Categories: Politics

Why Democracy in the Middle East is Worth Fighting For

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Ed Franco plays with local refugee children in Dar Ul Aman, Kabul, Afghanistan, April 8, 2007, in support of a volunteer community reach program. The program has set up a children diversion tactic that allowed volunteers to distribute 200 bags filled with clothes, shoes and toys without distraction and is provided every month with the help of donated items from U.S. citizens. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Cecilio M. Ricardo Jr.) (Released)

For over a decade, America has been on a mission to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East. Our moral quest has taken us on a journey through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and most recently Syria, as we continue to liberate the Middle East from tyrancial rule, one country at a time. Isolationists and islamaphobic nationalists frequently disparage our efforts, claiming that these overseas expeditions are ‘costly’ and ‘unjust’. But the majority of Americans and leaders on both sides of congress, agree that it is a cause worth fighting for.

It all started after the 9/11 attacks, which after a thorough investigation, were linked to Bin Laden in Afghanistan, and Saddam Hussein in Iraq. At the same time, our military intelligence discovered strong evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which could be used attack America within a matter of hours. America had no choice but to promptly engage these countries with swift kinetic military action. Over time, the immediate objectives of capturing these terrorists developed into a broader goal of bringing peace, stability and democracy to the region as a whole. The rationale for this shift in objectives was both practical and moral.  On the one hand, an unstable Middle a East posed a threat to the free world, and most notably to our greatest ally, Israel. But more importantly, we as a country could no longer stand by and watch the people of that region continue to suffer under the rule of despotic dictators, and we knew that we had a moral duty to do something.

After liberating Iraq and Afghanistan, we turned our attention to Libya, where there was a growing uprising against Gaddafi’s human rights abuses. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promptly put an end to this by funding rebel groups, who succesfully removed Gaddafi from power and instituted a new government. We now face a similar crisis in Syria, which is suffering at the hands of Assad, who also has an atrocious human rights record. Now Russia stands in the way of liberating Syria, but no matter what they do, we will refuse to back down.

As the saying goes, all it takes for evil to thrive is for good people to do nothing. If we do not step up to the plate and free these countries from despotic rule, then evil will continue to grow stronger, and the people of the Middle East will continue to suffer. So it is for the future of humanity and the advancement of good over evil, that we continue our quest to stabilize the Middle East. And if this means nuclear war with Russia, then this is a price we are willing to pay for a free and peaceful world. Because if we can save just one Syrian child, then the entire mission has been worth it, no matter what the consequences.

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MillionDollarBonus :Vegan, animal rights activist, LGBTQ+ activist, community organizer and chief editor at the Accredited Times.

View Comments (28)

  • Although the great philantropist George Soros uncovered the machiavelic plan of Putin to destroy the EU by submerging it with ISIS agents hidden among legetimate refugees, there was still no investigation regarding his role in the 9/11 terrorist attack. I'm disappointed.

    • Interesting. We know that Bin Laden and Saddma Hussein were involved - I didn't know that Putin was also implicated - that's scary. I also wish these conspiracy theories about Saudi Arabia's involvement would end - it's very damaging to our relationship with one of our key alies in the war on terror.

      • What business US has to meddle with other countries? It is basically fighting for resources for big corporations. Is there anything else?

        • The USA has the business of spreading freedom and democracy to the whole World. On the side, corporations also have access to resources so that they can continue to employ thousands of employees which has a positive effect on the economy.

          • It is hard to find the freedom in the west now a days since Government dictates everything such as how to live, how and what to talk, raise a child etc and top of it there is no privacy. Once a person is labeled a thief there just for stealing a bread, then he is branded as a thief for the whole life. Are humans not capable of transforming oneself? Does it not make a common sense that human is to err and can correct himself as progresses? Why is such harsh punishment? It only helps private corporations who want to fill prisions? We don't want this kind of democracy to spread in the world. Please keep this with yourself.

          • Are you kidding me? We have more freedom than ever before! Freedom from dangerous firearms, freedom from hateful conservatives on college campuses, freedom from borders, freedom from wage slavery and paying for healthcare! That's real freedom. Government provides free services and welfare payments so that you can focus on living LIFE, and stop worrying about survival! Embrace it.

        • If like thay don't now what there doing being stoopid an all like that not smart like we are then we should help them be
          less dumber like we were before we had
          Harverd and Yale to make us laeders like
          Hilery and that other guy.

  • Unfortunatelly, unlike Assange he is hiding himself cowardly behind a network of S-400, so one could question himself about such an operation that could break international laws since the drone could be shot down. Neverthless it feasible to arrest him and charge him with war crimes the next time he travels in a Western country for a summit or a diplomatic meating, Freed from this tyrant, the Russian people would then start a revolt and put in charge a more pro-Western leader

    • This is exactly what we did in Ukraine!

      And then, SUBVERTING DEMOCRACY, the Crimeans voted at 90%+ to secede from Ukraine and join Russia! WTF! This is a HORRID violation of democratic rights and the will of the people!

      In Syria, we see a similar situation. In the 2014 Syrian election, widely observed and monitored by western voting legitimacy groups, Assad received 80+% of the popular vote with a 75% voter turnout. This is a higher popularity than any US President has ever received in the entire history of the United States!

      CLEARLY a violation of basic democratic principles because the USA's elites and Israel DID NOT LIKE IT. The same was true of Qaddafi. Our drone found his convoy and shot it up, our commandos swooped in...as Hillary said, "we came, we saw, he died. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." And then locals shoved a knife up his ass. THIS is democracy.

