Categories: Politics

Why Tax Cuts are Racist and Sexist

Donald Trump has repeatedly said that he plans to radically lower taxes for big corporations. Top economists estimate that his tax plan will add trillions of dollars to the national debt, which is very concerning to Democrats who have been warning about this impending disaster for decades. But tax cuts don’t just add to the national debt – they also contribute to inequality, by benefiting most fortunate and punishing the most downtrodden.

Studies have shown that tax cuts for both the rich and middle class disproportionately benefit the most privileged demographic in America, white males. Simultaneously, tax cuts lead to funding shortfalls in government services that assist women and minorities. Struggling single mothers do not benefit from tax cuts, as many of them are on government assistance, child support and alimony, none of which stand to pay more in the event of a tax cut. Many minorities rely on a variety of welfare programs from housing assistance to EBT and SNAP. Tax cuts will reduce the amount of money available for these programs, making it even more difficult for people of color to make it in a systemically racist society. Undocumented Americans also work in the black market where taxes do not apply, and hence they see no benefit from lower taxes.

Lower taxes put more money in the pockets of privileged white males, while taking money away from those who need it the most. Donald Trump’s obsession with cutting taxes is yet more evidence of his white supremacy and sexism. Hillary’s 100-day jobs plan on the other hand aims to raise taxes on the wealthy, while creating “good-paying” jobs for women and minorities by investing in green technologies and rebuilding our infrastructure. In order to promote equality, we need to focus on taxing the privileged, while helping the needy. If we fail to do so, the rich will continue to get richer, while the poor and oppressed continue to get poorer.

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MillionDollarBonus :Vegan, animal rights activist, LGBTQ+ activist, community organizer and chief editor at the Accredited Times.

View Comments (35)

  • Jesus Christ shut up already , you are out of your mind and everything you post is designed to turn the U.S. into a failed State , are you posting from a lunatic asylum with internet for the patients?

    • Bruh, you do realize that this is a satire website, right? Nothing they say here is actually of value, nor is it serious.

    • everything you post is designed to turn the U.S. into a failed State

      Every post on this site is designed to work toward a world-wide socialist utopia. The US will not be a "failed state", rather a big part of a One-World Community.

    • MDB is doing a good job. I'm sure that he has succeeded to convince many former right wing lunatics who joined him in his crusade.

      • He/She gets paid per click, and I feel certain he/she is on his/her way to that million dollar bonus!

    • It's you who belongs in the mad house. My views are held by the majority of progressives, women and people of color around the world. All I'm doing is pointing out Trump's obvious racism, sexism, Islamaphobia and transphobia!

      • Exactly. And progressives are right. They are tolerant, peace and diversity loving people who demand by violence total conformance to their viewpoints. It makes perfect sense.

        There's an interesting "Black Pigeon Speaks" video on how women (it was in NZ, fairly typical western nation) are as a class net consumers of taxes over a lifespan. According to the data, women are only for a short period of time a net revenue positive for the government.

        I think this just shows how they clearly need more benefits. Because there's a War on Women. Women are better than men at every single thing, including physical combat, but at the same time they need 24x7 protection and to be "revered and championed." If I weren't a progressive, my head might rupture. Thank goodness I'm with Hillary and I let CNN figure this stuff out for me.

        Tax cuts are stupid. The people who are paying the taxes have "generational wealth" that was stolen from blacks via slavery. Never mind your racist facts about how there is so many more orders of magnitude more wealth now via things like the Industrial Revolution and electricity and petroleum, all of which occurred after slavery ended. That is just bigotry talking. We ALL know that ALL whites have generational wealth accrued from slavery.

        MDB, I submitted a poignant short article about the decolonization of science...what happened to it?

        • Precisely. Womyn need to be taken care of because they are precious members of society who provide a powerhouse of intellectual and physical ability. Unfortunately the patriarchy still keeps them in oppressive marriages and forces them to have children, which interferes with their ability to have a career. Once we start breeding children in test tubes this will no longer be an issue, and men and womyn will be free to pursue lives of polygamy and freedom.

          Thanks I got your article - will post it on Saturday when I don't normally post myself.

  • Last night's debate left me a little uneasy. I had high hopes Hillary was going to lay out a clear path for us but I'm not sure I hear enough for comfort. Low taxes (esp. for middle & upper classes) are still way too low but she didn't convince me she has a timetable for raising rates and seemed wishy washy on how high she's willing to go. Please tell me she really is going to fix our dangerous low tax problems. Sure hope she isn't just a Trump dressed in sheeps clothing.

