Categories: Culture

The Case for Medicating the Water Supply

With many health problems on the rise around the world, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, many health experts are now floating the idea of adding health-promoting medications, such as statins, to the water supply. The idea is rapidly gaining traction among politicians and social scholars, who are always looking for ways to improve the public’s health and reduce the burden on their countrys’ medical systems. Educating people on how to eat healthier and take their medications is one way to improve peoples’ health, but administering health-promoting substances to people directly is far more effective.

Most countries have a functioning public water supply, providing their citizens with a source of clean, pure drinking water. But smarter countries have realized that the water supply can also be used as a distribution mechanism for important medications and nutrients, the most notable of which is fluoride. Fluoride has markedly improved peoples’ dental health in the countries that administer it, and health experts are now thinking about how to build on this success by administering other health promoting substances to the water supply.

Oxford professor Julian Savulescu makes a strong case for enriching the water supply with cognitive enhancements, which would stabilize our moods and make us better able to operate in highly demanding modern economies. Japanese government officials have explored the idea of adding moderate amounts of lithium to the drinking water, in order to reduce stress and promote mental wellbeing in overworked Japanese citizens. Adding statins to the water supply has also been suggested by multiple experts including Oxford and Harvard professors, as this would significantly lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease in the population.

Extremist conservatives and libertarians, many of whom even deny the proven health benefits of fluoride, will of course throw a fit over this proposal. But ordinary citizens will welcome it, and will gladly reap the many health benefits of these additions to the drinking water. It’s time to start treating health as a human right, and to provide a system that truly universalizes access to essential medications and minerals, allowing every human on this planet, to live a happy, disease free life in radiant health.

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MillionDollarBonus :Vegan, animal rights activist, LGBTQ+ activist, community organizer and chief editor at the Accredited Times.

View Comments (44)

  • Waiting for the ZeroHedge story that shows supplies are flying off the shelves in Florida and that grocery stores are empty. People can be so silly during emergencies. Don't they know that they have FEMA?

    I am hoping for the best for those in Florida. Though maybe if the storm could take down Trump's home in Florida it might give us a brief relief from his campaign, so that we don't have to hear his vial, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic comments for a while.

    As for medicating the water supply, I am all for it. We need to make sure that we don't just focus on the municipal water supplies though. Bottled water is still a huge problem in America - we need to tax the corporations that bottle the water, and have 24/7 on-site auditors to ensure they are also complying with making water healthier for Americans.


    Allah bless you all.

    • Yup those are good points - bottled water is often fluoride free, which is bad for peoples' health, and especially children's health. This needs to be addressed, along with water filters that purport to make water 'purer' while eliminating its nutritional and medicinal contents.

      • it's well known that libertarians and extremists use water filters. They think that there are places where the municipal water supplies are tainted. I mean, c'mon, from Pensacola to Riverside to Flint, elected leaders are telling us that the water is safe. So drink it.

  • As an expert in water (I built my own well) I feel concerned that I will be left out of this excellent plan to medicate or enhance the public via water. Water always flows down hill, I know this, do to my vast experience dealing with water. Perhaps the best way to achieve total compliance with this fascinating idea, would be to require frackers to inject the correct amount of mind altering substances directly into the ground, so that everybody can benefit from this, not just the fancy pants on wall street who have water that actually goes up hill to the highest floors of the tallest buildings. Imagine, water the defies gravity, that is what we are up against.

    • Well pablito, what's your reason for not being connected to the grid? You haven't bought into this right wing prepper talk about 'self-sufficiency' have you? I'd suggest you move somewhere where you can access the public water supply.

  • I would adding bromide to water supply as well. It neutralizes male aggressiveness and libido, thus allowing the oppressed womyn to take over.
    In general, I think that this is one of the best MDB's ideas. It is so good that I think it actually might be used...just imagine what profit would pharmaceutical companies turn if statins or lithium salts would be added to water supply.

    • Yes...finally womyn could break the glass ceiling into jobs like trash collector, electric power high wire repairmen, coal miner, construction worker, and all the other things you ONLY see men doing.

      A womyn PhD candidate IIRC at Notre Dame just wrote a thesis identifying how STEM is actually hostile to women and minorities because it relies on some outdate patriarchal notion of absolute truth and stuff like that. Clearly there need to be changes. MDB look this article up and see how womyn are changing the world around us. Soon, roads won't be built on antiquated notions of objective fact, but of "personal truths" and whatnot, which as womyn point out, change from person to person and over time. Skyscrapers and electrical power systems will FINALLY see a flood of qualified womyn coming in to maintain and operate them. Beautiful diversity will reign!!!

      • I'll check it out. I’m also shocked at how womyn are discriminated against in the military! The Navy Seals have only JUST opened their applications to womyn THIS YEAR!! And people deny that the patriarchy exists? And here’s the most amazing part – the Seals are refusing to lower their standards for female applicants! Are they serious? How are womyn supposed to have equal access if they impose standards that favor men? This is the 21st century for Christs sake and we need women on the front lines in the military!

        • Lmao... You must think the enemy on the battlefield is going to lower the I tension of their onslaught, you know, so the death toll will have an equal gender distribution. What is wrong with you?

    • I forgot to add - pharmaceutical companies would invest their hard-earned money in the election campaigns of progressives such as Ms. Clinton. Win-win situation!

