Categories: Culture

COVID-19: Why It’s OK To Live In Fear

Note: before reading this article, please wash your hands thoroughly with either soap or antibacterial alcoholic solution. Or preferably both.  Wipe down the keypad of your laptop with an antiseptic wipe, and remain ‘One metre plus’ from your screen.

We good to begin? Ok, let’s roll.

I guess it was when I was a toddler that I first met two contradictory characters: “Fight” and “Flight”. I’m on great terms and trust “Flight” with very my life but have always had a deep loathing for “Fight”, associating him (it has to be masculine, right?) only with bad things: pain, rejection, self-discipline, sacrifice. “Flight” has never demanded much from me, just the ability to scarper at the mere suggestion of danger and hope that not a single hair on my head will be harmed.

Maybe I was French in a previous life.

I mention all this only to explain my absence from AT for the last few weeks. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve been cowering in my parents’ basement the whole time watching the TERRIBLE news on CNN.  So many deaths, so much suffering, so much…danger! I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been so scared in my life as I have been faced with a GLOBAL PANDEMIC that must kill perhaps 0.1% or less of the people who contract it and are not already obese/ suffer from hyper-tension, diabetes 2 etc.

Thanks for the loan of the basement in my time of need. Best Mum and Dad in the world!

What is really keep me awake at night right now is the thought that there could be a SECOND WAVE any day soon.  Ok, so the first wave isn’t technically over yet and has every sign of disappearing into nothingness in many countries, but FFS can’t we all just stay on lockdown?

Objection to lockdown #2: It will kill the Economy, if lockdown #1 didn’t already do that.

Answer: The Economy is a social construct. PLUS: if it saves just one life, we MUST lockdown immediately.

If the first lockdown showed us anything it is this: it is quite possible to live a relatively normal life providing a few sensible precautions are taken.  Wear a facemask at all times, keep ‘one metre plus’ from everyone else, wash hands every two minutes, sacrifice all non-essential liberties and all essential ones also, accept the track-and-trace, prepare for the mandatory vaccine with the chip, be fearful of other humans because they could kill you with a single cough etc.

Of course, if you wish to protest racism then disregard everything in the last paragraph.  Racism is the real disease.  Our Hungarian sponsor told us so.

Take care, and above all STAY SAFE!

Please support Pbier on Patreon
Pbier :Transpecies activist, new age spiritual guru, author and chief diversity coordinator at the Accredited Times.

View Comments (112)

  • let's pray for more social justice hip-hop/rap
    the more political it gets the more boring and annoying it gets

    • Lets pray that Blacks revert back to the 1960's and 70's.

      A time when Black's could actually play a musical instrument and cary a tune.

      • back in the 60’s and 70’s blacks have played what the whites with the money have ordered.
        blacks have never been listening to jazz/blues
        you know what they like: primitive 808 boom with dumb cursing words

        • and Black musician didn't usually die by age 30 from either a drug overdose or getting shot

          Not that 95% of the current crop of Black "musicians" would even rate that title.

          • you know what's funny?
            blacks say they think dems treat them like CHILDREN
            when in fact dems treat them like PETS

          • Dems treat them like the stupid idiots that they are, as they keep milking them for votes, promissing to fix the their problems but only making them worse.

          • Impossible!

            Trying to impart wisdom into the average Black man is like trying to cut down a tree with a whip!

            Ghetto Blacks are even worse!

    • am i supposed to know who these people are?
      am i supposed to give a f-k who these people are?

      • They are some of those that would put you into your place!

        First under the gubbamnt whip!

        and later into mass graves!

  • The even stranger thing, is that when you look at the numbers, the killing of unarmed citizens by police in the US is so rare it's hardly worth talking about. In 2019, there were a grand total of 9 unarmed black people killed by police in the US. Yes, nine. During that same time, twenty (20) Americans were killed by lightning strikes. So the fact is, you are more than twice as likely to die in the US from a lightning bolt from the sky, then you are to be an unarmed black man murdered by the police. The entire BLM argument is absurd. Nevermind the 10,000 or so black Americans that are murdered every single year by other black Americans, mainly in drug/gang related ghetto crime. Those 10,000 black lives don't matter, apparently, as the BLM movement ignores them completely. Only those 9 matter, where the police are involved. It's shameful how dishonest the whole BLM thing is. #FactsMatter

    • You are a vile white supremacist piece of shit!


    • Not 10,000

      For the past few years there were only about 6,000 maybe 7,000 Black on Black murders.

      However you can probably add another 20-30,000 Black deaths from fentanyl/opiods/etc that were sold to Blacks by other Blacks.

      but agree, being an innocent Black person shoit dead by the police is pretty rare, and some of those are Black on Black!

      This year there will be more Black on Black deaths at a BLM (read leftist) controlled "independent zone".

      Commies wanting to take over and using stupid Blacks as their front.

  • Instead of signing Patrick Mahomes, the Chiefs could have given each American $1 million.

    That’s right, I said CHIEFS.

  • left and right media intentionally creates what i call an idiotic caring citizen with presidential mind
    look at comment sections
    the keyboard warriors have been fed with agenda articles and are reasoning what should be done regarding this or that
    as if they got power
    hey morons! you ain't got power you ain't got subordinates willing to execute your command. your wishful "should be dons"are just pathetic

  • WTF?? Injun rapes & murders 4 year old girl, and Supreme Court turns half of Oklahoma into a fukin reservation and we lose 3 republican seats??

    • To come between a man and his coffee

      is to deserve


      It is almost as great of a sin as to come between a man and his bacon.

      Some may even say that this is an even greater sin but that is only due to faulty taste buds.

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