Millennials – Who Are They And What Do They Want?


Millennials are by far the most sophisticated and forward thinking generation in America. Their tech savviness and passion for social justice makes them a force to be reckoned with. Historically oppressive institutions such as universities, corporations and churches are consistently bending to meet their demands, as they continue to wage war against historical injustice.

Millennials are the most college educated generation in the US, holding a wider range of qualifications than has ever before been available. Armed with these college degrees, smart phones and social media, Millennials are spreading their message of social justice like wild fire, uniting millions of people behind causes such as free education, universal healthcare and Black Lives Matter. Within hours, Millennial social justice warriors can organise a rally of hundreds of people to protest against Trump, call for open borders, or demand a living wage. It’s no surprise that with aggressive activism like this, Millennials are changing the world at an electrifying pace.

Millennials are motivated by principles of fairness, tolerance and justice. They have a natural skepticism of unregulated free markets, and rules imposed by old white men. They believe that society can be a fun, diverse and safe place for everyone. They don’t believe life should mean working as a wage slave for the white patriarchy, or following tedious rules imposed by religions and families. Instead they have a vision of true freedom, where women can be single mothers, and people can make a living through blogging, app development and activism, while our energy needs are taken care of by sustainable green energy sources like solar panels and wind farms. The world they envision is soft, rule free, risk free, and worry free, where everyone is taken care of and able to do whatever they please. It’s an ideology that focuses on meeting peoples’ basic needs, so that they can stop working and start truly living; and through effective social activism, they are rapidly turning this vision into reality.


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Just had to leave one star because you need to read history and understand you will get nowhere in life by fantasizing about being a “professional blogger” and a “social justice warrior.” You cannot change human nature by tweeting and facebooking. Quit be lazy, get a real job building something, and move out of your mom’s basement so you can make a real, positive impact on someone’s life.


Excuse me? YOU need to learn science and technology, and understand that we’re living in the 21st century. The internet provides limitless oportunities, and when we change the system, people won’t have to slave away anymore to make a living. Social activism is a real career – you can work as a professor of Critical Race Theory or a community organizer. There are also MILLIONS of people making a full time living on social media. It’s the future, and old people like you just don’t get it.


Wonderful. How are you going to change the system? By talking about it? lol Yeah, because you change so many minds behind the keyboard. I bet those callouses on your hand hurt from all the typing. I hope your delusions of grandeur come to fruition. When it doesn’t there is no ‘safe space’ that is going to protect you from reality. Can you fix a car? Can you grow your own food? Can you….do anything but spout off about social justice inequities? Despite what you want to believe, no one is holding you back, but yourself. “Social activism is a real career.” I will pray for you child.


OMG! Nobody has to know how to ‘fix a car’ in the 21st century! You must be old. Soon we’ll have self driving cars, so you won’t even have to know how to DRIVE a car in order to use one. Why do I need to grow my own food when I can just buy it from Starbucks? When we finally get a living wage in this country, nobody will have to work, and all your investment in ‘self sufficiency’ will be wasted. Get with the times!

dendritic xylem
dendritic xylem

I’m a millennial. I agree that the internet has changed everything and is allowing the masses to evolve faster. BUT, what happens if the electrical grid shuts down? Your technocratic lifestyle will evaporate and the only people who will live easy are the mechanics and farmers. Keyboard jockies will be worthless. Also, who is going to install and maintain those solar/wind generators that you want to rely on? Mechanics/technicians will. So your lifestyle will still be fundamentally reliant on good old fashioned american elbow grease. Take away the skilled labor, and your utopia collapses. P.S…I love working on cars…it saves me soooo much money driving cheap used cars. My friends who have no mechanical skills are forced to pay large sums of money for new cars, or overpay mechanics for maintenance on older vehicles. Also, relying on corporations for your food will undoubtedly take a toll on your health. You can grow higher quality food, at a cheaper price, than anything you could buy from even the most expensive organic grocery stores…because they can’t let produce ripen as much since it will be sitting on a shelf. But if you have your heart set on obtaining sustenance from starbucks…you’re already screwed.


Accredited, but anonymous “journalists”?…accredited by who? Certified Left-wing forum trolls would be a more accurate description…


The official standards for writers are set and validated by peer review. The accreditation process ensures that writers are competent and that Times articles are always of high quality.