    • Overall, great idea. However, there is a minus. What would feminists complain about and who would be the permanent oppressor of womyn?

    • Many medical experts now view excessive testosterone and aggression as a disorder, often seen in right wingers. These people are a serious domestic terror threat, and are always looking for a way to put a spanner in the works of progress. Right wing behavior should be classified as a behavioral disorder, and should be treated appropriately with medication and sensitivity training.

  • Win-win is what it's all about in this era of wealth for the deserving and those ready to strike like wizened vipers. Hillary has shown us all the way of optimal opportunism.

    And how better to make even sad losers winners than through surreptitious infusion of modern chemistry into their second most basic existential physical requirement? We've already covered the first with our streaky skies project, eh?

    So, with such vast Clinton assist experience of bringing hard access chemistry to the deserving public for so many decades, no one executive is better poised to insure the proper chemical balance to wash away any latent stupor of too much oh-so-yummy Afghan and/or Columbian inner-city directed indulgences insuring all directives compliance with state uttered wisdom.

    Democracy: the new involuntary obedience of choice! Yea!

    • The Clintons are truly inspirational in how they go about their business - dominating politics and getting things done through sheer will and determination. This is exactly what we need in the white house in order to effect real and permanent progessive change in this country.

  • Yes - the supreme court appointments will be a game changer! That's why we HAVE to get Hillary elected this November - it's too much of an opportunity to let go. Obama also needs to just get some of these things passed by executive order before his term ends. what has he got to lose?

    • Putting that LAST NAIL IN THE COFFIN of the UNITEDS STATES is the most important thing for the Corrupt SLushFund Clintons!

      Soros will dance! the Saudis will slaughter a goat or something and progressives all around the world will sacrifice to Satan for their pyrrhic victory!

    • This is really exciting! We're finally going to take this country back from the capitalists and return to a socialist, nativist economy where everyone gets a basic income every month, and whites are forced to pay higher taxes to fund reparations. The election of Hillary will finally mark the end of white supremacy and the patriarchy, returning this country to its rightful owners, people of color. The borders will finally open, and oppressed people of color from all over the world will flood this country to take back what is rightfully theirs!

  • It is visionary proposals like this that will take us to utopia! I would like to add we should go even farther. Encourage our corporate leaders to privatize all water now. Here is a shining example of altruism.


    In fact we should also consider aerial spraying of caring chemicals!


    We will reeducate the alt-right and then the awakening will be complete. Hope you are well and balanced, I am going to have a drink now.

    Water has Memory 2:30


    Water's Memories ~ The Mystery of Water ~ 48 minutes


    • Wow... You are either highly imaginative, but more likely deranged & delusional. Sounds like you're the one that needs the lithium, and quite possibly shock therapy.

  • The water system could also be used to make IQ distribution fairer and more transparent for everyone in our nation.

    Expressiveness IQ, musical IQ, rhythymical IQ and sports IQ, the types of intelligence that important for actually living and enjoying life, have up to now been almost the sole property of people of color.

    Other more trivial areas of IQ, such as verbal and math, i.e., the IQ needed to make useless items like A-bombs and 6-minute abs machines, have been concentrated in non-melinated European supremacists.

    Robots will soon take over these fields but no robot will ever take over the skills of rhythm, dancing or enjoying a fresh slice of melon on a quiet evening.

    If we can further isolate the genetic markers of the Jew, the math-heavy Asian and the modestly-membered Caucasuan, we can also hopefully be able to introduce targeted substances into the water that can right size their mental and physical challenges and thus create a society that is more fair, level, harmonious and happy.

    • Wow! The authoritarian communism is strong with this one! I've never read drivel like this before. How trendy of you.

    • the troubling part about robots is that they are racist too!

      As soon as AIs are introduced, they become neo Nazis within hours. Google's picture recognition was identifying black lives as gorillas. Clearly racism and white supremacy are in everything whites have ever touched.

      Racist red light and speed cameras entrap black lives in the prison pipeline much more frequently than they do whites, per capita. FICO scores, which have no demographic or racial component whatsoever, show black lives average lower scores than white supremacists.

      So, either blacks are actually quanititatively different from whites, which would be "scientific racism" and as I read THOROUGHLY debunked, or else all of these algorithms, computers, and machines are racist!

      This dovetails with my comment about the womyn PhD candidate writing about objective fact being racist patriarchal white supremacy shit. We cannot let objective facts interfere with our personal truths. To do so would be racist.

  • Seems to me that the author has no experience with statins. I do. I was forced to stop taking them when they caused muscle myopathy. The myopathy was crippling me. Contant muscle cramp.

    Research statins. They are very harmful medications.

  • Yup, this confirms my initial impression of this cesspool masquerading as a blog. You sub-humans are oh so eager to usher in an totalitarian, Orwellian society. Since most of you must belong to trendy high school Commie Clubs, the word Orwellian is defined as: "adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society." The hilarious part is that you sub-hu... actually I take that back. You're not sub-humans, you're sadly misled and unenlightened. You correctly realize there are systemic problems in our society, but you look for answers from the progressive (regressive) liberals that have let themselves be infiltrated by globalist elites. Being liberal used to mean something honorable when Thomas Jefferson was. Keep licking your chops, though. Your long awaited One World Gov't will be upon us soon. The only way your current world outlook will benefit you is getting to skip the forced re-education camps... you cucks.

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