The Final Solution to the Problem of School Shootings


We now know the following things about the WHITE hispanic, biologically jewish school shooter Nicholas Cruz:

-Cops called to his house 36 times
-Two tips to FBI
-Dozens of reports to teachers
-Brought bullets to school
-Pics of guns on Insta
-Comments “I will be a school shooter” on YT
-Talks about killing ppl on Insta
-Threatens to kill ex’s boyfriend

Consequently, as progressives, we MUST ACT for the children. For progressives, when we see a set of facts like this and how we FEEL about the 17 dead children of color, we immediately know what the problem is and what to do-


GUNS are the problem. According to progressive researchers, your gun is 43x more likely to kill you than a home intruder. We know that people of color are constantly burdened by, bombarded with, and plagued, besieged, and beset by “The Violence,” and especially “The Gun Violence,” while having no agency whatsoever, nor responsibility for this condition that follows them around like Grendel or a miasma from neighborhood to neighborhood as they migrate. This white supremacy is so pervasive and this foisting The Violence onto the people of innocent color, that when researchers in Nashville did a state-wide longitudinal analysis of Section 8 versus crime trends, they found that the maps were nearly identical! They actually initially assumed they had used the same dataset to generate both maps.

Now, The Violence has proliferated into our schools and streets, as white supremacist white males are gunning down people from DC Sniper, to San Bernardino, to Orlando Gay Club, to Navy Yard, to Long Island Railroad, to Bataclan, to pretty much EVERYWHERE.

Including the recent uptick in – get this – GRENADE attacks in Sweden, which are now a weekly occurrence, despite having been not only unheard of but unthinkable just a few years ago. These attacks, according to the Swedish press, are carried out by SWEDISH MALES, which can only mean white people.

Banning whites is presently a bridge too far, but we progressives will get to that. Already we have vested political power in the Democrat party with jews, who selflessly advance the interests of people of color against the horrid oppression of white supremacy. Get this whites- there is NO PLACE FOR YOU IN OUR PARTY.

On guns, all they are made for is killing people. It is time to ban ALL of them. For people who live in high crime neighborhoods, simply CALL THE POLICE. 911 always works, 24×7, in disasters, and riots, and always and despite what a constitutional lawyer may tell you, you have the RIGHT to police protection. If someone has dragged you into the bushes, first show them the universal symbol for “NO!” that Germany has advised, then show them your yellow bracelet indicating how you are raising awareness against sexual assault, and offer to show them how you have pressed Like! many times on anti-sexual-assault posts on social media! If this does not work, simply CALL THE POLICE. If carjacked, CALL THE POLICE. They will arrive in no more than 5 or 10 minutes in most places! Leave this to the EXPERTS. The police do not have a lower hit rate with gunfire than the general public and in high-tech places like NYC where DIVERSITY is abundant, their hit rate isn’t even lower still, down around 11%! They are like on television, ok??!?

Banning guns WORKS. In some other countries, when they had a horrific shooting, they banned guns and never had another similar shooting either BEFORE or AFTER the ban, so clearly the ban worked!

Progressives KNOW what is best for you and we KNOW what works. And if it doesn’t work then we simply need to do it harder and in more abundance than before. For example, Chicago’s gun ban does not seem to have been effective. This is NOT because gun bans do not work, or that gun control is a statistical failure everywhere it’s been tried, but rather because guns are LEGAL somewhere else! This is also how black failure is not attributable to blacks but rather to white people that aren’t even present, such as how Detroit went from the richest city on earth to abject poverty and blight within one generation. It’s the whites who aren’t there who are to blame. The presence of legal guns in Vermont is responsible for the crime rate in Detroit. Guns in Virginia are responsible for crimes in Baltimore. Liberal leaders in New York consistently blame not New Yorkers or people of color (who they say are responsible for 98% of shootings there) but FLORIDA gun laws! And you cannot question a progressive, because racism, slavery, and The Holocaust. Progressives are steadfastly truthful and on this question, our feelings are unassailable.

So…tell me, do you support a gun ban or do you prefer the wanton slaughter of children? Ban all guns NOW!

Please support trav777 on Patreon

Eight years of Obama spiked gun ownership. Deport him to reverse the trend.


That just proves how RACIST gun owners are!


Go knock down a statue, tofu breath.

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

I prefer he goes after statues of womanizers

like Martin Luther King

Bill Gated
Bill Gated

There is also an elephant in the room. Why are the children boxed in, made to operate within narrow channels, and indoctrinated?

Girls may be good and sitting in one place, and absorbing all progressive ideals from the system, but boys need more freedom, and want to get physical once in a while.

Look at the fat judge who refused bail. Look at his public defendant. Look at the law enforcement. They all seem boxed in, mentally ill, and may break down at any time. They don’t show it, because at this moment, they are happy that they are in a better position, when compared to a drugged Cruz, who became a zombie from all those anti-depressants, and shot his school.
Modern education system is crap. Of course some people will be good in science, maths or arts, learn all that in school, and go on to be successful, but this boxed indoctrination is not the best way to learn for most folks.

Race, and guns are smaller issues, and they distract from real issues. Modern system believes in bestest solution, and force people to follow the bestest solution or be left out, or worse imprisoned. If one get’s out of the bestest solution mentality, then you’ll realize people are smart enough to find solutions that may be good in the place or community where they live, instead of globalized mongrel solutions dictated by UN, WHO, Open Society Foundation or my own foundation.


