dumping novichok on random people for FUN! NONE OF US ARE SAFE!!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

The AT server still seems fine
