Could California Secede From The United States?


California has always been the epicenter of progressive thought and expression within America. From Hollywood and the pop music scene, to left wing universities and new age spiritual gatherings, California is home to some of the most progressive thought-leaders on the planet. California’s forward-thinking sanctuary cities and open heart for immigrants has also made it one of the most diverse states in America, and is rated one of the best places to live as an undocumented immigrant. Unfortunately, this sets it apart somewhat from America’s flyover states, which tend to be white, conservative and Christian, at least outside of the vibrant inner cities. Progressives have tried to resolve this difference by squashing the interests of white christian conservatives, forcing them to fund federal abortions, flooding them with immigrants, and infiltrating their ranks with soft, ineffective conservative politicians. But after a simply baffling 98% of counties voted for Trump, despite the had work and dedication of elite progressives from all around the country, many activists are dismayed and angry, and just want their own country where they can be free from fascism and oppression. So, what better place to create this egalitarian paradise than California?

Once an embarrassingly white state, full of tanned, blonde haired surfer dudes and bikini clad white women, like in the picture below, it has since transformed into a vibrant center of diversity, boasting one of the highest immigrant populations in the country, many of them undocumented and proud of it.

California’s once racist Hollywood movie industry, which used to make western movies glorifying masculinity, white males, and their bravery and grit during the colonization of the Native Americans’ land, is now run almost entirely by progressive Jews, who make movies featuring strong minorities and women, and weak, pathetic white males, while pushing progressive messages at every turn. California’s music industry, which once featured lame rock bands like the Doors, is now dominated by R&B, sexualized feminist activists and role models like Beyonce and Katy Perry, and white beta males crying about their feelings of weakness and insecurity. All great role models for our children.

California also boasts some of the best workers’ rights in the country, paying its government employees lavish pensions, and offering very favorable compensation packages and work hours. It also has silicon valley, who’s young whiz kids have produced some of the greatest innovations of the 21st century, churning out apps that we couldn’t even dream of a couple of years ago. Multi billion dollar silicon valley tech startups are building apps for everything you can imagine – such as find cool coffee shops in your area, recording important ideas, and staying informed with alerts that will keep your phone buzzing and distracting you all day long.

California’s celebrities generate huge wealth for the country as a whole, while carrying the burden of unproductive hick states like Kentucky, Wyoming and Montana. Hollywood alone generates incredible wealth, and is only increasing in popularity as it continues to intensify its progressive messages and undermine white males in every way possible.

It’s time for California to break free of this oppressive union, and be a beacon of hope for the world. Once free of Trump’s fascist America, California will be able to open its borders to the rest of the world, and offer more welfare than ever before, while raising taxes to 90%. Without the coal and oil lobby holding it back, California will also be able to generate all of its energy from green energy sources like solar and wind farms, which have proven to be efficient time and time again with the right amount of government subsidization. The possibilities are endless. So come on Cali – let’s show the world how it’s done, and create the progressive paradise that we’ve always envisioned! The time is riper than ever for revolution, and we have all the cards on our side.

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Wow exciting stuff – imagine if California just dumped Trump and his evil puppet master Putin then joined the EU.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Jello Biafra
Jello Biafra

I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles and never frowns
Soon I will be president
Trump power will soon go ‘way
I will be Führer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school
California Ãœber Alles
California Ãœber Alles
Ãœber Alles California
Ãœber Alles California
Zen fascists will control you
Hundred percent natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can’t happen here
Big Bro’ on white horse is near
The hippies won’t come back, you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay
California Ãœber Alles
California Ãœber Alles
Ãœber Alles California
Ãœber Alles California
Now it is nineteen eighty-four
Knock-knock at your front door
It’s the suede denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece
Come quietly to the camp
You’d look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don’t you worry, it’s only a shower
For your clothes, here’s a pretty flower
Die on organic poison gas
Serpent’s egg’s already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
California Ãœber Alles
California Ãœber Alles
Ãœber Alles California
Ãœber Alles California


Great stuff! i know am being over-optimistic but let’s hope more get your sense of reality. i see it as a great sign that you allow anyone to post comment no need to register etc.

longtime fan

Chocolate Starfish
Chocolate Starfish

But if California leaves us where would our examples for living and leadership come from? Sure we would still have New York and Chicago but once they see how well California does on its own it won’t be long before they see the wisdom in leaving the racist KKK USA.


I’m 100% behind piecemeal secession. You can guess which areas I hope leave. I have a 7-foot map on my wall


California COULD secede and leave the flyover states to their white, Christian and conversative lifestyles but I think we can do better than this.

What we need to do is persuade the flyover states to align their values with ours. How do we do this? Well, the first step might be to set up a ‘twinning’ programme where we identify a place in the world that is similar to say Kansas and then encourage ‘collaboration’. To my mind, a state like Kansas with 2.912 million people and a land area of 82,000 square miles seems very similar to the Gilgit Baltistan autonomous territory of Pakistan, whose population and land area are 1.42 million and about 73,000 square miles.

Under the twinning programme, anyone from Kansas who wants to live in Gilgit Baltistan will have the right to do so, and will be paid a living wage equal to the average in Gilgit Baltistan and free housing equivalent to average local standards.

To be fair, in return, anyone currently living in Gilgit Baltistan can, if they wish, come and live in Kansas and receive a living wage, free housing etc. there.

This twinning programme could be rolled out to all flyover states and run on a similar basis. I can only see success from this programme. Eventually, the whole of the United States will be culturally enriched.



If anything, it is perhaps too generous to the people of Kansas. Gilgit Baltistan is such an amazing place that India and Pakistan still quarrel over who owns the place. No-one would fight over land if it was basically a dump (although I suppose Northern Ireland is the exception here).

Maybe things could be evened out by ensuring an element of positive discrimination, whereby impatriés from Gilgit Baltistan get first rights on Kansas jobs.


Wow Pbier, such a good idea!; many European cities already run a similar scheme, though for obvious reasons (legacy of imperialism etc) it only works one way, but it is massively popular amongst local progressives (refugees welcome!) and has a huge take up amongst minorities.

Moreover social justice is served by ‘rubbing the noses’ (H.T. T.Blair) of impotent, ignorant far right working class Europeans in diversity (Ha ha!). They selfishly assume that ‘homes for heroes’ social housing should be monopolised by their kin. What about the heroes who recently fought for freedom in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya etc?.

In a post holocaust century these are demographic reparations for centuries of European imperialism (To paraphrase the F.T.s Gideon Rachman).

Dont seek a popular mandate USA, just do it! It is your moral prerogative as progressives! – There can then be no going back to the hideous white past, just an inexorable journey to a vibrant nirvana of fairness, in Kansas & everywhere!.


I still enjoy all your outstanding stuff, MDB. Never knew you had a web site.