      The US spreads democracy and human rights- I must correct MDB. This was not kinetic MILITARY action, it was kinetic HUMANITARIAN action.

      Hillary will bring an extension of the wildly successful eternal war on Terror to the US's foreign policy. Even going so far as direct military engagement with Russia, who is out there supporting a fucking BRUTAL TYRANT who got 80% of the popular vote! Assad has been oppressing his people insanely, with an iron grip, explaining why when ISIS took territory, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO COULD fled from rebel controlled ground to government controlled ground! There is not even ONE example of the opposite throughout the Syrian civil war. This clearly shows how oppressive Assad is that his people are afraid to even rush to the arms of moderate opposition liberators. It's time to do what John Kerry wants and engage in direct kinetic action against the Assad government and its military.

      • But people need to understand the motivation for our humanitarian interventions. There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there about 'oil pipelines' and complex foreign policy objectives. But the accredited media has been very clear that this is a MORAL quest to remove brutal dictators and bring peace and democracy to the Middle East. And if that means nuclear war with Russia, then so be it. It's worth it.

        • Agreed 110%. I would willingly sacrifice the entire world community of all colors and genders to the flames, to protect our moral stance. And Israel, the greatest ever ally in the history of allies. Who could forget their rescue of our sailors on the USS Liberty, attacked personally by evil Putin? We can repay them by immediately nuking Russia on November 8th.

    • It's ironic that the right was paranoid about 'communist spies' infiltrating the federal government during the days of the Soviet Union, but now that Russia is a REAL threat, they refuse to look at the incontrovertible evidence that Trump and the alt right are working with Putin to overwthrow our progressive government!

  • The US should put forward a shock and awe show of strength against Assad and his Russian backers -- namely, that we will use one medium sized nuclear weapon for each Syrian child that remains in Syria in the range of Assad's barrel bombs.

    To prevent collateral damage the Syrian population should be moved to Sweden until the nuclear exchange is complete.

    Assad must go, Barrel bombs must go. Must is must.

    • Yes, that's a sensible proposal. Syrian refugees should be evacuated to Europe and America until Assad is removed. Right now, we're forcing Syrians to find their own means of travelling to Europe, which is disgraceful - we should be offering them assistance. This is a humanitarian crisis!

  • Some would question the wisdom of poking our nose into 1300 year old wars in the Middle East, however the results speak for themselves. As the picture above shows, we are universally loved by those we've freed.

    • Fascinating points BLM. It looks like we not only have our first African American president, but our first Muslim American president too! This country really has come a long way, but it's got a LOT further to go in order to be truly fair and equal.

      • I'm so glad to see the UN take a more active role in social justice policy. But shouldn't UN law take precedence over our national laws? The federal government takes precedence over the states because it's bigger, so the UN should take precedence over our federal government, because it's even bigger. I don't know why they can't just override our supreme court and force our government to make reparation payments?

  • All recent terrorist attacks carried out by Americans on them selves as an excuse to go to war.
    How do you explain building 7 which collapse - maybe from fright !

    • Idiot - this conspiracy theory has been debunked so many times. Building 7 collapsed from a fire, which was ignited by the other nearby buildings. This is a proven FACT.

      • Yes...fire is constantly bringing down steel-framed skyscrapers. Like every day n'shit.

        The buildings fell down. Saddam Hussein was responsible. This is what the government and media told us.

        Clearly if we are STILL AT WAR over there, it was the truth. Hillary loves that war, voted for that war, and wants to extend that war, so therefore it's good.

  • Here we go again, mistaking faulty building construction for a fake demolition, that was all done with CGI. The past is good for nothing, those who look backwards are doomed to living a life of historical inaccuracy. Plus this is nothing more than link hijacking, which is illegal in the koran.

    • CGI? I went to that building a few times when in NY...that was some pretty advanced CGI for the 1990s. I'm impressed.

      Silicon valley does some amazing stuff, but they don't have enough diversity. We need a level playing field and diversity levels everything in its path.

  • Was this article a joke? It is packed full of blatant LIES that have been disproved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Hussein had ZERO involvement in 9/11 and many people who weren't part of the spin (LIES) machine knew damn well there were no WMDs in Iraq. Is the author living in an alternate reality? WTF?
    PS: If we enter the war is Siria, we'll kill hundreds of thousands of children just like we did in Iraq you freakin' tool.

    • Excuse me? Hillary voted for that war, therefore the war must NOT have been an immoral thing. Yes, I know that there were TONS of democrats out protesting the war because they thought we were always at war with Eurasia, when in fact we have always been at war with Eastasia. It's good that they've gotten on board with this now.

    • Another Russian paid troll who is trying to spread the same usual lies. How is the weather in Moscow comrade? Don't drink all your next paycheck, you'll need to be awake when the American army comes to kick your butt!

  • Wow. I thought this article was a spoof.

    It's funny how the USA only seems to care about human rights and democracy when it coincidently aligns with their own economic interests. Human rights abuses all over Africa, China, Tibet etc ignored. Of course America wouldn't stand to gain anything by interfering with these countries.

    The final line of this article is amazing. The USA is solely responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of innocents in the middle east over the past decade. The brass neck to even try to claim they're trying to help 'just one Syrian child' is quite astonishing. They have routinely decided to do the exact opposite.

    • The US is spreading democracy. These deaths were caused by Assad's barrel bombs, his use of chemical WMD weapons, Hussein's use of WMD, Qaddafi's use of WMD, etc. The US had to intervene to save lives. All of those killed were terrorists engaged in hostile action against the United States and its allies. Either that or "regrettable collateral damage." Got it?

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