Why The Recent Drop in Sperm Count is Nothing to Worry About


After labeling alternative health alarmists “quacks” for decades, this year the accredited media reluctantly gave them some credit for spotting the significant drop in sperm count in the West. According to the Scientific American, “sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years”. Alternative health quacks of course blame a variety of accredited industries for this drop, from glyphosate sprayed crops, to estrogenic hormones in meat and dairy, to mercury fillings installed by accredited dentists, to EMF’s from cell phones and other wireless devices. In every case, the accredited media has been quick to discredit these alarmists using a variety of quotes from accredited authorities about the lack of evidence supporting their claims, even as these quacks desperately try to cite what little they can find in the peer-reviewed literature. And while health quacks might be right about the drop in sperm count, there are many accredited explanations for this drop, and experts believe that it is nothing to worry about.

As we have covered before at the Accredited Times, the alternative health world is fraught with scams, deceptions and lies, and navigating it is like walking through a minefield of disinformation. In the case of the sperm count drop, some armchair nutritionists blame low fat diets, and claim that steroid hormones involved in sperm production are built from fat and cholesterol. But accredited dietitians and food scientists have confirmed repeatedly that the food pyramid, consisting of plenty of lectin and glyphosate-filled grains, hormone-enhanced milk, fluoride and heavy metal-saturated tap water, mercury-filled fish is the ideal diet, and that cholesterol-filled eggs, grass-fed butter and grass-fed beef are dangerous and cause heart disease. Non-accredited scientists like Professor Martin Pall have also blasted onto the alternative quack scene, explaining how WiFi and other EMF’s cause measurable biological damage at the chemical level by activating calcium channels. But the silence from the accredited telecommunications industry and the World Health Organization on this issue indicates that it is not in fact a problem.

The Scientific American says that they are at a loss for what could possibly be causing this decline, as there aren’t many possible causes that spring to mind. But at the Accredited Times we would like to go one step further, and say that this decline is not a problem at all. Firstly, the sperm count problem primarily affects white males, who are polluting the environment and oppressing every other race and gender through their mere existence, described by CRT experts as “whiteness”. In addition, what exactly is wrong with having low testosterone and low sperm count? If you’re a progressive like me, and you don’t intend to have kids, then why worry about something that doesn’t affect you? I’m a raw vegan and as a consequence I’ve had low testosterone for years, and cannot get aroused by anything, yet I feel content and at one with nature. Being a soft, beta male is a great way to live. When a woman is being stalked in the streets, you can just timidly walk away instead of confronting her stalker. When a fight breaks out at the bar, you can just look down and quietly sip your craft beer. When somebody mistreats you, you can simply withdraw and let them win. Being a passive beta male with low testosterone and low sperm count is great, and I highly recommend it. When I go to the gym to do yoga, I often see many beta males with skeletal-like physiques and frail faces, and they often stare at the more masculine men lifting heavy weights, taking long pauses between sets as they focus on everyone but themselves. This is the 21st Century, and this is the century of the beta male. We don’t want to have kids, and we don’t like beautiful womyn, so we’re cool with having low sperm count. Alpha males and hardcore right wingers better get out of the way because they are going the way of the dodo. We’re taking over and there’s nothing you can do about it.

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Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

“This is the 21st Century, and this is the century of the beta male” – MDB

“When beta males rule the world, all babies will look like Putin” – Missy


When woman is getting her sperm portion she must celebrate more divercsity. So with black or white sperm asian sperm must be added as well. Not sure how it’s done, maybe by inviting chinese to get her coctail.

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

I think you’ll find they all look the same under the microscope, except of course Mr Putin’s.


My favourite explanation so far was fluoride in water (see this study where they used rabbits https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3017333/ ) but other studies involve rats. I still think that using rabbits instead of altright supporters was cruel, but if we need to enrich water with statins, killing two birds with one stone is not that bad.
Have you ever seen a lab footage of sperms bumping on each other and competing to rape an innocent ovule? It is so violent that I had to stop viewing the footage and vomit, even Russian hooligans behave better



That’s disgusting! Using animals in scientific tests is MURDER, no two ways about it. Not helped by your wanting to MURDER ‘two birds with one stone’ and saying it ‘is not that bad’


I draw the line at experimenting on raw vegetables and even that is dubious.


Post flagged now, thanks to open my eyes

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

If it’s only a sample you’re talking about, you may be reading too much into the situation. Check your privilege, it may be a male fantasy!

Missy Bo Pepys
Missy Bo Pepys

The male fantasy I was talking about has nothing to do with killing birds or rabbits, it has to do with sperms bumping on each other and competing to rape an innocent ovule as reported by jfb. I hope this clears up any confusion I may have caused!


WTF? Trusted gov’t experts say we need to f*ck our brains out to achieve demographic security. It’s kinda like a categorical imperative. Can this deranged author define categorical????


does MBD know what imperative means????

Vladmir Putin
Vladmir Putin

People have misunderstood yoga, one of the practical aspects of it, is to experience life fully, with a healthy mind and healthy body.
It doesn’t ask to you to get out of cycles of life, like marrying, having children, protecting them from life’s dangers, and enjoying the whole process.
If you do yoga, you should have increased awareness of the world around you, you should be able to sense a violent person in the vicinity, and be able to avoid, or even confront him, if necessary. Much of such yogic knowledge is lost, people see yoga practitioners as docile, sterile and weak.
Look at cops with steroid rage, body builders and WWF super heroes who die very early, normal folks who are drugged by common pharmaceuticals and who handle stress poorly, then you’ll realize the opposite side, totally bereft of yogic experience.


yes; yoga people are truly awesome to behold.

They have really moved society forward, unlike white men who sailed the oceans, flew solo across the atlantic after being up all night drinking, or rocketed to the moon and landed a spaceship there by hand.

Vladmir Putin
Vladmir Putin

Fat man raised on scientifically balanced nutrition from boxed cereals, and vitamin pills can’t see his own toes.
Here is the scorpion pose done by a white woman –


Only too many white people.

Infinity Africans is a laudable goal and the few remaining white people need to GET TO WORK to make it a reality.

Stick Your Proof In My Pudding
Stick Your Proof In My Pudding

Effeminate men are in. Bullies are out.



I was dismayed to find my sperm count was zero. Then I remembered I had the snip and it was a good sign of a successful operation. Close call guys. Can you imagine the embarrassment of me getting a woman pregnant whilst identifying as a lesbian? My cover would have been seriously blown.


all of you are batshit crazy feminist alt-left fucks

