Supreme Court Causes Another Holocaust!


In News Everywhere, the US Supreme Court, SCOTUS, has just issued a ruling that has instigated another Holocaust.

I know, you’re asking, what does a 7-2 ruling siding in favor of a baker’s religious right to not have to bake a cake for people who engage, in their beliefs, in disgusting, sick, perverted, sweaty buttsex, have to do with the Jews? Well, idiot- EVERYTHING is about the Jews! And Israel, Israel, Israel.

This is the new face of bakeries in the US after this ruling. Gays have now been told basically that they are to be exterminated, because not having a cake you want baked by someone who politely declined to bake it on account of your homosexuality IS THE SAME AS A HOLOCAUST and mass extermination despite no actual evidence of the Holocaust even having been about that!

What are we coming to in Current Year when a sodomite no longer has the right to force someone to do something for them because they simply want it? I can’t even, wowjustwow. Triggered beyond belief is the only way to describe it.

Where are gays supposed to go now for their cakes, to a DIFFERENT baker? This is EXACTLY like the Holocaust. I mean you can’t even spot the difference between the two with a microscope.

In the Court’s words, the bakers have a First Amendment right not to have to bake a cake, and they apparently would refuse for anti-american, adult-themed, or even Halloween cakes, due to their religion, which is clearly the most bigoted thing EVER and almost as bigoted as anti-semitism!

When will the Court learn, Free Speech is Hate Speech! Freedom of Religion is Freedom to Hate! What is next, are we going to start allowing every religion to carry on customs like polygamy, religious courts, child marriage, FGM, and wearing unsanitary sleeve and head coverings in the operating room!?!?! These christian bigots HAVE TO GO. They need to be rounded up and sent to a Concentration Camp right now before they start coming for the jews and then there will be nobody left when they come for me!

The Court and Trump should be disbanded immediately, all impeached by the Democrat minority, who stand for the REAL majority of America despite any facts or evidence to the contrary. WE ARE PROGRESS. Join with me in calling for homosexual and jewish voices to band together to shape public opinion on this issue for the GOOD of our culture and society. Gays and Jews should probably establish a monoethnic cartel monopoly on Hollywood or something and REALLY push this issue in nearly every movie, TV show, and also find some lesbian Jewish female writers named maybe Leslea Newman to write children’s books encouraging homosexual parenting and transgenderism in white children while promoting traditional jewish family values.

This is the ONLY way to save America from the forces of darkness the opposers of progress! We have only just gotten to the point where men can start using the restroom THEY CHOOSE and the Court is trying to roll it all back with a RAZOR THIN MARGIN (according to multiple news sources) of 7-2! It’s time for some peaceful violence on the part of ALL progressives.

Please support trav777 on Patreon

I recommend you protest for a government takeover of cake recipes. A cake monopoly, where the government dictates how to make cakes. It can work just like Obamacare. Since all identical cakes would be $1 million each, bakeries would have no incentive to withhold cakes. I’ll be playing the violin when the cake death spiral comes.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

You will need piano music in the background

and lots a wailing women dressed in black waving their hands as unpaid extras.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

I guess someone can’t have his cake and eat it too

The Frugal Gourmet
The Frugal Gourmet

Cakes….Ovens….coincidence? I think not…..


Ovens are the most efficient killing machines ever invented. They need to be banned immediately.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

I was reading an accredited article that basically summarized this ruling as a travesty – that the ruling basically gives people the RIGHT to discriminate.

Human beings should not have a right to discriminate.

If people are granted that right then we may as well just call it the end of the world.


Yes – discriminating is always wrong when it means choosing something that progressives don’t want you to choose.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

Discrimination is a horrible thing. It is not like its something we do everyday to help make decisions.

If one ever feels like they can’t make a decision without discriminating, then the state has a void in its laws and should update their laws to provide guidance on the matter.


The only thing I discriminate against is discrimination.


It’s absolutely disgusting. Obviously Muslims and Jews should be able to practice Halal and Kosher slaughter in violation of animal rights laws, because that’s real religious freedom. But privileged, oppressive white Christians refusing to give a member of a victim group what they want when it supposedly goes against their “principles”? What principles? White Christians are responsible for SLAVERY, THE CRUSADES and THE HOLOCAUST! They are in a position of power and privilege and therefore do not have rights. Rights are there to protect victims FROM oppressors like them!

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Can they be deported to wonderful Africa instead?



Many of the black South Africans are actually quite keen to exchange white South Africans for African Americans. They’re confident that they can build Wakanda without whites. It’s just that the leaders of America aren’t so keen on it.


I was unaware the constitution regulates attempted cake-buying by fudge packers.


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Some cutting edge outfits for the world cup

Our Hispanics brothers contribution to world peace.

Donkey lovers are advised to avoid this link as it may cause thoughts of infidelity.


Make my votes count
Make my votes count

I have decided that to recognize this atrocity the the only proper action is erecting Holocaust II museums in every city across America.
I will be setting up a gofund me page for you to all donate huge sums of money.

It is all Trumps fault. People will soon stop saying Trump is like Hitler and start saying Hitler is like Trump only better.

Make my votes count
Make my votes count

An additional advantage to these new museums is every time we need some media attention we can leave a cake on the front steps or write “Buttsex is Gay” on the premises. Boom instant headlines.
