Categories: Politics

Why Jack Ma Behaviour Very Repugnant And Not In Optimum Interest Of China

Note: Despite the generosity of our sponsors, the Accredited Times has had to make cutbacks given the financial constraints all media publications are suffering due to the pandemic.  We may therefore publish the occasional paid advertorial, although we stress the utmost integrity of our editorial independence and will only accept items that are firmly in line with our journalistic standards.  Since the below advertorial was supplied to us by anonymous high-level Democrat politicians, we are pleased to publish it under our Global Health Initiative.

Wise man once said ‘Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s forehead’. In dismal speech barely two month ago, famous ex-CEO of Alibaba, Jack Ma, took proverbial hatchet to forehead of Chinese banks.  Big mistake!

To understand mistaken strategy of Citizen Ma, it is opportune to study the transcript of the imperialist words he employed. Decrying the generosity of the banks that have faithfully serviced Ma’s business interests over time, capitalist road-dog Ma described them as having ‘Pawn shop mentality’ because they insist on ‘collateral for loans.’ But collateral wise provision for financial institutions in uncertain market conditions.

Jack Ma’s speech issued in October 2020, caused market capitalisation of Alibaba to plummet like drop snake from top of bamboo, falling over $200 billion. Only Ma’s social credit score more injured than his shareholders.

Acting like treacherous capitalist dog and not persuasive smart cookie, Jack Ma resorted to big hissy fit when banks decided not to go ahead with IPO of Ant Group, Jack Ma’s Fintech interests.

Certain western media publications falsely claim Jack Ma has been ‘disappeared’ or ‘gone into hiding’. We dispute wicked and wrong accusation Jack Ma in camp with Uighur people.  Likely he returns soon to re-affirm his commitment to CCP and make excuses for past mistakes.

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Pbier :Transpecies activist, new age spiritual guru, author and chief diversity coordinator at the Accredited Times.

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  • oh wow so mr pbier avoids recent controversies like mass censorship by big tech.
    maybe because mr pbier is ok with it but does not want it to be clear for now
    so instead mr pbier feeds us with chinese garbage we do not care about

    so your attempt to get rid of last one and a half visitors of this website is effective mr pbier


    • What evidence of censorship have you? There isn't any! Just like the accusations about the free and fair election we just went through. People just need to unify and come together.

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