Trav is right. Maybe if you’d received more ritalin as a child, you wouldn’t believe that people should be able to use guns to prevent and respond to crime like the police do!

Bill Gated
Bill Gated

The problem with guns is that if there are fault lines in your community an external player can exploit it, and you have people shooting each other based on imagined insults.

Best thing would be to live where there are no guns or violence. Whatever you do in a broken setup that is modern living, there are chances that some guy with weapons will shoot a few people once in a while. Restricted, regulated living, with pharmaceuticals that destroy one’s mind are a recipe for disaster, even in a place where the good guys, the cops are fully equipped.

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

Thank the Lord that at least they are not being indoctrinated in flying donkeys, space goats and why it a good idea that when beating up your wife it is a good idea NOT to pluck out her eyes

Who will do the cooking and the laundry if she can’t see?

Abort Rednecks
Abort Rednecks

This redneck had fetal alcohol syndrome. Why was he not aborted? Abortion would have resolved this issue once and for all!

Of course ban guns, but also ban white rednecks.

At least the little brother has been admitted to a high-walled mental institution. These two should have both been aborted!


FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE THIS IS SO FUCKING OBVIOUS!! You want to prevent GUN crimes?? The why not, uhhh, ban freakin’ GUNS?? If you get rid of guns how can there be any gun crime?? The POLICE already have guns that they use to solve crime, so we don’t even need guns to solve crime! For goodness’ sake, how many more children need to DIE before conservatives accept BASIC, COMMON SENSE. SENSIBLE, SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, REASONABLE, SANE, LOGICAL GUN LAWS!!!! WAKE UP!!!


It is very common sense MDB. America gun laws need to be addressed. It’s very important for our future generations.


Abu, I sincerely hope that when you are elected president children younger than 7 are NOT given guns. For goodness sake, isn’t childhood a sacred thing that ALL children should enjoy? Sure, when they reach the age of 7 then they can know what it is to carry an AK47 and put the fear of God into their enemies, but childhood should be a time of innocence. Sorry to put it so bluntly but our children are our future!

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

I believe that the only law needed is a one that requires all home owners to own at least 3 types of guns

A pistol for close in work

A FULLY AUTOMATIC shotgun for multiple close range targets, that you want stay down once you put them there, and which has little risk of doing damage at a distance

and of course a rifle for distance work.

Mandatory gun safety and gun practice will be part of the law.


Experts |
Guns kill 1300 children per year |
true |
In America, over 1000 innocent children are killed every year by dangerous firearms. And while conservatives and the NRA continue to mask the dangers of letting people own firearms, the death toll continues to rise.


When cops kill hoodlums, it’s the cop’s fault. When nuts kill students, it’s the gun’s fault. Explain that. Dickwad.



Racist gun laws like “stand your ground” allow white policemen and white Hispanics like George Zimmerman to shoot any African American who approaches them! It’s the fault of guns AND white people AND cops AND men!

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

Seems like Blacks should have stayed in Africa.

Damn those Muslim slavers and Jewish slave traders.

On the bright side the threat of getting killed by a mountain of garbage falling on you is a bit less here in the States

While a death is a death, there are some kinds (unlike Impalement) that nobody deserves.

Mountain of Garbage Collapses, Kills 17
Search and rescue underway in capital of Mozambique

62 dead in Ethiopia garbage dump collapse

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

Blacks kill about 10,000 Blacks a year, and an untold number of other Blacks by selling them Drugs cut with laundry detergent.

Is that because of racism or just the profit motive?

Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness
Mules! Proof of Allahs Kindness

Impalement is the FINAL solution

Because after an properly handled Impalement, there is no need for any further action.

Make my votes count
Make my votes count

I am a firm believer in gun control. I really think if our leaders had any guts they would set an example on how important gun control is.

I am calling for all American police and military to disarm and destroy all of their weapons as a show of support that they want to see our children protected.
Once others see that display of peace they will destroy their weapons as well and everyone will be safe.
Guns are evil and need to be destroyed.

After that we can address this stupid keyboard that keeps mis-spelling words and making typo errors.


I applaud your action.

Please also encourage the youth in your community to join the grassroots movement to charter dozens of buses to the state capital to advocate for a strict gun ban. This is a grassroots effort, so everything will be lined up for you. The buses will be there with loudspeakers, poster boards and permanent markers in the luggage compartment, the CNN camera crew will be at the ready; we just need you to find the young people and put them on the buses. The buses are also capable of charging hundreds of iDevices at once so that the teens don’t lose their minds during the long journey. Extra USB charging cables will be provided for those students that forgot their cords, BUT THERE MAY NOT BE ENOUGH FOR EVERYBODY, SO PLEASE DO NOT FORGET YOUR USB CHARGING CABLES.


Wow this is so exciting! Everyone is going crazy on facebook re-posting anti-gun videos from Soros’ Media Matters! It’s so cool that Soros cares so much about children’s lives that he is willing to donate all this time and money to us! This truly is a grass roots movement!


Fantastic suggestion MMVC. We need to make keyboard laws stopping keyboards from misspelling things too.
