The Positive Side of Teenage Pregnancy


After decades of kindergarten-level sex education, promotion of promiscuity in the accredited media and the influence of the welfare state, teenage pregnancy is at an all time high in many western countries. Of course, it should come as no surprise that simplistic conservatives have immediately judged this development as a bad thing in their usual reactionary manner. But after an objective examination of the positives and negatives, there is a case to make that the rise in teenage pregnancy is not such a bad thing after all.

Throughout the western world’s bigoted Christian past, when slavery was still legal, and homosexuals were scorned as sinful, the idea of “childhood innocence” was heavily promoted as a means of controlling the youth. The Christian bigots who promoted this doctrine claimed that they intended to protect children from the harsh forces of reality, and allow them to mature safely and peacefully, so that they could deal with these realities responsibly, and raise confident, happy and moral children themselves. But things have never been this way in other countries. In the Middle East, India and Africa, child marriage has been custom practice for millennia, and the people from these areas have always had high fertility rates and very little family planning compared to the excessively high standards of child rearing promoted by Europeans. To say that teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is to insult these cultures, and to postulate that European culture is somehow “superior”, which is white supremacy and therefore both false and immoral.

People of color have maintained their high fertility rates into the modern era, even as privileged cultures like Europe and Japan have seen their birth rates decline. In order to maintain this fertility rate, it’s necessary for these cultures to have children very young, and live in tight knit families that promote their strong cultures and heritage, rather than sending young people out into the world to become critical thinkers. While white people explore the world, earn money and plan their futures, people of color are busy making tons of babies, that these silly white people will have to pay for when they eventually settle down and have a family. White people who engage in early promiscuity without protection are smart. They’re getting on the gravy train early, so that “responsible” white people will have to pay for them and their kids through the welfare state.

Childhood innocence is rapidly being done away with, as people realize that getting pregnant early and living on the welfare state, while conservatives slave away in the free market is a smart idea. Babies born to younger parents are also healthier and stronger, another reason why this isn’t such a bad idea. So it’s time for conservatives to check their privilege and admit that childhood innocence is dead, and that the west will continue to become like the rest of the world, weather they like it or not.

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But, but, but— the liberal intelligencia of Hollywood have exalted THE HANDMAID’S TALE, a series which tells of the not too distant future when radical right wing Christian cultists take control of part of the country amongst the fallout from severe environmental damage & catastrophic plunges in fertility rates where younger females that are still fertile become enslaved to said married males in the patriarchical power structure as child conceiving concubines, aka “Handmaids”…

THE HANDMAID’S TALE was the big overall winner during lastnight’s expertly hosted Emmy Award Show, where Stephen Colbert and many other notable celebrities, including Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin, took the time to point out how terrible Trump is and what a disaster his presidency will be for our collective future!


Wow, I had quite forgotten about this important film adaptation of Atwood’s dystopian novel. Left to their own devices, all Christians would indeed take Jesus’s commandments to heart: to make sure all womyn were kept in sexual servitude the whole time, to breed like rabbits until they entered the menopause and basically keep the patriarchy going. Don’t you just love Hollywood for acting as the nation’s conscience and virtue signaling what our values should be?


The government subsidizes promiscuity in the ghetto. I doubt MBD knows the going rate for “loaning” food stamp debit cards. $120/hour after they replenish. Half an eight ball. Of course food stamp theft is good, considering the kids they be eatin’ potatoe chips all day on the dole. Chastity belts for the ghetto. If you want food stamps, wear a damn belt.


Trump is to blame for all and any negative sides to teenage pregnancy


but wait, i thought all those high fertility people were needed to pay OUR pensions??!?


Ghetto boys and men must wear chastity belts and ware they britches where they belong.
