Why a Russian Terrorist Attack Could be Imminent


Russia’s aggression has rapidly escalated over the past few years, and Putin is becoming an increasing threat to world peace. Since its hostile intervention in Syria, Russia has set up a no-fly zone over Syria, threatening to shoot down any American plane that flies over occupied air space. Russia has also been implicated by multiple accredited sources in the hacking of Democratic party servers and the series of cyber attacks that crippled America’s economy last week. After a series of escalating acts of aggression, top US national security experts are now concerned that Russia may be planning a devastating terrorist attack against US citizens.

The UN is now discussing the possibility of kicking Russia from their Security Council for their human rights abuses in Syria. Assad and Putin have been implicated in the use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people as well as the bombing of schools and hospitals in their efforts to stop the Free Syrian Army. Secretary of State John Kerry recently condemned Russia’s actions as crimes against humanity, and called for an investigation of Putin for possible war crimes. As Russia continues to be side lined in global affairs, many are worried that their frustration could lead them to engage in an act of terror.

Russia’s navy fleets have been increasingly provocative, with one ship sailing through the English channel, just miles from the British and French coasts. This is an absolutely outrageous act of aggression, that suggests Putin may be planning to launch a tactical nuke into Europe! We need to be prepared for anything, as Russia continues to display total disregard for human rights and our national security. It’s time to take proactive steps to quell this aggression and stop Russia in their tracks. This may be our last chance to engage Russia in Kinetic military action before an all out war breaks out.

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If Trump wins then we know the election has been rigged. MSNBC is reporting that Hillary has a double digit lead now, as more and more people continue to rally behind her message of compassion for undocumented Americans, good-paying jobs for womyn and minorities and a tough stance against Russian aggression. There have been reports that sites like the Drudge report have been oversampling right-wingers in their polls to make it look like Trump is winning. But these non-accredited polls have been thoroughly debunked by professional media outlets such as CNN.


Yes. Trump could only win at this point by cheating. EVERY single poll from a source you can trust to tell the truth all of the time, like CNN or NBC, has shown Hillary winning probably 50-0. If Trump wins a single jurisdiction, I think we have massive election fraud and probably will have to immediately attack Russia with nuclear weapons as they will not immediately deny having interfered with our elections.

Putin is not denying hacking the DNC or any of these other things despite repeated accusations from our accredited media outlets and trustworthy democrat politicians.

Instead, he is sailing his aircraft carrier past others’ countries. Can you imagine this? How aggressive is this sort of thing, sailing an aircraft carrier close to another sovereign nation!?!? It’s nearly an act of war!

He is also bombing in another country…clearly aggression and war crimes. Every time the Russians strike, our accredited mainstream news outlets inform us that they hit a hospital or something with children in it. And always with barrel bombs or chemical weapons or something like this, just heinous, horrific stuff.

The time is NOW to act!!


The elections can’t be rigged by Trump; in 16 states at least the company that operate the voting machines (Smartmatic) has links to the philantropist George Soros, so you can sleep well.


That’s good news. But there is still the risk of voter intimidation by conservatives and militias. We desperately need the UN to get more involved, or many Democrats won’t feel safe.


As Drb6 mentionned a few days ago, Trump supporters are so desesperate that they now dress like black panthers to smear name of this organization and make the democrats look bad

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton

Unlike nation building we’re pretty good at no-fly zones. How many thousands of innocent lives would have been spared had we set one up? Everyone knows Russia is bombing civilians, committing mass genocide, and interfering in Americas election. Turkey shot down a Russian jet and Putin didn’t do anything about it because Turkey has our backing, he won’t risk a war with us by violating a US led no-fly zone. I’m with HER!

And then we have hate speech like this from you-know-who:

“If they ever did overthrow Assad, you might end up with ― as bad as Assad is, and he’s a bad guy ― but you may very well end up with worse than Assad,” Trump said.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.


