Categories: Sports

Why Violent Sports Should Be Banned

One of the last remaining bastions of vulgar masculinity is the practise of playing and watching sports. Sports games provide misogynistic and bigoted men with a refuge to vent their anger and discuss politically incorrect views without oversight by women or politically sensitive men. The heated atmosphere of sports matches provokes aggression in men and encourages non-compliance and defiance of authority.

Trump often refers to NFL games in his immature tweets, but many realize that this is just a dog whistle to misogynists and racists who congregate at these sports events. Football hooligans across Europe are almost fully comprised of angry white males, looking for a place to vent their anger and pent up aggression. There should be no place in society for this kind of behavior. And to those of you who claim that this is part of human nature, I would simply point you to the many coffee shops, trendy bars and comedy shows such as the John Oliver show, and you will see that there are many males who do not exhibit any of these violent tendencies, except when triggered by Trump supporters and bigoted right wing views.

If feminists thought sports were a problem before, they would be shocked to learn that sports are becoming even more violent and bloodthirsty. Events like the UFC and MMA fighting are the fastest growing sports around the world, and these allow physical violence without safety gloves and actual blood to be shown on TV! This type of thuggish behavior should never be allowed to be seen anywhere on television, and thankfully accredited media outlets like the MSNBC and the BBC would never allow such vulgarity to be shown on any of their platforms.

Every space in society should be inclusive of women and every other victim group; and men (specially white men) should learn to tame their behavior and political views at all times to respect the sensibilities of these groups. When we allow men to congregate in spaces that normalize this behavior, we inevitably end up with right wing extremism. Just as smoking has been banned in many bars across America, violent sports need to be banned too, until the world is a safe space for feminists and people with soft political views, who are frightened by conflict and confrontation.

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MillionDollarBonus :Vegan, animal rights activist, LGBTQ+ activist, community organizer and chief editor at the Accredited Times.

View Comments (26)

  • Agreed. The only good thing about sports is that they can be used to promote social justice messages during the halftime shows and in the adverts leading up to the games. They can also sometimes be used to promote just and necessary kinetic interventions like our intervention in Iraq. But there are plenty of other mediums through which these messages can be promoted, and overall sports are a place for aggressive males, and that's just not good for society.

    • Yeah, right, sports is bad. Hows about you send me your address so I can come kick your ass. I'll show you some sport. Sick all of this pansyass pussyness here.

      LGBTQQIAP?! WTF queer code?

      • I can't believe he didn't know that! This is exactly why we need critical race theory and gender studies in school curriculums! These people know nothing about the most basic social justice issues!

      • You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about! Violence and vulgar masculinity needs to be stopped! Progressives don't feel safe around these violent people!

  • I almost forgot, today is Hillary's 69th birthday! Happy birthday Hillary, and thank you for your decades of public service! I can't wait for eight more years of your leadership, and I know that we will accomplish so much more when we appoint progressive supreme court justices!

    • and to celebrate you decided to whitemansplain to her about how sports dominated by people of color are bad??!?!

      Blacks are HIGHER on the victim priority totem pole than feminists (especially white females) and LGBTQIAP! This is a FACT and would have been apparent to you if you were not utterly incompetent in social justice and critical race theory! You CANNOT condemn the behaviors of minority athletes nor criticize sports dominated by them simply because they offend feminists! YOU are a racist!

      You can ONLY condemn sports inhabited by lots of white males like GOLF and tennis! THOSE sports exhibit the toxic masculinity and excessively violent and aggressive behaviors that you are talking about and should be banned. in EVERY sport dominated by white males we see excessive violence, poor sportsmanship, showy "me first" behavior, misogyny, and tons of fighting.

      If I continue to see racist and anti-Semitic articles like this on here, I am going to withdraw myself as an accredited author and post strongly-worded criticism on social media!!!!

  • I'm ashamed to say that when I was a child, I did not only enjoy watching hockey on TV but was even pushed to join a "team" where they endoctrinated us with such backward concepts like "competition" and "winning". It's only later that I changed my mind and started to watch artistic skating. But even in that case too many gay men refuse to make their coming out and still "sell" the image that a man-woman couple should be the norm. All 71 genders should be present on the ice and celebrate diversity together and skate around a stage where the most innovative toilets are present

  • hold on a second though...most sports are used by media to promote the only existing positive images of minorities...are you guys racist? From where would come black millionaires if not from feetsball and bakkabaw? Banning sports would be depriving communities of color "opportunity" and "access" and would turn them to a life of crime. We here EVERY TIME a minority of color is arrested about the life story of "good keeyuds" who was turning dey lives around and wuz aspiring rappers or bakkabaw players. If you subtract this (along with midnight bakkabaw in minority neighborhoods of color) you will simply leave them prone to being plagued by The Violence.

