Why Dating Needs To Be Regulated By The Government


For all the technological, scientific and medical progress that has been achieved in recent centuries, we still lag pathetically behind when it comes to ensuring basic social justice for the most marginalised among us. In Current Year, there should be nothing remotely radical about the suggestion that a womyn should be able to stroll down the street wearing exactly what xe wants (or nothing at all if xe prefers) without being raped. Sadly, statistics of rapes of all types (actual penetration, eye-rape, opening-door-for-xer-rape etc.) remain stubbornly high.

We know that cis gendered white men are behind almost all of our most debilitating injustices, but we sometimes don’t seem to know what to do about it, and it often times feels that no-one in authority cares. Although we’re strong advocates of chemical castration of white males, unfortunately no government has been willing so far to implement this common sense idea.

I’ve come to the realisation that, quite often, it is freedom itself that is the problem.  Although this may seem paradoxical, the liberty to choose for oneself actually causes a great deal of oppression.  I can think of no better example of this than dating.  Take the following headlines of recent articles, for example, and you will see what I mean:

In progressive countries such as Pakistan, Somalia and Eritrea, the Western concept of ‘dating’ is frowned upon.  Upon their children reaching a certain age (anywhere from 10 years old), families simply get together to arrange their offspring’s marriages. Although there are some aspects of this culture that may appear problematic to us (e.g. same-sex marriage seems not to have caught on yet), the fact is that arranged marriages work well and oppression is avoided.

All alone on a Saturday night, because cis gendered men refuse to date this stunning and brave beauty

Contrast this ancient wisdom with the typical ‘dating’ scene in the West, where the ability of a trans womyn/ single mother/ woke womyn to get a date is utterly stymied.  It seems abhorent and archaic in the extreme that, although we can force Christian bakers to make Gay Marriage cakes on the one hand, we can’t force the same man to date a trans womyn. Instead, the state gladly turns a blind eye as the Christian baker actually gets to choose his date according to his own bigoted criteria (e.g. does he find the womyn ‘attractive’, does she share his ‘traditional’ views about the sanctity of marriage).

The obvious downside of Western-style dating is that many deserving womyn (whether trans, woke or single mothers) get left behind, with only a brood of cats for company. This, however, is far from the end of it.  The true insidiousness of unregulated dating is that, in time, it can lead to the formation of ‘traditional’ families where non-progressive ideas are handed down to the couples’ offspring, who will know no better and go on to do the same in years to come.  This, then, is the structural deficiency that is the heart of our modern malaise, and it has been going on for far too long.

The answer to creating a more just society is therefore quite simple. The state should step in and regulate dating/ sexual relationships.  By assigning unattached individuals to one another, all inefficiencies (e.g. incels) will be eliminated in a stroke.  Everybody gets a date! No-one is left behind to – in their rage at the injustice of their situation – plot revenge violence (see this poor individual, for example). For those on the alt right who might bleat about this scheme, don’t worry, you won’t actually be compelled to date trans womyn. Bigot. However, if the state in its wisdom decides that’s the best arrangement for you and xer and you refuse your civic duty, don’t be surprised if you are not given another choice.

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This is so important Pbier. It’s just unfathomable to me that men wouldn’t be happy to date a transwomyn! Why? Because she has a penis? SO FUCKING WHAT! They’re just genitals! If you don’t like it, just use another hole to satisfy your “needs”! I’m asexual so I’m pretty much open to anything and don’t have any strong preferences, although if I was going to marry someone then maybe a trans person would be ideal as at least that would be socially just.


I saw that too and I was also impressed, not just because of the womyn he took, but that he could even get aroused in the first place. I’m still a virgin when it comes to “getting aroused” or “attracted” to a womyn or anyone at all, but maybe that’s because I just haven’t met the right person yet. I’m holding out for as long as it takes to find my dream partner, unless the government finds one for me first.

Internet Boomer

Yes. Also, think about what a beautiful experience coming together with a trans womyn is. Overcoming such bigotry and unconscious bias is a monumental achievement in and of itself worthy of celebration.


Have you been committed to the Animal Farm?