“Everyone knows Russia is bombing civilians, committing mass genocide”
Apparently there are appaling reports that some residents of East Aleppo, who couldn’t use the humanitarian corridors to get out because of the strayed bullets coming from the back, have put the Syrian flag on their roof in the Hanano sector . Some were even helping the Syrian army to find the hidden rebel snippers, this is disgusting! I wouldn’t be surprised if Assad/Putin have cut their access to CNN; that could explain their crass ignorance of the situation and the fact that they are still in the dark, unlike educated North Americans.


They haven’t fact check with 3 accredited sources with the method explained by MDB yesterday, that’s their error.


Exactly. Trusting observations on the ground is too subjective and can lead to incorrect conclusions. I don’t make any judgements myself at all these days – it’s safer just to trust accredited media outlets.


It’s worse; they’re SO scared of Assad’s utter and total brutality that they are afraid to not flee to government-controlled territory every single time the “rebels” take over an area. There’s no example of anyone ever fleeing to rebel-held land. None.

And Assad is so brutal that he won with like 85% of the popular vote in an internationally-monitored election in 2014. It’s insane. Can you believe that America is standing idly by while democracy is flaunted like this??!?!

It’s like how we stood and did NOTHING, the one exceptional nation, when the Russians annexed Crimea by force, after a vote showing something like 90% of Crimeans wanted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia…this is a CLEAR violation of democratic norms, allowing the people to choose like this! Democracy demands that we ACT to stop it.


After Syria, we need to liberate Iran, and then Egypt. I can’t understand these extremist isolationists who think we should stay out the Middle East. We have a moral duty to liberate these people! If we don’t do it who will?

Mr. Pink
Mr. Pink

Who will be the first victim of this alleged imminent attack, and how does the author know the timing?

an Anglo speaker would never use the word “Putin” as many times in the article, unless he was talking about himself. It is clear as the mud on your face, Mr. Putin, that you are the true author of this article.

Imagine, Putin himself, trolling the planet as MDB.


You’re right to question my loyalty. Let me be clear – I fully and unequivocally support nuclear World War III with Russia. My allegiance is solely to our progressive government and our allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia.


Good, good, comrade. But you did not say Israel three times…I sense a tinge of anti-Semitism in you. But at least you put them first in the sentence. Clearly, though, no other ally could ever be in the same sentence as Israel Israel Israel, as they are the greatest ally that is, was, or ever will be. So you probably should have at least put a semicolon between them and Saudi Arabia, our champions of human rights and freedom and peace in the Middle East.


My accredited sources in the CIA and FBI confirm that MDB is a Mosul double agent who is hell bent on bringing WWIII to Putin and Russia at any cost. Rest assured, MDB knows that the only way for this to happen is to elect a great progressive leader like HRC. HRC and MDB will truly be the one’s to “Make America Great Again”!


If the Russian ever decide to retaliate to a nuclear strike the new Secretary of Defense Michèle Angelique Flournoy and the commander in chief HRC will give an instruction to give a thumb down on Putin’s facebook page


@BLM: She has a bachelor of arts degree in social studies from Harvard University, it’s nearly as good than a degree in Critical Race Theory. I hope she tells her husband to sit down and shut up and use her emotional IQ to serve America


With two womyn occupying the two highest security clearances, our national security should be in good hands. Russia is secretly very afraid of our diverse government and military, as science has shown that womyn and minorities are superior leaders and warriors. This is why Putin wants Trump to be president – because he will empower useless white males who will hinder our efforts to defeat the Russians.


Totally agree. Trump should not have been allowed to derail the debate with the stolen Wikileaks documents, which most Americans are aware were hacked by the Russians. Our military needs leaders who understand social justice issues, so they can make informed decisions on the battlefield, like how many bathrooms to provide in military bases, and how to reduce white privilege in the special forces teams. Medals also need to be awarded to victim groups for participation, rather than for ‘merit’ which is just code for white privilege. We also need more Muslim Americans in the military like the war hero Humayun Khan, to help us liberate the Middle East.