    NFL feetsball gives Colin Kaeperneck also a soapbox to protest the national anthem. Banning feetsball would be muzzling him and all of the athletes of color all across the nation who have taken the step to kneel or go blackfist on the white privilege national anthem.

    I'm sorry, but blacks are higher up on the victim pyramid than LGBTQIAPABCDEFG. So if you say they display "toxic masculinity" because they offend feminists and liberal white males, then you are a racist. White females and gay men of noncolor are simply lower on the victim totem pole than black lives. If a black gay man objects to feetsball, then it is a matter for the black "community" to address and none of your white privileged white supremacy business to whitemansplain to them.

    I am really SO TRIGGERED by your post!!!!!

    • Point taken, but you also have to remember that a lot of African Americans are unhappy with how little money athletes make compared to the coaches and the owners of the teams. It's basically slavery - the white man profiting from the talents of people of color, while they slave away in gruelling sports games. It's really just another form of white privilege. African Americans are capable of becoming much more than athletes if they were just given a chance. The education system and IQ tests are massively biased against people of color, and with affirmative action and the elimination of white privilege, people of color could become astronauts, engineers and doctors.

    • Excuse me, but nearly half of the NFL owners are JEWISH!!!

      So you are ALSO an anti-Semite!!! MDB, you need to do something about this VILE BIGOT right now!!!!!!

      Jews are at the TOP of the victim totem pole! Nothing they do can ever be criticized or else you are LiterallyHitler who wants to kill 6.0 billion more!

      I simply cannot believe my eyes that this type of overt racism and anti-Semitism is allowed to have internet ink upon which to be written! MDB, what has happened to this site!?!?

      Here we are now criticizing not only the behaviors of minority athletes of color but ALSO of jewish people!??!?!

      Again, blacks are HIGHER on the victim totem pole than your precious privileged feminists and privileged LGBTQIAP. Their needs are NOT more important than black lives. And whatever happens in the feetsball and bakkabaw leagues is a matter for BLACK LIVES to discuss and does NOT NEED nor REQUIRE your white privileged opinion, racist! You should SHUT UP and go to the back of the crowd and SUPPORT whatever they tell you they want you to support just like at a BLM rally!

      And if black lives in NFL have a problem with the behaviors of jewish owners, they will be allowed to complain but nothing will ever be done because jews are at the apex of the victim pyramid. Criticism of them will either be benevolently tolerated or else deflected onto the true offenders- white males who don't own sports franchises.

      You people are such BIGOTS it disgusts me. And this is CURRENT YEAR.

      You white privileged anti semites...you should not be talking about banning sports, you should be banning the REAL offenders- the white males who WATCH these sports! Ban FANS, not athletes and owners! FANS are who should be illegal as they are the only legitimate recipient of criticism for anything...white males are at the bottom of the victim totem pole (actually not even on it) therefore if you see ANYTHING going on, even direct behaviors by a Legitimate Victim Group, blame for that should be redirected onto the white male even if he has no more than cursory participation, such as one member of his group living nearby or one of the perpetrators having an anglo-sounding name!

      Do I need to reeducate ALL of you!?!?!?

      • This makes you 9x the anti-Semite!

        Muslims are NOT above jews on the victim pyramid!

        You are NOT allowed to criticize jews!

        You are LiterallyHitler and want to kill 7 billion more of them!

  • We're also hearing reports today that known racist Bobby Knight physically and emotionally abused his players during his coaching days at Indiana. I feel so bad for the players of sports too. They are abused, have people hanging on to them for money and can't go anywhere without their large posse to protect them from all sorts of heinous activities perpetrated against them. The poor player who reported this is scared for life!

  • MDB,
    Don't you think sporting events offer a well deserved reprieve for us regular citizens so that we don't have to worry over things like wars, terrorism, trade deals and many other similar things? That's why we elect the politicians in the first place. They handle the tough things we can never understand and take a lot of our time and then we can enjoy football games, etc.

    • We are having a similar discussion in the movie review article. I think most forms of art and entertainment have the ability to persuade, enlighten, and instill a thoughtful progressive world view, but sports is not one of them. Like someone said above, we need cooperation not the glorification of competition.

      Look at motor sports and specifically NASCAR. Is that the culture we want inculcating our impressionable millennials?

  • I'll click over and read those posts in that article too. As far as movies and Hollywood are concerned, I would think perhaps some oversight by a panel of dedicated cultural and political leaders could be formed to steer the movie industry to create more enlightening cinema. We need it.

    As for NASCAR. Please. They should go the way of the confederate flag. Can there be any doubt about that?

  • I am for total restrictions by government

    I like the idea of asking permission to do anything in my life

    Im sure all the things i do

    Particularly the obes i like are probably offensive to someone else, so we need restrictions on all of them just to be safe

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