Why The Public Sector Beats the Private Sector


When it comes to efficiency, fairness, and worker’s rights, the public sector outperforms the private sector hands down, almost every time. There is absolutely no denying that the most important services that Americans value the most, are provided by the government: education, policing, a safety net for the poor, and protecting the nation against terrorists. It’s hard to think of a single private sector product or service that matches these in terms of importance. The private sector, on the other hand, is only concerned with profit, and satisfying peoples’ petty, superficial desires. Do we really need another iPhone, or another pair of shoes? The vulgar wastefulness and lack of priority we see in the private sector, is what happens when a system is only concerned about money, and nothing else.

The Public Sector Can Do Things That Don’t Depend on Profit

Unlike the private sector, the public sector is not singularly concerned with making money. Instead, its primary goal is serving the American people. Private companies will only offer a product or service in order to get paid for it, not because they actually care about their customers, or believe in a higher moral cause. The public sector however, does things out of a duty to the American people and the country as a whole. This is why the public sector is willing to offer services like protecting the environment, preventing financial fraud, and offering free housing to single mothers. The public sector is able to fill the void left by the private sector, because it is free from the constraints of the profit motive.

The Public Sector Takes Care of Its Employees

Compensation packages for government workers are far more generous than what is offered by the private sector. Public employees make an average of $84,153, per year, 78% more than the measly private sector average of $56,350. Government pensions also stand head and shoulders above their private sector counterparts, often paying each worker’s final salary for the rest of his or her life. Almost nowhere in the private sector can you find a deal like that – in fact in many cases, private sector companies don’t even provide a pension scheme. Government workers also retire earlier, and report far more lenient work hours and a better work-life balance.

The Public Sector Promotes Equality

Private companies make decisions based purely on the profit motive and personal prejudice, without consideration for equality and fairness. Thus, in the private sector, inequality tends to rise, as only those who can best help maximize profits for the very rich are lifted up in society, leaving those less fortunate where they started, with little opportunity to move up in the world. The private sector also has no believe in equality, and has a clear bias for hiring white men over women and minorities, despite studies showing that there are now more women and minorities in college than ever before. The public sector values diversity, and puts its money where its mouth is when it comes to hiring women and minorities. All government departments have strict quotas for hiring disadvantaged groups in society, helping to actively solve the problem of inequality.

The Public Sector Values Education

College graduates are often dismissed by the private sector if their degree is not to the liking of the company, or they do not possess the exact skills or aptitudes necessary to be productive right away. This creates a vicious cycle, where graduates cannot find work, and therefore cannot gain the skills or experience required for the work. What’s worse, private sector employers are happy to employ people without even a college degree to their name, simply because they ‘like’ the candidate for other reasons. The public sector puts education first, and offers college graduates the jobs they deserve, allowing them to learn on the job and build their skills and resume.

Lessons For the Future

A better future undoubtedly depends on a stronger public sector. The private sector is the source of much of the inequality we see today, and only the public sector has the will and the means to bridge that gap. We need to elect congressmen and senators that understand the importance of a strong public sector, so that we can continue to advance progressive values in America, and build a freer, happier, safer society for our children and grandchildren.

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  1. i am speechless, what nonsense you can think up.. But I should have known, nobody reads your drivel…

    • This is the right wing version of the onion. This is from million dollar bonus from zero hedge lol. Enjoy.

      His first few months were the most hilarious ever

  2. I sometimes see comments critical of this government accredited news source.

    We need to advocate for a government program to educate and accredit posters before they are allowed to comment on the internet.

    If they were better educated and accredited they would realize their criticisms were invalid

    • Yes @Dude, I agree. I should really ban all of these people, but because I’m kind-hearted and would like to educate them, I tolerate their ignorance for the greater good. But they are most certainly NOT Accredited.

  3. This article helped me realize that the only solution to inequality and unfairness is to continue to expand the public sector and continue to decrease the size and power of the private sector until it is small enough to drown in a bathtub

    • The ultimate goal is to transfer most, if not all, functions of the private sector to the public sector. But since there is a lot of irrational opposition to this, we have to do it in increments. There will probably be a lot of pain along the way, but they’ll understand in the end that it’s for their own good.

      • The private sector does work.

        Some businesses in the private sector do great things that benefit society. To reward these businesses, the government should support them by showering them with tax credits and other incentives.

        On the other hand, most businesses in the private sector are nothing but a drain on society. They should be taxed and highly regulated to prevent them from spreading like a cancer onto its captive victims.