Dan Chapman
Dan Chapman

Stuff them back into their closets and nail the doors shut.
Look at how homos revel in offending you, even as homos whine about being offended.
“rainbow” flags offend me …… pack them away.
Free speech to publicly burn an American flag in protest of American values,
But hate speech to publicly burn a rainbow flag in protest of homosexual nation destroying values!
Where is the TOLERANCE for the belief systems that built the Civilization.
Show me any successful, prosperous, homosexual civilization in all history..
When the “alternate” lifestyle becomes mainstream,civilization DIES. The parasite cannot live without it’s healthy host body.
Science is science. You can’t change your sex. You cant change biology because of emotions
Why are Child Sexual Abusers being allowed to conceal their sexual perversions behind a veil of “education”. They practice Pedophilia on children and claim it is “education”.
If you cannot NATURALLY bear and birth a child you are not a WOMAN.
If you cannot NATURALLY fertilize an egg you are not a MAN.
You can cut off whatever body part you want and change your pronouns. That Doesn’t change your DNA.
They scream “tolerance” but they are INtolerant.
They scream “HATERS” but look at their twisted faces and spittle dripping mouths.
They scream “democracy” but they refuse to accept the will of the MAJORITY.
There has been ZERO concern for the RIGHTS and FEELINGS of the NON-lbgtafd People, ALL they care about is THEM, So I see ZERO reason to give a Flying FIG about theirs.
“The gay pride flag is offensive to Christians and millions of people of other faiths, not only in this country but around the world.
These FREAKS are mocking females. They parody females. They are not dressing “like women” they are caricatures of women. Because they really HATE women.
There are TWO sexes. Male – Female. Anything else is an aberration or a mutation. A man in a woman’s clothes does not make him a woman, it makes him a FREAK. Men should not get to be in Women’s bathrooms or lockers!





There’s a big difference! The rainbow flag represents love and tolerance and burning it victimizes an extremely vulnerable and marginalized group of people! The American flag represents hate, slavery and Dylan Roof!

Internet Boomer

Your problematic rhetoric has no place in this vital progressive space. As a right leaning progressive Boomer, I’m a big fan of traditionalist Catholic conservative Pete Buttigieg. We that are a little to the right have come a long way, and your reactionary vitriol is not welcome!


Look pal, you are about to get the biggest red rectangle of all time.

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

Dan claims to hate the LBGTQAAIP++ community but I bet he takes Trump’s mushroom on a daily basis 😂

Dan Chapman
Dan Chapman

You never heard of “Freedom of Association”?
How about SLAVERY … since that is what you advocate.

Internet Boomer

“Freedom of association” is a racist dog whistle. Have you ever heard of “Jim Crow”?


How DARE you compare what we’re doing on this progressive news website to the horrors that African Americans experienced at the hands of YOUR PEOPLE!

Internet Boomer

This is a crucial dialogue to have Pbier. If we aspire to be better huemans we need to be able to look past superficial traits and see what’s inside. As a Boomer, I engaged in various ostensibly homosexual acts in the sixties because I somehow just knew that I wanted to experience being a co-lifeform with another spirit who was a “man”. That said, not everyone is as open minded. We need the state to help those in need of a little more persuasion to give up their bourgeois hangups.


Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

Pbier want to be a dog. Just not a black dog.


You’re so intellectual and open-minded IB. I also experimented with mushrooms and engaged in an orgy or two at some of Dartmouth’s elite clubs, but I’ve never had the guts to actually get a full-time boyfriend. Maybe that’s something I should consider in order to open up my horizons.

Internet Boomer

You should. As a Boomer who enjoys wearing turtle necks at upper middle class dinner parties, I like to have one or two anecdotes about my openmindedness ready to impress everyone. There’s only one way to get those opportunities to tell awesome stories though, and that is experiential learning.


Your stories at dinner parties must be fascinating Boomer. There’s nothing I love more than spending hours listening to and telling stories to prove how virtuous I am to a small group of people that I only see every now and then. Those few status points really mean something when you add them up.


Mister Boomer,
I do believe that you would have enjoyed whatever homosexuals do in college.
Perhaps you should have been more reserved such as MDB was. At least he didn’t take home a case of genital warts and various esoterica.

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

I think the government should require individuals to try at least one homosexual relationship, at least one relationship with a trans-individual, etc etc. Encouraging exploration of one’s sexuality is vital in Current Year. How can one know that one is meant for a banal cis relationship if xe has never tried a homosexual one? Obviously the government knows what’s best for you.


That gal who played Wonder Woman on the TV in the 70s was enough to make one swear off homosexuality or even transspecism. It is unfortunate that the show was so unwatchable as with some half decent writer and that body it would have been a hit as big as “All in the Family” before Meathead’s wife got so fat and discredited Accredited sites that trolled for donations to some dump in Africa.


I now recall that Meathead’s wife on the show had a real name of Sally. Later on I found it to be ironic that Sally turned portly which reminded me of my military school days when we marched through a SallyPort or however the conventions of whites coerce the rest of us to spell their goofy words.


Pbier, may I say that your lead photograph person in not as attractive as you find xher to be. Do not get angry with me as I am more fragile than you might assume. I prefer the more slutty Hollywood starlets and especially Lady Gaga.

Doubleplusgood Duckspeaker

Jessica Yaniv is stunning and brave


Canada must be so proud of her.

Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness
Mules-Proof of Allah\'s Kindness

How many points for being skinny?


Meghan McCain. The girl on a 12,000 calorie/day diet. That’s her pic in your above story, right?


It hurts me that in 2020 people try to figure out who the person is from their face. Aren’t there better ways?
Facial recognition is only for AI cameras.