I might add that the accrediting committee is minority- and women-inclusive!


This site is Accredited because it covers the issues from a mainstream perspective, validated by top economists, scientists, social scholars and all respected media outlets.

Ms. Skrelly Dolezal
Ms. Skrelly Dolezal

Dear Mr. My Privilege can’t even fit through the doorway,

Oh my G! You have alot of nerve to come into a legitimate social justice website and talk down to some of the top certified pioneers and forerunners of this movement. Last time I checked the education you are receiving here is FREE!

Just myself alone has many recognized literary validated credentials and pro-state sanctioned affirmations, run my own non-profit SJW business, have spearheaded the CGCRC (Covert Gerrymandering Canvassing Resistance Committee). Oh and also somehow find the time to be the CFO of ‘!’


Please replace “Oh my G” with “Oh my deity or lack of it of your choice”! Lets be consistent.

Ms. Skrelly Dolezal
Ms. Skrelly Dolezal

The G stands for Robert Guillame! BENSON. Hello?! Just LOL. It IS the current year!


The S&P, along with the Dow and Commodity prices have been inflated in price by trillions of $ of printed fiat currency. Money that only a chosen FEW people have access to–your Fearless Leader’s .01%. It’s not a miracle and it isn’t unprecedented there have been many asset bubbles built in the past. With your superior Millennial education, you should know that. Your position on the economy is delusional, scary in its detachment from reality.


Did you miss out on the move up? The only people complaining are the Bears who missed out on the huge upswing. It’s not too late to get into the market and prosper — Ms. Clinton will continue the Legacy of Obama’s Economic Recovery for another eight years.


I learned about the efficient market hypothesis at university, which states that the market is always right. There’s no such thing as an ‘inflated’ stock market. The stock market always accurately reflects the real state of the economy, taking into account every tiny piece of information. Quantitative easing stimulates aggregate demand, which boosts the economy. This economic growth is reflected in the price of equities. I think it’s YOU who needs to learn economics.


The second paragraph of this article deserves Pulitzer or whatever price they give out to journalists now a days

BTW,MDB-I agree

World doesn’t need those racist engineers,scientists,construction workers,factory workers,CEOs,stock brokers,lawyers and bureaucrats

the Diomed
the Diomed

Man this was awesome LOLing. Subscribed.


is this article a repeat?

Wind farms kill birds. Solar panels disturb habitats and their manufacture is toxic. They require STEM degrees which need to be abolished.

“they” will have to just invent limitless energy from new sources that don’t harm anything nor whose use generates entropy. If ancient Africans wuz able to be kangz n sheeit and have mind controlled flying pyramids, then ANYTHING is possible. We just need to wish more strenuously for reality to conform itself to our desires.


I’m not an expert on green energy, but basically we need to replace fossil fuelds with something SOON, if we are going to stop climate change. There are definitely green energy sources out there that can provide far cheaper energy than our current sources. The oil companies don’t want us to have them though, which is why we need to outlaw oil.

Merlyn Rattanchair
Merlyn Rattanchair

Outlawing the commodity will probably not work. But I think that this supertanker of global warming could be turned around pretty effectively by a mass strike. Imagine how beautiful it would be if the world rallied to the banners of BLM and for 3 weeks refused to do any wage slave work whatsoever? And this includes truck drivers and refinery workers and roughnecks and customs agents and so on, since it is in all our interest to seek redress for injustice for people killed reading books and so on. Praise lumpendom! At the end of the solidary sit-in, you’d have a situation where global supply chains had well and truly broken down, and you probably couldn’t get any oil even if you’re among the retrogrades who can’t help but want it. Unless you have a well seesawing out back, but even then it’d probably only be good for torch oil. At the end of which efflorescence of progressive wizardry, you’d have the ship turned around and ready to go on a patrol to tackle the next big problem, white privilege. Who’s in?


Sounds like a great idea, but oil workers tend to be right wing bigots who deny the science of climate change, so I think organizing a strike could be challenging.


Disneyworld, a la mode, for all! Fueled by limitless debt and a bit of solar/wind magic, we can finally conquer the universe. Thank you Accredited Times for showing us a way forward.
