Trump’s Latest Conspiracy Theory – Hillary Will ‘Steal’ the Election


As if Trump couldn’t stoop any lower, he is now accusing Hillary of planning outright election Fraud, in a fraught attempt to divert attention away from the numerous sex scandals that threaten to put the nail in the coffin of his already failing campaign. This move smacks of desperation, as even respected senior GOP members such as Paul Ryan abandon his imploding campaign, and female voters switch to Hillary in droves, after learning about his deplorable treatment of womyn.

In recent weeks, Trump has urged his dwindling support base to ‘monitor’ the booths on election day for anything ‘suspicious’. Alluding to outright election fraud, Trump then follows up with “you know what I’m talking about”. These are serious accusations, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So what is Trump’s evidence? Well it turns out, nothing other than conspiracy theories emanating from discredited sources like the right-wing political pundit ‘Roger Stone’ and radio talk show host ‘Alex Jones’. Roger Stone is so convinced that the ‘establishment’ will try to steal the election, that he has set up an organization called “Stop the Steal”, which collects donations from gullible and paranoid Trump supporters, in order to monitor the election process and ensure that Trump’s votes are counted.

The fact is, experts agree that election fraud is all but impossible with today’s electronic voting machines, and highly robust voting process. Electronic voting machines are designed with tight security, and an objective vote-counting algorithm that cannot be tampered with. Voting booths are manned by patriotic government employees, who will be watching the process like a hawk, and making sure that all votes are counted correctly. As an additional fairness measure, this year the UN will also be providing accredited independent monitors to oversee the election and prevent voter suppression.

Election fraud is generally more likely to be the subject of Hollywood Movies rather than actual elections. Accusing Democrats of election fraud has long been a tactic of failing Republicans, but as Hillary says, “when they go low, we go high”. As Trump continues to insult the integrity of millions of hardworking government employees and UN officials who will be handling our elections, Hillary will continue focusing on the issues that matter to the American people, such as Trump’s mistreatment of women and his various other bigoted views.

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The simple fact that the VP candidate Pence backs the charge that Russia is trying to hack the computer system in order to get his running mate Trumpf at the head of the state, so that he is a Russian agent, should be more than enough to discredit Trumpf. Can you imagine a world where the vp republican candidate backs the charge of the democrats against the potus candidate of his own team? This one alone should show anyone that presenting any evidence of Russian hacking is now useless


Yes, this alone should disqualify him from running. Also I must remind you to avoid reading through the stolen wikileaks documents yourself, as CNN has warned that it is illegal for anyone other than accredited media outlets to do so:


Don’t worry. It would NEVER cross my mind to read a non accredited source, wheter it is RT, zerohedge, wikileaks or moonofalabama. I have even installed on my computer a software that blocks any non accredited source to reach my screen when some troll post a link to such sites. Not that I would click on it myself but you never know if your mouse has a glitch or some Russian made virus simulate a click to pollute your mind


That’s very wise. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the near future, readers of non-accredited news outlets that promote Russian propaganda, will be deemed Russian agents and will be prosecuted accordingly.


As long that we simplify the procedure and remove the lawyers from the equation it’s possible to shorten the procedure to 5 minutes. Can you imagine millions of people who would be prosecuted over years? Not enough jails to detain them, even if we use all the newly constructed 71 multigenders toilets temporarely to lock them it wouldn’t be enough


Oh yes, it’ll have to be done without trials as those will be far too cumbersome. When the internet is properly regulated, we will be able to automatically detect when somebody is reading Russian propaganda, and then automatically deduct a fine from their cashless bank account. The whole thing can be automated.


@MDB: What you describe is just a paradise, the cashless paradise that we are all craving for,


I suggest taking a page out of Russian playbook: use so-called “Troikas” for prosecution, as was done in 1937-1938 in USSR. Most productive troikas, consisting of Party official (Democratic, obviously), local police chief, and a local judge, could prosecute as many as 500 people per hour!


@drb6 That’s a very efficient prosecution rate indeed! However I think automating the whole procedure would be even more efficient. Think about it – without any lawyers, judges or prosecutors, the NSA could automatically prosecute and fine millions of people at a time who are violating internet regulations! This is the most efficient legal system conceivable!


Thank you for posting this warning not to even look at the illegal Wikileaks emails. Must additionally warn people not to look at Trump or alt-right media references to the illegal emails either. Real Accredited Media outlets need to start removing all references to illegal emails altogether lest peace loving people suffer needless anxiety. At a minimum, all Trump references to Hillary and her emails should include trigger warnings to protect innocent minds.


CNN says they’re going through the emails and picking out the important pieces, so we can get all the relevant information from them without breaking the law. I just wanted to let people know that it’s illegal for people outside the accredited media to look through the stolen emails. A lot of people don’t seem to realize this.