    • Hillary has promised to raise taxes on the wealthy, but I agree she needs to focus on the middle class too, as they still pay way too little. If you're unsure about her policies, check out her website, where she covers her plan for America in detail, including her 100-day jobs plan that will create millions of good-paying jobs for women and minorities in the green energy sector.

    • My effective tax rate is 28-32%. For $100 I make, I only keep $72-$68. I am middle class. How much more do you think they should take? 40 or 50%? 70-80%? How much will be enough to solve your problems?

      If you think the "rich" are not paying enough taxes, how about simplifying and fixing the tax code? Do you realize when they (e.g. Bill and Hillary) pass tax law, they write in loop holes? Why do you want to keep passing laws when the real issue is the current laws are inadequate? It's a band-aid on band-aid on a band-aid? Don't YOU want to keep MORE of the MONEY YOU are making?

      FYI, Trump has never passed legislation. He simply uses the same loop holes at the Clintons.

      • Under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 90%, during one of the greatest economic expansions our country has ever experienced. You can afford to pay more! What are you doing with that 72-68%? Some of that could be used to help struggling women and minorities!

        • I donate my time and my money to Habitat for Humanity and my church which donates food to food pantries. What are you doing with your money?

          • Does that church promote conservative views that hurt women and minorities? If so, then you're doing more harm than good. Christian churces also promote Islamaphobia and refuse to be inclusive of other religions. Check your privilege.

            I pay enough taxes - conservative white males need to pay more.

    • Exactly. Low taxes deny adequate defense spending leaving women and POC most vulnerable to Russian spying and aggression. High taxes will allow Hillary to rebuild our much needed nuclear arsenal that Bush dismantled. Since we all know Hillary will need to use these atom bombs very soon to punish Putin it is critical we raise taxes now. Most accredited media agree Hillary's most important task will be conquering Russia and progressives expect her to nuke them early and often.

    • Explain yourself please. How can you say women and minorities are hit the hardest? When they raise taxes it INCLUDES everyone? It does not exclude white men.

      • Oh, come on. It's obvious even to a 10 year old that tax cuts deprive women and POC of badly needed jobs, education and healthcare. Tax increases bring higher paying jobs and prosperity to all. This is first grade economics.

      • White men have the most privilege in society and therefore earn the most. Tax cuts disproportionately reward white men while taking away tax dollars from women and minorities who rely on government assistance.

        • Yes. Census data - I have a link - clearly shows whites in 16th place, trailing Nigerians, Syrians, Filipinos, Japanese, Taiwanese, and a bunch of other ethnicities. Indians are at the top in the US, earning on average a household income of over $100,000.

          WHITE privilege. We need to put a stop to this.

  • OMG, this is also very racist thinking. What better way to ensure that minorities have a much more difficult time of joining the ranks of the wealthy and powerful than high income taxes to slow down or even stop their wealth accumulation. Without a doubt, the best way to keep the power concentrated at the top in the hands of white males is high-income tax rates.

      • Not much longer and Hillary can use the 1st Ammendment to shutdown those liars for good and put their so-called "reporters" in prison, along with Trump himself.

    • Most of the high earners are white males though, so it affects them the most. And Hillary is planning to provide good-paying jobs to allow minorities and women to enter the middle class. When the middle and upper classes are balanced ethnically and gender wise, we can then review the tax code.

      • Excuse me, MDB, but I must caution you on this one. It will be wonderful when women & minorities are equal to whites. However, that will be exactly the wrong time to think of lowering taxes or you risk undoing all the hard earned gains and reverting those same women and minorities back to poverty from which they came. When parity is achieved is when taxes need to go even HIGHER to ensure equality is permanent.

        I must also ask why you do not include gays, lesbians, transsexual and muslim populations as well? Do they not also deserve equality and government protection from low-tax whites as well?

        • If oppressed groups become high earners, it would be wrong to take their hard-earned wealth. That's THEIR WEALTH that they earned through hard work and overcoming whitete privilege and oppression. We simply cannot take that money away from them!

  • It's one of the favorite tricks of the right wing 'activists' to twist everything upside down and pretend that the modern banking system is slavery rather than tax cuts. Thank you to set the record straight

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