I’m also quite sure that if there were widespread voting fraud, that the media would report on it, right? Imagine this, imagine if Hillary DID steal the election…do you think CNN and CBS, NBC, ABC would simply NOT report it as such? Haven’t they been fully reporting ALL of the things that have been negatives for Hillary? Of course they have. There aren’t thousands of items out there demonstrating Hillary’s total corruption and criminality, because the accredited mainstream news stations simply haven’t been reporting that there are.

One is left to wonder about the Trump supporters, all these claims that the media is ignoring rampant criminality and cheating throughout the elections process, that somehow the election was stolen from Bernie and now they are going to probably claim or realize that if Hillary steals the main election the news wouldn’t report on that either and without that outlet for the truth, it would be a fait accompli. Trump’s supporters should really be pointing out that the system has total control over everything, make that “conspiracy theory” actually what it is and bigger. But they don’t. Too busy grabbing pussies.


This article demonstrates why Progressive an obligation to express endless love and compassion for our Nazi fascist neighbors within. We must bear in mind that no human being behaves in such deplorable fashion naturally. These thoughts and actions are the result of minds tormented by mental illnesses. These poor souls wretched existence is even worse than the hurts and harm inflicted on innocents of society. As compassionate progressives, nature itself demands we strive tirelessly to cure these individuals. We must borrow ideas from brethren in Pyongyang and formerly Soviet Moscow and establish treatment facilities to house, treat, re-educate the Nazi Fascist right-wingers in our midst. Programs of proper diet and exercise and continual instruction worked wonders in other countries and will work equally well her to cure the poor wretches suffering from Trumpf, Righ-Wing influences. Though costly and time consuming, these programs are proven the most effective and compassionate method of curing society’s worst ills while restoring effected individuals to joyful productive lives in service to the people. History will forever be disappointed that such programs do not currently exist everywhere but history will never forgive us if we do not implement such programs immediately and universally world-wide once Hillary is instituted into her rightful place of power.


We have to be careful of moving too fast though, as this may provoke a violent backlash from angry right-wingers. We need to slowly change minds by educating children in social justice topics from an early age, and prescribing behavior medications to children who struggle to comply. We also need to start medicating the water supply with mood stabilizing drugs, which reduce the likelihood of people turning to extreme ideologies.


I am sure you are aware that child education and medication programs are already well underway. While largely successful in properly framing the minds of children, they do not address the rightful needs of adults or children who fail to respond to ongoing education efforts.
Do you not realize the boundless joy that re-education programs have provided to populations in other countries. Imagine how much better we will be with well run re-education training facilities too. Spontaneous colorful, joyful celebrations of thanksgiving routinely break out in other countries as people express undying gratitude to their leaders for saving the wretched masses. Would you delay in offering the same here as well?


This is a great point. A state-sponsored and governmental nationwide curriculum would truly foster innovation and creativity. In addition, a UBI to all indigent households will more than likely create a utopia where people will no longer worry about having jobs, but instead spend most of their times being creative and extremely productive. This has shown to be the case according to governmental statistics. I am surprised that the highly unbiased, objective, and uncompromising journalism at CNN hasn’t shed more light on this crucial topic.


Common core should be in place soon, and I agree about the basic income. It’s rapidly gaining traction amongh progresive young people who are fed up with corporations who refuse to appreciate their college degrees. When we have a basic income, work will become optional, not necesary, which takes away the power from the corporations who want to control us by making us work.


All those deplorable behaviours stem from flaws in the gene pool, which should be improved by science in the long run. The Trumpmia is a mental disorder where several individuals aregate into larger tribes who feel that they have a word to say because of their number. It’s related to similar mental disorders that have appeared in Europe recently (Faragitism, Lepenmania), unfortunately those people do not understant that above all they are consumers, not a tribe, a religious group, a family ceil or even someone with a definite sex


I would characterize the disease as an excess of individualism, and a failure to recognize your role in a society. Symptoms of the disease include over-ambitiousness, defiance of authority, and a rejection of principles of fairness and tolerance.


The disease also include any belief in some backward collective/cohesive group that could use deprecated values in order to challenge/compete with the newly proposed model of collectivity based on social justice and fairness under the guidance of qualified people,


Thankfully we have Hillary to finally provide ultimate solution to these societal ills. She has the one person with the backbone necessary to make the tough choice both domestically as well as on the international stage. At long last we will have the world-wide utopia that so many have dreamed about over the centuries. It will be hard work for her but by Springtime she will have once and for all cured the evil nut-job right wingers. The liberated masses will be dancing in the streets across the whole globe.
